Reviews from

in the past

Last in the Smackdown VS Raw series and arugably its peak built on everything from the previous games in good ways, had a myriad of features. But the one thing I liked most, was slamming people onto weapons like ladders and stairs and how the wrestler's bodies would react in different ways. Sounds silly, but this the game where the reactions were the best and just really added to the experience for me. Definitely one of my most played wrestling games.

I played this game on my friend's ps2 and it was a good game and then I played on my psp but graphics are sucks and also it has some bug.

Wasted so much hours in this game back in the day. Road to Wrestlemania was the shit.

a great wreslting game and it really shows in its presentation. thq went crazy with this game.

excesivas horas dedicadas a este juego de video pero es que la verdad es que era buenisimo. tremendisima fumada era el road to wrestlemania contra el undertaker


Man, the memories I have from this game😭. The story mode and the matches I had with people were crazy

i spent more time making characters than i did actually playing the game but i still have a lot of good memories of it with my little sister

Hands down the best WWE game, don't ask me to elaborate. I won't. (it's because of the career mode)

Playing this game makes me really nostalgic about the product at the time. ( even though it was starting to go downhill) This game.... It definitely has issues, many are just glitches in gameplay or sound design.

When playing the Road to WrestleMania mode, there's a mechanic where you can fight other superstars backstage for points. These points are for upgrading your stats to help you progress in the mode a little bit easier. Man do these battles have sound issues, sometimes Irish whipping your opponent into the wall or an object may not even register a sound. Sometimes punches don't either.

The main portion of the game where you are in actual matches can sometimes have this issue but it's few and far between. Speaking of the previous mode I mentioned "Road to WrestleMania" there are some matches with stipulations that take SO LONG to complete its ridiculous. For example in John Cena's"Road to WrestleMania" there is a tag team natch between you and MVP vs Legacy (Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibease Jr) where the stipulation is to hit both of your finishers on Randy Orton and also win the match. Seems doable right?

Maybe because my game is on hard mode but this match took at least 45 minutes to complete due to the AI almost never switching in Randy Orton to fight regardless of how injured Cody Rhodes and Dibease were. There was even a point where the match completely glitched on me and I couldn't tag my partner and neither could the AI. I had to hit my finisher again and then everything went back to normal. The game has wonky hit detection at times as well, there has been plenty of times where I've actually hit enemies BEHIND me from a forward moving attack. Using the tables in this game is also a hassle since whipping them into a table doesn't work anymore.

Don't get me wrong the game can be fun at times but it's just plagued with glitches galore

I got this for PSP and had a crisis.

Edge and Christian ruling the WWE Universe is the only canon I accept.


Only fond memories of messing around in Universe mode. Some crazy hackers online. Some dude spoiled PPV results for me in a public game.

It's a funny game. A must play with friends in split coop or versus.

This one surprised me. Better than expected after the previous two disappointing entries.
While I didn't care much for the roster at this time I did appreciate the gameplay and presentation upgrades. Weapon (table/ladder) physics were great and the game finally looked like a sports game once more. Story designer is back and greatly improved offering you endless creativity options in combination with returning paint tool, create a wrestler and superstar threads to edit the main roster. I really got to shape my own universe and it was very enjoyable. In-game story modes don't hold a candle to Smackdown season modes but you have a universe mode to keep you busy.
Sadly online modes are gutted now which sucks, but were fun for the time.

This is probably the WWE game my friends and I played the most back when we were really into those shows. I bought a 4-player adapter specifically for this game so we could play 4-way matches and things like that.

Even though I neither own the game or console anymore, I still have that Memory Card somewhere in a box where each of us made ourselves as a wrestler in the "create a wrestler" thing, which always took forever to do. I also remember making Michael Cole as a wrestler because I loved the stupid feud between him and Jerry Lawler that happened for a while around that time. I also remember making my favorite teacher from school at the time a wrestler, and he was pretty dang strong as well.
And even the abundance of glitches in this game made for a lot of memorable moments.

Good times.

Rey mysterio mora em meu coração

The only problem i have with this, is that 1 finisher is 100% a win, matches end too soon, but everything else is fantastic, RTWM storylines here are great, Universe Mode was a much needed addition, graphics are great, gameplay is super fun; masterpiece

For a very long time, I thought this was the last great wrestling game. As a PS2 owner, this was the best way to say goodbye to the best years of WWE games we ever had. Bigger and better in every aspect. I played this game to the point where the disc got too scratched to play. Twice.

undertaker gave me nightmares, based

fun. all the wwe games are more or less the same

i never forget the desillusion when i discovered that all was a lie :(((

i have made things in this game that would make god quake in fear

How come this is still the best that weapon physics have been in a wrestling game?

Crazy roster and good gameplay, thq left with a bang