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First half was a solid little puzzle story with likable characters and a charming anime art style. The puzzles aren't particularly hard but they are fun enough to work through. I enjoyed how the mystery slowly unfolded and the thematic parelells with the two main characters.

Second half of the game was not very good, there were hardly any puzzles and you just run from point A to point B to talk to people. I don't even mind visual novels, but I signed up for a mystery with puzzles to solve. I personally thought the story in the second part wasn't as tightly woven as the first part either. Overall, half satisfying and half disappointing game.

An excellent Adventure series for beginners and I don't mean that in a condescending way. The puzzles never truly get tough but I think the engaging story of both of the games make up for it.

I'm so happy to have finally been able to play the second game. Its a shame that Nintendo of America passed on releasing it back in 2009 but they really redeemed themselves in releasing this remake physically.

Los dos juegos en general se ven muy bonitos y la banda sonora lo acompaña genial. La historia cojea a veces pero ambos juegos tienen un final muy satisfactorio, y todos los personajes se hacen de querer.

Lo único que no me convence de ambos juegos, sobretodo del segundo, es la poca cantidad de puzles y su facilidad.

A pesar de ser juegos con más texto que gameplay, se disfrutan mucho y tienen la duración perfecta. Cuando los terminas te dejan una impresión muy agradable.

• Ai, achei tão lindo. A Ashley é uma protagonista MUITO carismática, e eu amei acompanhar o desenvolvimento dela nos dois jogos.

• Gráficos LINDOS, a trilha sonora também é fenomenal, especialmente a do segundo jogo.

• Originalmente eu ia dar 4 estrelas, mas o segundo jogo é TÃO bom e TÃO cativante! A gameplay se mantém praticamente a mesma do primeiro, mas a história é elevada a outro patamar, com momentos muito emocionantes e um elenco de personagens interessante que fazem você se apegar.

• Mesmo os puzzles sendo bem simples, eles ainda são bem divertidos. Adorei explorar a mansão e Lake Juliet.

• Primeiro jogo que zerei no switch! 😍

suuuuuch a good remake

there’s definitely parts of the original games that i prefer, but i think this is definitely a good introduction to the series for new players

100% recommend playing the originals afterwards tho

A remake I didn't think I would ever see come about. The original game is a welcome expansion given how short it was on DS. I never played Another Code R before but I loved it here, though I learned about the massive amount of rewriting in its back half that makes me wanna play the original sometime. I also think they sanded down the puzzles a bit too much given what I remember about the DS original and what I heard about R's Wii puzzles.

I really REALLY hope we see a Kyle Hyde duology remaster

El juego tiene algunos problemas en el gameplay y en los gráficos pero es que todo el resto del juego es precioso y es increíble 👏👏👍👍

Richard wasn't a very good dad, I don't think.

I'm happy this saw a release, yet still conflicted about both these remakes. They're budget titles but look good where they need to, mainly with character models. The mysteries were compelling even if the stories themselves weren't excellent overall (the sequel especially has a bit of annoying teen drama).

Seeing as these games target a younger audience, the puzzles are about as easy as the originals, but I wish there weren't so fewer puzzles than before. Another disappointment is that the gameplay doesn't take advantage of the Switch as Cing did wiht the DS and Wii. It's a lovely tribute, nonetheless.

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I really liked the vibe of the first game, but the second one didn't appeal to me at all, even so I decided to keep playing to see the story fully.

Sadly at one point of the game there is a puzzle where you have to rotate the switch and it made the Botw equivalent look fun, so I decided to drop the game and look at the rest of the story on youtube.

If not for the second game I would gave it 3,5 stars, but wasn't in the mood for a game that stops you from playing just because the gyroscope sucks.

