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in the past

Wow, this is an odd one, especially for someone who actually enjoys FFXII.
The vibe in Revenant Wings is very different. It's rather your typical JRPG than the political intrigue Matsuno usually comes up with when he creates an Ivalice game, making Vaan even more front and center of the focus. I'm not too fond of the new cast, but I liked the focus on the sky pirate shenanigans and some of the moments were genuinely good.
It's kinda weird how this game is an RTS and the basics are really good actually, it's just a shame that the DS leaves some handy things criminally absent like custom party hotkeys or just double clicking a certain unit to control all of them simultaneously. Also the clicking on certain units (either your own party or the enemies) can be rather finicky.
I do appreciate however that this game extends on the lore and even though the music is re-used from FFXII it's actually impressive that it sounds so good on the DS. The difficulty and some of the matches could be really unfair or frustrating at times, so I actually shifted to watching the rest on YouTube halfway through.

I'm probably not gonna replay this one, even though it's an interesting idea and there is a lot to like here. If you're better at RTS than me or just have a better hand with touch controls the gameplay might actually be a positive in your book.

Just finished this in my journey to try and play DS and 3DS games that I want to revisit. Originally, I got this when it came out, but bounced off of it due to its difficulty for younger me. I picked it up again and secured a copy of the Brady Games strategy guide. It’s fun and an interesting exploration of the Ivalice of FF XII. The mechanics are solid, but my gripe is that the key to success is in the strategy, not necessarily in the tactics. It felt to me like making the correct choices in preparing for a level was more important than my tactical choices once I was playing that level. Still, impressive that something in the level of the DS can support this game, which also might be one of the best looking games in the DS too.

This game is low rated here?? I thought the gameplay was really pretty good. I have to finish it, but I like some sequels with a completely different gameplay time to time. They can be risky, sure, but this one got it right imo.

It reminds me of Tactics (not a coincidence, taking place in Ivalice and all that) with a fresh fun RTS gameplay.

This game sure had a plot sometimes

Mon avis :
- On retrouve l'univers d'Ivalice & FF12
- Dans un STR sur DS ce qui est original !
- Le gameplay, bien que pas évident à transiter sur DS, est fort plaisant
- Le jeu a une durée de vie bien raisonnable, il est suffisamment bien équilibré même si simple la plupart du temps et puis soudainement un pic de difficulté très difficile a passer.
- 8/10 sur l'échelle du plaisir

Terrible decisión de género para esta plataforma.

- Los diálogos rezuman simpatía y resulta fácil encariñarte con los personajes, pese a ser en su mayoría los integrantes del insulso grupo de FFXII.
- Lleva la sobresaliente banda de FFXII a formato portátil.
- Comparte estética con FFTA2, que es infinitamente mejor juego que este.

- Implementar un juego de genero RTS en Nintendo DS era algo que podía salir mal, y, oh, sorpresa, sale mal.
- La velocidad de los personajes es ridículamente lenta. Entre enemigo y enemigo es fácil tener que mirar durante 10-15 segundos cómo la amalgama de muñecotes se va desplazando con serias dificultades motrices.
- La gestión de las unidades se convierte en un imposible ante la dificultad de control con una pantalla táctil tan pequeña, lo que provoca que simplemente vayas mandando al grupo entero a que ataque a los enemigos a diestro y siniestro.

This game isn't perfect, but it's an excellent tactical RTS with a beautiful story and engaging characters. Final Fantasy's RPG elements are combined with tactical gameplay to create a simple to understand entryway into the tactical RPG genre. The difficulty can be frustrating at times, but manageable as long as you know what you're doing. The one thing I wouldn't recommend is going for 100% completion, as doing so requires hours of grinding, and activates a significant spike in difficulty. Don't come in expecting the next mainline Final Fantasy title, and you'll have a good time.

played this game all the way up to chapter 9 before abandoning it. i liked some of it. both the pixel art and 3d environments are executed well. the yarhi pact system is probably the best thing about the game, and the reason i kept playing so long. it feels very close to being a decent RTS game, except for the fact that the actual RTS aspect of it absolutely sucks.

the undeniable best "strategy" for 95% of this game is to choose yarhi your opponents are weak to, then keep the entire party together and order them all to attack things as they very slowly traverse the map and hopefully win. this is not very fun or interesting, but controlling just one specific unit, or even a group of units quickly becomes very annoying, and you will likely lose precious seconds (or units) trying to execute commands. healing or buffing specific units is near impossible given how crowded the maps get during combat. ironically, a lot of this could have been alleviated with the gambit system from the original FFXII, but it's been reduced to a much less useful version: you get 1 gambit per character, and you can no longer set specific triggers for them.

