Reviews from

in the past

This game introduced me to gay marriage.

The hair option with the most attractiveness is bald because Peter Molyneux is bald

When Peter Molyneux promises you a game that will give you "absolute freedom," expect a very bland, boring, limited game with fewer options for how to live your character's life than a fucking farming sim.

For how much time I spent playing this game at the time, I don't really have a lot to say about it one way or another. I remember it feeling ahead of its time, but nowadays it can feel small and restrictive.

Ultimately I don't think there's much to be gained from playing Fable for the first time now, but if you have any nostalgia for this game it will still nicely scratch that itch.

Chicken chaser... Do you chase chickens?

Try to get your combat multiplier even higher

Passa uma vibe meio Shrek só isso a comentar

every game protagonist should wear union jack underwear imo

Flawed and probably not as fun as I remember, but very charming.

Never owned it, but played it at my brother's (who had an original X-Box from day one).

Prolly not as good as i remember

doing this escort mission, brainlessly whacking bad dudes with a sword for 15 minutes, one of the guys dies, go back 15 minutes, uninstall

Played this game more than most, there are some actions that will keep you from doing a 100% run so I will say that was annoying to me, but this game is one of the most memorable games I played where there was strong balance, and the boast system was so cool I feel that Fable II and III were totally fumbled considering where this game was.

according to fable divorcing ur wife is more evil than sacrificing her to an evil demon god

jack of blades remains one of the all time coolest villains in a game that guy was just oozin evil

In a crowded field, manages to carve its own path. It commits to its own values and its own unique aesthetic and, flaws and all, ends up being an unforgettable experience.

The perfect "this was a great game when I was 12" game.

Fable is a relic of a begotten time, a game that I'm not sure would be as successful if introduced now yet extremely entertaining in 2004. In a rich and quirky world filled with the legendary British style of humour, you become a hero (of sorts) in a land where things have clearly gone awry. Questions and occurrences that gauge your morality are filled all throughout Fable which sees your character go from child to adult, how will you respond to the threat facing the land?

I liked it like a neat little game, didn't realized that Molyneux was already controversial at the time of it's release

At the time, this was cutting edge. It hasn’t aged well but the memories I have playing it will last me a lifetime. Based.

For how many fantasy RPGs there are out there, this does a really good job at creating its own formula that works while differentiating from the masses. It can be ridiculous although I'm not exactly complaining, it certainly adds to the charm. It's a shame what ended up happening to Lionhead Studios, as much as I'm not the biggest fan of Fable 3.

In retrospect, this game is a bit shallow in terms of RPG elements. Buuuut it's hard to say that's something to its detriment, as it made it an extremely good RPG for younger audiences. Since I played this game when I was like 8, it left a really big impression on me and hooked me in a way that Morrowind couldn't. Of course I now regard Morrowind as a better game overall, but there's something to be said for Fable's way of introducing people to how choices could affect gameplay in RPGs.

Although it may feel clunky and antiquated by todays standards, the original Fable remains a landmark of fantasy RPGs as it delivers one of the purest and most charming fairytale stories to ever have been put to game. Featuring memorable music, characters and locations, all interwoven perfectly by a fantastically witty and whimsical script that soon came to define the whole series.

My only major gripe is with the combat and how it makes the game a slog to get through and near unplayable if it were not for the spells. Given the tutorials during the prologue, it is clear Lionhead had ambitions to employ 3 distinct classes for players to experiment with, but unfortunately when it comes to combat, the game seems to be forcefully nudging you towards a spell/sword playstyle to avoid making half the game torturous with its auto-blocking enemies with nearly instantaneous knock-down attacks.

And although simplistic now, all the RPG mechanics simmered throughout, such as marriage, pub games, drinking, and buying properties, go a long way to making the game feel alive and breathing, and although these were all fleshed out further in later entries, it is great to see where it all started. This game may feel old, but it still feels ahead of its time for 2004.

My favourite thing about Fable has to be all the funny little item descriptions and headstone engravings though, they never fail to make me laugh.

Do YOU have any potions? Food?

I love this game. This was another summer game with my sister. It's just goofy and a good time.

Verrry gute ich libe dise bruda :))))