D'abord deux jeux (un au lancement de la DS et un autre sur Wii) la série Another Code est aujourd'hui rassemblée en une seule aventure, sur Switch, retapée de fonds en comble et avec doublage intégral (en anglais et japonais).
D'abord côté graphismes, transposer la vue de dessus pixelisée de Another Code - Mémoires Doubles en jeu 3D pour la Switch, c'était un bon défi, globalement relevé. Another Code R - Les Portes de la Mémoire, lui, le redesign n'était pas forcément nécessaire, mais cela veille à avoir une parfaite cohérence visuelle de l'univers de la série, et les déplacements latéraux du jeu Wii laissent place à des zones 3D. Si le chara design est vraiment bien rendu, côté environnements du jeu on est beaucoup plus sur un rendu sommaire mais fonctionnel. C'est joli mais si on commence à regarder en détail on constate bien que c'est assez criard.
Pour les puzzles, les deux jeux ont été revus, tirant parti des possibilités de son nouveau support. Le DAS (la console d'Ashley, son couteau-suisse de Sherlock en herbe) remplit toutes les fonctions possibles pour que l'héroïne puisse avancer dans son aventure. Les puzzles ne font pas retourner le cerveau, mais amènent de la réflexion plutôt bienvenue, même si on aurait aimé un peu plus de variétés dans les énigmes.
Et même si on pourrait avoir l'impression de ligne droite pour l'histoire, qui du coup se scinde en deux parties (une pour chaque jeu), elle tient en haleine pour découvrir et comprendre la quête d'Ashley, de ses souvenirs et de sa famille. Un bien beau voyage, terni à mon sens par quelques aléas à vouloir mettre beaucoup de thèmes ou d'idées dedans, mais qui réserve des moments forts.
Si tout n'est pas parfait, la dizaine/douzaine d'heures de jeu est vraiment un beau moment. La série est sublimée avec son remake graphique, mais aurait mérité davantage de travail du côté des énigmes. On ne boude cependant pas une si belle aventure d'Ashley, et on garde espoir que l'ex-détective Kyle Hyde...

A masterpiece of story-telling, what can I say? Both of the stories together tell such a beautiful tale about overcoming trauma, and facing the truths that we want to avoid so badly. An insanely satisfying narrative with a really good mystery at its core.

A gorgeous puzzle adventure game with a compelling plot. Short and sweet despite encompassing two games

The game was very enjoyable, we follow Ashley figuring out interesting mysteries! The remaster is really nice, the graphics are visually attractive! And the enigmas are accessible

A surprisingly niche choice for a remaster release, these 2 adventures had been on my wish list to try since the original release on DS & Wii

Recollection is an impressive upgrade to the original DS game, feeling more like a full remake than remaster. It does feel a touch more generic on Switch - with a few DS specific puzzles replaced.

The sequel, fares a little worse in the package - fighting a slower pace and seemingly less puzzle focused game. Although released on better hardware, the larger outdoor areas have not aged as well as the mansion from the first game.

Overall, it’s nice to have both games available on a modern console.

On one hand, I'm glad that Nintendo is diving deeper into their more niche games from their past and bringing them back in some form. However, I felt pretty done with this game after the Trace Memory part, and the direction the Journey Into Lost Memories half goes in just came off as kind of dumb to me. Lots of weird sci-fi anime bullshit that ends up as sappy and failing to grip me emotionally unlike the first half. Also could have used some editing too, because Jesus Christ do some of the later chapters go full Kojima and just shove exposition down your throat. It also has this whole band drama aspect to it that felt like filler more than anything and doesn't really pay off all that well.

With that said, I wouldn't say it isn't worth playing. The story is mostly interesting and the mysteries are fun to unravel. Puzzles are pretty basic, although I'll fully admit I did have to use the in-game hint system for one that I think was pretty stupid, but I probably could have solved it by myself if I wasn't being impatient. Apparently, a lot of the more interesting aspects of the DS and Wii versions were removed here due to not having those respective consoles' controller gimmicks, which is a shame.

I'm glad I finally got to play this pair of games in some way, especially since one of them never was localized to America. Overall though, it's just okay at best. If you want to play a good pair of story heavy adventure games on the Switch, I'd honestly recommend the Famicom Detective Club remakes over this.

Como remake empeora el primero (también porque era buenísimo), pero mejora el segundo (se ahorran bastante paja que había en su momento y cambian cosas de la historia en la recta final, aunque sigue siendo muy fumada).
Para mi, lo peor son los puzzles, ya que los han simplificado mucho y pocos merecen la pena. Se entiende que los originales usaban mucho el hardware y es algo que no se puede replicar en Switch, pero aún así, se notan muy simplones.
De todas maneras, muy contento de haber revivido estas dos aventuras.

I was drawn to this one chiefly because of its artstyle and, in that way, it did not disappoint~ liked the character designs quite a bit and the in-game models were pretty good too. The music is also quite good and atmospheric.