i really wanted to enjoy this game, but there's only so far pixel art and a fondness for ivalice could take me. the combat is just not well designed enough for me to feel motivated to grind the extra levels and equipment that i clearly need to beat the last 2 chapters. plus i did not find myself invested in the story at all. this is much less disappointing to me than the combat, since i went in with realistic (low) expectations for the writing, but it's still a shame. & while i admittedly loved flying around the sky islands, it's kind of weird that the sequel to FFXII-- a game with a well established, massive world and lore that's only partially revealed during the game-- chose to instead make up a bunch of unrelated shit and set the game in the sky.

text by tim rogers



More shocking things have happened than Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings‘ not being a terrible videogame at all. What with all the breeding and inbreeding surrounding it, you’d think it would have no right to be anything other than complete trash. It’s a spinoff of a Final Fantasy game that “average gamers” hated despite its accidental brilliance; in the perfect world as represented by the Square-Enix corporate umbrella, the “niche gamers” that are able to find the genius in a game like Final Fantasy XII can go to hell and then die again. You’d think that if they were going to make a spinoff or a side-story, they’d also spray a thick layer of bullstuff all over it, to make it the same brand of zippers-and-pleather fetishism schlock that they make most of their money from these days. Not so — Square-Enix have decided to do the previously unthinkable, and respect their audience, though only in the most ham-handed way: they have graciously created the “Ivalice Alliance”, a brand name for videogames existing within the “Final Fantasy” brand name, which happen to take place in the mythical land of Ivalice, where lizard men and bunny girls politely obey the laws of combat and agility stat numbers as they fight for the future, where the music of Hitoshi Sakimoto, which is like a special kind of language developed to convey strategic thought, booms down from the sky at intense moments, or twitters in the background while generals are micromanaging troops. The “Ivalice Alliance” will no doubt eventually pop out an all-new Final Fantasy Tactics adventure; setting up a new brand name to house remakes and spinoffs is kind of &^#$#ed. At present, the brand is already off to a rolling start, with Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings and Final Fantasy Tactics: The Lion War, already released, and Final Fantasy Tactics A2 and Final Fantasy XII: International + Zodiac Job System on the way. I don’t know about “Job System” being in a game title, especially preceded by a mathematic symbol. It leaves kind of a weird aftertaste. It also makes me kind of thirsty for the inevitable day that someone makes a game title that contains a balanced equation.

At any rate, Revenant Wings is a shockingly not terrible game, for what it’s worth. You think it would play something like Kingdom Hearts without the Disney or Sephiroth, though I guess the 160-year-old man who makes the important business decisions (strike down innovation in the name of paying as few full salaries as possible) was out attending his grandson’s funeral or something, because someone decided to roll with the crazy idea to try to make this actually a good game.

It’s a real-time strategy game, sort of, though less like StarCraft and more like Ogre Battle. Final Fantasy XII was something original because it played kind of like Ogre Battle without all of the fading to black and auto-fighting. FFXII was producer Yasumi Matsuno’s way of trying to come to grips with his dream to create a numberless, dynamic, evolving role-playing adventure game, though Square’s desire to repress his more interesting ideas apparently sent him running. Matsuno is one of the few people in game design we can probably call a “genius”; he was without a doubt the most creatively talented person getting a monthly direct bank deposit from the Square-Enix corporation, or perhaps any Japanese videogame corporation. As convinced as I and we are that Matsuno can make a hell of a videogame if only someone would give him enough money and trust, we’re not about to say that Revenant Wings was doomed to be a horrible game just because Matsuno wasn’t involved.

It’s still a shock that it wound up not being terrible.

Someone with a couple more-than-interesting ideas threw them together, and here you have it. It’s a real-time strategy game that flows kind of like Final Fantasy XII; most of the missions take place indoors, which is quaint. It feels at times almost like Baldur’s Gate, though at many moments the truth shines in: the people who made this game never played Baldur’s Gate, maybe because Baldur’s Gate was never released in the Japanese language. In many ways, the game is free to do whatever it wants because of this pseudo-fact — just as the terrifyingly bad third-person shooter Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII was free to do whatever it wanted because none of its designers had apparently ever played a good shooting game. Where Dirge took the path to the dark side, Revenant takes the path to the light side. It’s a cute, pleasant little game, like Baldur’s Gate meets the stage-by-stage action-adventure spirit of one of those above-average side-scrollers on the Super Famicom.

