Reviews from

in the past

Fun mix of minigames to run through in short bursts and the game's goofy cast of characters and the weird music only strengthen the product.

A great collection of short games with wacky art style and characters. A good deal of the games are timing and reflex based, but are fairly easy to learn.

Swapping erratically between simplistic microgames makes for a surprisingly intriguing experience, and the game has plenty of personality to back this concept up

Great introduction to the idea of taking the gimmick of a Nintendo console and having you master the elements of the system.

Yooooooo!!!!!!! This was incredibly fun

Fun first entry into the WarioWare series. Criminally short, however and some of the microgames don't age well in terms of lack of direction. Even on my third or fourth time, sometimes some directions made no sense as compared to later entries in the series where it's always fast and frantic, but not utterly confusing. Liked the art style and music, and glad I finally got to playing it.

Fun little game on GBA and a start of a great series.

Kurzweiliger Spaß für zwischendurch. Die Kampagne ist zwar sehr kurz, aber der Wiederspielwert ist dafür sehr hoch. Gelungener Auftakt in eine geniale Microgame-Reihe.

So endlessly entertaining and easy to pick up that it’s pretty much perfect for anyone who doesn’t actively hate computer games.

Read the ful review.

I was surprised at how good and funny it was. I appreciate how much there is to unlock. It got old fast though.

aesthetically the best waryo wayre

WarioWare Inc. was the beginning of the WarioWare franchise, where you played micro-games in a short amount of time. And MAN it's fun. I feel like any installment of WarioWare can be fun, but i guess some are better than others. I have collected everything in this game except for the Grid Flowers, as i don't think it's really worth my time unless i'm on a trip somewhere and i can pass the time. It's worth checking out any WarioWare game, but if you don't know where to start, this one is perfect!

Tiene mecánicas que se repiten en varios minijuegos distintos, pero al margen de eso es un juego divertidísimo y absurdo a más no poder. Las intros de las fases son ORO

Woah! This was awesome! The micro games were fun, the pacing was intense, the artstyle is great, and the music is very good!

O início da minha franquia favorita da Nintendo! E provavelmente um dos mais difíceis dela.

WarioWare is a genius series, and I can't say enough good things about this game and most of the games that came after.

I'm nostalgic for the bitcrushed music

This was my go-to pick up and play game for trips for YEARS

crazy concept that is incredible to play, very charming

I've always had a soft spot for WarioWare so it was neat to return to the original. You can tell that they didn't master the variety or readability of the microgames until later, but the the tone and creativity was there from the start.

It's the one that started it all! WarioWare is a series of games that consist of microgames that you complete in rapid succession, each one consisting of three to five seconds of a quick action. This game started it all with Wario because the people at Nintendo made this game and had the idea first and were like "what character can we make this game for" and they decided on Wario because he's "an idiot and always doing stupid things". Love that.

So we have Wario and we're also introduced to a handful of new characters. There's a taxi driving dog, a girl who works at an ice cream shop who hates cops, a dancing clown man with an afro, two ninja girls, and a little boy who loves retro games. As you play through the game your success helps them through their own self contained stories. Some are better than others but they're ultimately just vehicles to get you to play more microgames.

Each character level consists of 15 to 25 microgames and you have a total of four mistakes allowed before you fail. These stages all end with significantly longer (maybe a minute or two tops) boss stages that are all unique for each character and are usually a bit more involved. Levels can also consist of microgames from previous levels that switch things up a bit by presenting in the same way but having you perform different actions. It's actually a clever twist on things to keep players on their toes along with stages increasing the pace as you progress through them.

Ultimately a neat concept and fun little thing. Not very challenging though and maybe an hour long? The game cover boasts "Infinite Fun!" which maybe children got out of it being amused by just repeating levels because they're bad? I dunno. I went through the story and played the infinite mini games like the one where you jump rope forever or skateboarding as 9-Volt and avoiding obstacles. I even played the two player ones against myself which I thought was neat that they made functional two player versus mini games played locally on one handheld. It all worked well! There's also like an endless mode where it just keeps throwing the microgames at you marathon style until you lose or get bored. I was already kinda done by the time I got to this so it was whatever. Not really enough variation in the games to keep me enthralled.

I'm thankful for this game mostly for its style. The music is good and the characters are all unique and fun. Unfortunately I'm playing this game 20 years after it came out and I've played other arguably better WarioWare games in that time so my perception of this is all warped and I basically played it to appreciate the origins of a thing I enjoy even though gameplay was mostly just going through the motions. Still amusing enough though. If you never played this series before, it's the perfect place to start but I can't imagine going back other than for nostalgia.

Anyway, there's no Ashley in this game so 0/10 tbh

pues un juegazo con mini juegos tan chorras como divertidos nada malo solo un pelín corto

Esse jogo foi uma surpresa enorme. Simples e ultra divertido, ótimo pra jogar quando estiver no tédio numa fila de lotérica.

ADHD: the game. Wacky and wild with the different kinds of microgames that show up, and something you can breeze through in a day. Gameplay is overall alright, but the charm and bonus content bump it up that extra point. Mad respect to the Kat level for having all its text be untranslated Japanese.