I have more mixed feelings in regards to the story and gameplay. The Two Memories story of the first game was frankly disappointing. Maybe I've played too many of these types of games, but the "mysteries" were blatantly obvious to me and Ashley's naivete throughout was irksome. Granted she is just a teenage girl and not a lawyer or detective or anything, but I was like "c'mon girl, no way you're this dumb" ^^""" lol. I finished this part of the story in less than 6 hours and was left feeling pretty "meh" by the end. Had it not automatically transitioned into Journey Into Lost Memories, I probably would have dropped it right there. But I persisted and luckily, the second game is an improvement in basically all the ways. It has a larger cast, bigger setting to explore and I think the writing was significantly stronger too. Some things were still obvious, but there were bigger and more enticing surprises. It also had more emotional payoff though admittedly I was very annoyed by the plot point of Ashley's father being a deadbeat ^^""

Gameplay-wise... the puzzles were not challenging at all even if they didn't give you hints that basically told you the answers to them, lol. But then, I didn't necessarily mind that - progression was laid back and chill throughout. Implementing motion controls into the puzzles was... not the best decision they could have made. It felt rather janky and frustrating, but thankfully there weren't too many motion-based puzzles to ruin the vibes.

Overall, I'd say I liked this one mostly thanks to the second game of the duology. It was a nice game to curl up and relax with even if there's nothing particularly mindblowing about it.

Golly gee whilikers I sure do love forced motion controls.

[From Media Thread]

A perfect remake of two perfect games, one of which I’ve experienced for the first time. A few things were retconned here and there but not to the point where the experience was hindered. See you soon Kyle Hyde... (I hope :3)

ta bien pa pasar el rato, aunque el pacing del segundo me parece que se draggea demasiado, además de que al final la historia tiene tantos twists, turns, y tantas fechas que acordarse que te lia un poco.. aparte de eso ha estado bien es fun

Haven't played the originals, so I don't know how these measure up to the Wii and DS games, but there's a palpable heart to these games that is the je ne sais quoi that binds it all together. And that indescribable sauce is really why you should play it if you're at all interested. The vibes are just spectacular. The music is eerie, but comforting as well.

The character writing is pretty sharp. Ashley feels really believable especially in the transition between the two games.

The game obviously isn't perfect. These are clearly low-budget. The character models get the budget where the environments don't get the same attention. Honestly though, it's presentation overall is charming in that it reminds me that games like this used to come out on the regular in the 2000s before AA games and cheap, small handhelds went away.

The puzzles are easy and the stories are simple but effective. The second one is a little less cohesive, but it ends quite poignantly.

I appreciate these games a lot, overall. It's awesome that Nintendo is willing to bring back largely forgotten games like these.

It's a great revisit that makes me hungry for a Hotel Dusk remake. Let's do it!

The remakes polishes everything up to a modern B-game’s bar, and it’s boring as hell. Everything moves so slowly with the new comic book-style cutscene framing and the script is just so limp and bland that an increased level of performance for it is flat-out worse. The distinctive feel of the original is now just a bog-standard third person walking around game with no flair. Genuinely sad.

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Is that a fucking callback to hotel dusk

Currently playing through this right now!

sehr enttäuschend.. komplette Interaktivität entfernt.. naja aber die Musik ganz nett :-)

I tried playing the original a while ago, but it lacked so many quality-of-life features that I ended up dropping it. Though a number of fans seem displeased with some of the changes and cut puzzles, I really enjoyed it! Simple, relaxing puzzles a soapy story, melancholic atmosphere, all as a mystery unravels. It has some plot holes, but if you can look past them it's a chill time.

Character models look great, although the backgrounds feel underbaked. The English voice acting is god-awful, so definitely switch to the Japanese, unless you are looking for a Shenmue-level so bad its good experience. Overall its a solid remake, if not the definitive way to play the game. For those that are interested in the original but don't want mess with the DS version, this is a good way to play through it. For long time fans, I would just go in with some lower expectations.

Now the second game is, the second is... well it's a meandering mess of a game that I ended up giving up on about four hours in. Honestly, it's a sequel that never should have happened and it shows by how much they attempted to cut down the original wii game in this collection.

Constant pointless cutscenes, infrequent dull puzzles, too many characters, incredibly ugly environments, a stilted, awkward story structure and so many other issues. The only thing I liked is that Ashley actually has more of a character in this one. Its definitely cool to try a game that never released in the U.S., but I wouldn't expect to finish the second game, its more of a curiosity.

A cozy game of low stakes and personal journeys.

Honestly, it's a pretty middling game. The puzzles were too easy. The default camera settings were set by a monster and the walking speed drove me insane.

But the game oozes a curious amount of charm. The characters are likeable and their relationships with each other were believable. The story wasn't groundbreaking but enjoyable. The game looks and sounds great.

I love that Nintendo has been reviving some of their long dead IPs. Can we get Hotel Dusk remake next please?