The game makes nice use of the Nintendo DS touch screen for controlling your units. The bottom screen is the field screen; the top screen is a map; press the L or R button to reverse the two screens; with the map on the bottom screen, touch a location to go there. It’s pretty tight and fast. Almost too fast at times — there’s no speed setting option, and there’s no way to pause the battle and issue commands, which, come to think of it, is kind of inexcusable.

There’s plenty of pleasant brain-clutter all over the place: summon gates allow you to summon monsters; choose the types of monsters you want to be able to summon before the battle by forging a “Summon Deck”; assign the monsters to specific “leader” characters, click the leader character’s portrait at the top of the field screen to select that leader and all of his or her monsters. Pay careful mind to the types of opponents you’re fighting, so you know whom to send after whom. Magic units beat flying units, close-range units beat magic units, close-range units beat flying units. Position your healing units in the right spot on the battlefield to keep your troops living.

The battles get pretty hectic, and sometimes it’s kind of impossible to know what the hell is going on. The graphics are nice enough when you’re not relying on them to do your laundry, I guess. The backgrounds are some Xenogears-esque polygonal 3D, though the screen doesn’t rotate — early Weekly Famitsu articles depicted a little icon in the corner of the screen that you could tap to drag-rotate the map, though that would probably be the lifeboat that broke the battleship’s back, and render the game an unwieldy mess. Speaking of messy, the character sprites are kind of hard to make out, most of the time. When the screen isn’t actively discombobulating in the name of bitching 3D, the sprites are so “Vintage Final Fantasy” that it might make a man serene inside. Once things start moving, it gets confusing. At least the music is nicer than nice; it’s kind of funny how much post-Final Fantasy Tactics Hitoshi Sakimoto’s stuff sounds like it’d fit into Chrono Trigger when it’s rendered with the DS sound chip. The save menu music, in particular, is pretty sublime. During battle, you can hear some choice cuts from Final Fantasy XII now played with warmer, happier, more lovably handheld-feeling synthesizers.

In short, this game is cute and small and kind of easy and mostly good. There’s no two-player wireless versus or co-op mode, which is just plain not cool, though the one-player quest is a breezy and poppy and breathless story about dumb little kids on a dumb air-pirate-battling adventure on a floating continent; it never stops or stoops to pander, which, in this day and age, is utterly remarkable. You can open the menu between battles to unlock new summon monsters using crystals earned in battle, or to put new swords or armor on your troops, which mostly feels like busywork because the swords or armor are just things you find in the natural course of the missions, anyway, though for the most part, it all flows very well. It’s Square’s second attempt at a real-time strategy for the Nintendo DS, after Heroes of Mana, which was so easy that it felt vaguely wrong, like breaking into someone’s kitchen to eat leftovers out of their refrigerator while they’re upstairs watching TV in bed.

Square has flip-flopped back and forth between utter conviction that the DS is a piece of stuff and yen-sign-irised hope that at least a million of those ten million units sold might have found the hands of die-hard Final Fantasy fans. To wit: they announced Dragon Quest IX for DS, and then scrapped the controversial action-RPG style of Dragon Quest IX because Children of Mana (an action-RPG) didn’t sell well enough. There’s going to come a time that Square-Enix has to untie the bundle of controller cords in their game shelf, to sort the pride from the common sense. If Heroes of Mana, Square’s obvious water-testing DS RTS, had sold a half a million copies (it didn’t), Revenant Wings, blest with a Final Fantasy brand name, would no doubt have received the smothering, triple-A, canon treatment, and the story would be bogged down with children whining about how they don’t want to grow up. Instead, we get pages torn out of the “Dragon Ball” rulebook; for example, we have a character who hates the good guys, yet is forced to fight on your side because of some dopey magic torture ring. The game flow follows suit in charming little lapses of game-design grammar, like how a “Gambit” is just the single action you configure a character to automatically use over and over again, not the complicated yet elegant (and kind of revolutionary) AI scripting the term represented in Final Fantasy XII. Et cetera. Though the final product is kind of gimped out of a multiplayer mode or very much real depth at all behind edge-of-the-moment strategic planning, this is seriously the kind of tossed-off, down-to-earth videogame these people need to be making a whole lot more of.

I thought this was another pretty novel take on the Final Fantasy series. Overall, a solid game, but definitely has some rough edges. I found it particularly tricky to micromanage units, which was required in some trickier parts of the game. Additionally, even with completing a large swath of the side missions, I was underleveled for most of the latter half of the game, requiring several hours of level grinding to even stand a chance in the final chapters. Despite these flaws, a good game.

super cool game!

finally got around to playing this. loved 12 so much, when i learned the game had a follow up on a nintendo device and it was a strategy game i knew i had to play. like c'mon, a final fantasy xii sequel strategy rpg. is made for me.

and ya in a lot of ways its exactly that, but the gameplay is not super well balanced and tends to be either kind of a pushover or very annoying, in part because of this game's super up-front grind check level scaling. couple that with big maps and slow movement and a healthy bit of lag and you have an uhhh dated experience.

game's still good tho. is fun micromanaging all your party members and armies of summons to run the table with stuff and once ya get in the rhythm of cycling through abilities its quite fun, works well with the ds hardware.

story is great, although some of the returning characters feel like a bit of an afterthought. its still nice to see everyone again, but the new stuff is very well done, although the shift in writing is obvious. the transition from how a character like basch talks in xii, to him invoking the power of friendship here is jarring.

presentation could be better, more of the game's gorgeous art and full animations on the potraits and stuff would've helped deliver the story a bit more.

also the cgi dual screen cutscenes are such a nice treat

I really did give Revenant Wings a decent shot, I tried to like it. But it... doesn't work. RTS on DS is a fun idea on paper, but it ends up panning out pretty poorly, the tiny screen making it a pain to micromanage all your units. This game could have really benefitted from a proper gambit system like the original game, instead of the butchered version of it we got. Doesn't help that maps lag very frequently when there's more than a few units on screen, making the experience super unpleasant.

I dropped it after a few chapters, which was a bit of a shame as I did like hearing FF12's music on the DS sound chip, but did want to see where the story went at least, so I watched it. It's... not great. Tonally it's completely off from FF12—which was one of that game's strengths—and the narrative is really simplistic. The lore is somewhat interesting, but again pales in comparison to FF12. Worst part of the story was the misunderstanding with Balthier, which was just a ridiculous way of padding out the game and creating drama.

I guess you could say this does more with Vaan and Penelo than FF12, but... I dunno, this game feels more like FF12 fanfiction than any kind of sequel or even side story. I don't have much more to say tbh, Revenant Wings is just pretty mediocre in every area other than music (which isn't even original!)

I LOVE the characters and story of this game.

Shame it's in Revenant Wings, one of the most bullshit, cheap games I've ever fucking played.

Watched the rest of the story post-Chapter 8 on YouTube.

I love anything that lets me play with the creatures of the final fantasy world.
It was clunky, very, and heroes of mana did a better job at putting an RTS on the NDS.

no puede ser tan malo este juego, la baja que un spin off de final fantasy 12 sea asi de aburrido e incomodo de jugar. hasta la musica está mal, la sacaron del juego original y le metieron unos cortes horribles para hacer el tema de batalla

The worst part of 12's story was Vaan, so they made a sequel spin-off focused on him. The plot is forgettable and the game is an RTS for some reason. RTS on DS actually works pretty well and gets points for sheer novelty.

Um jogo interessante, mas como tudo no DS tem que usar a stylus para tudo e me irritava!

This is a great DS follow-up to XII and only adds to the world and lore of Ivalice. While this isn't a "necessary" play for those who finished XII, it serves as a good continuation of the main cast as they explore a series of new lands and encounter a new race. The 2D sprites are really well detailed and expressive, it made me nostalgic for the DS/GBA era JRPGS. The music is great, although it is just mostly re-used music from XII. Playing this game for the first time in 2022, I really enjoyed the pickup nature of it all with missions taking 5-10 minutes each usually.

With ten playable characters, 81 missions, skirmishes, and an intimidating ten floor challenge dungeon, this is a good 25-40 hour game depending on how much time you invest into doing all the missions. Though fair warning if you do 100% of the missions, the enemies in the final mission are all Level 99, providing an intense challenge. I know not everyone was the biggest fan of Vaan and Penelo in XII but I really do think this game shows their growing maturity and added character depth. Final mission aside (for the completionists) if you've ever been tempted to check out Revenant Wings, I'd say it is definitely worth your time if you want to see Vaan, Balthier, Fran, and the rest of the crew again.

I'm sure this game is good. It's a followup to Final Fantasy XII, one of my favourite games, so it's GOTTA be, right?

Kinda. The art style? Lovely. Seeing all these characters I love again? Excellent! The gameplay? Clunky, and slower than some things that don't move at all. Seriously. It's hard to put into words just how slow-as-molasses this game is to play until you actually play it yourself, and it drags the WHOLE game down as a result.

A bloody great disappointment.