Reviews from

in the past

Gunman Clive 2 is a great improvement on the original. The gameplay feels tighter and both bosses and level design is much improved with the final boss itself being a particular highlight. The new mechanics introduced are more diverse and interesting, but its just a shame that vehicle style 3rd person levels are executed poorly and the controls on anti-gravity levels are a mess. The more varied colour palette and level themes are a welcome change and its great to see the return of the unlockable characters. This game is a noticeable step up from the original and one I’d recommend to platformer fans with its dirt-cheap price tag.

Not much to say about this game that can't be said about the first. It's just more Gunman Clive, which is all I wanted.

My thoughts of the first game carry over to Gunman Clive 2. It is a solid sequel with new levels, more visual details, and a new character for extra replayability. There's not much I can say for this one except it's more Gunman Clive, and that's not a bad thing


improves on a lot of what the first game did, making it a lot harder, adding more level design variety, and even adding a few cool little on-rails shooter type levels. this game definitely feels like it tries to encapsulate the difficulty of original megaman style action platformers during their time in the nes/snes era, and sometimes it does a good job at that, and sometimes it's to the game's detriment. the parts that genuinely feel challenging to get through but are still fair are great, it feels nice to overcome some of the challenges the game has to offer. then, sometimes you'll be stuck on a part of a level that you have to keep replaying over and over again because you didnt see an obstacle coming until it was too late like on the panda level, or sometimes the difficulty just comes from something that feels really awkward and unnatural like the gravity switching areas towards the end of the game. overall this game is a huge upgrade over the first, it just feels so much more full and a lot of fun to play, even if it only took me an hour and 20 minutes, but i think had the game not had as many lame artificial difficulty segments i wouldve rated it a bit higher

Just like the first one, but with better graphics (more COLORS!).
The difficulty and the originality in this are way above the first one, but still really simple gameplay. Well worth playing it.

Gunman Clive 2 takes what made the original great (mega man esque playstyle), and just adds a little more fun and over the top wackiness to the adventure! It won't take you long to beat, but it's worth the price for sure!

For the most part, this second installment struggles with the same issues that the first game suffered from: an overall dull level design made up of nicely varied but individually mediocre components. Nonetheless, while still being subpar, Gunman Clive 2 proves to be significantly more entertaining thanks to an even stronger variety in level structure with wildly diverse types of stages and tight, pleasantly challenging platforming, all of it coupled with slightly more layered, imaginative boss-fights and the same exquisitely unique art-style.

Gunman Clive but better. Better atmosphere, crazier levels (some of them out of the western ambience), more characters and better music. Simply better

Gunman Clive 1, but up the wow factor, visuals, and gameplay mechanics. An incredibly solid ride through and through, and I loved how it didn't limit itself to just the western theme this time (fighting dinosaurs and riding pandas are some of the highlights)

Ten thousand times better then the og in a bunch of different ways it’s kinda crazy the glowup. Also a lot harder.

more of the first but refined with more content at an equally amazing price point. yeehaw.

Just as good as the first. I liked the funny duck. I appreciate the nod to the MM2 dragon.

A bit better than the first game, still pretty average.

A big improvement on the original game; more levels, more mechanics, better bosses, and more appealing to look at. Not much beyond that but I liked it and wouldn't mind seeing a Gunman Clive 3 in the future.

I remember beating this game at like 5am one hour before I had to get up for school. Staying awake throughout the day was one of the most challenging experiences I had ever faced in my life.

I remember enjoying the game though. And that's all that matters really. I should play the first one.

Solid game with a killer OST. Love the visuals too!

Eita desgosto da desgraça com esse jogo. Zerei o Gunman Clive 1 faz tempo graças ao vídeo clássico do Sr. Wilson sobre, mas quando fui jogar esse, foi um baque cara.

Primeiro, ele é MIL VEZES mais bonito e criativo, mas o resto, vai se lascar. Esse é um dos jogos modernos com o level design mais filho da puta que vi na vida, e é por isso que demorei quase 3 anos pra conseguir ter a paciencia pra zerar essa merda.

Queime no inferno Gunman Clive 2!

Definitely tried more and I can respect that, even if it didn’t all work. A very fun final boss and some good levels, and a few infuriating ones. Really brought me back to the days when I just had a 3ds and some money to burn on fun little indie games.

A solid sequel.

It adds more color, visual effects, has a 5 more levels than the original, levels vary a lot more, adds a new playable character, new platforms, and some bosses use unique mechanics well.

Enemy placement still isn't the best for speedrunning and some levels are kinda annoying.

It's more Gunman Clive all while adding more color, details and wackiness in the story and enemies of the game. Overall, a very pleasant run and gun that is easy to pick up and play and short enough to have a good time without the game overstaying its welcome.

My thoughts on Gunman Clive 1, in brief, is that it's, like, solid. It's a quick little game where you're a cowboy mega-bustering your way past bandits and bosses to save your wife. You run through levels, you pick up powerups. It's nothing really amazing but it doesn't need to be — it's a nice way to kill an hour or two on your 3DS when you're bored and don't really want to commit to a bigger game.

Gunman Clive 2... tries to be more than that — more mechanics, more spectacle. It... doesn't really work out all that well. The loose way I can describe it is... if it kind of went for quantity over quality. You know (well, you probably don’t, but whatever) how Gunman Clive had that one vehicle level which was a fun little change of pace that still kept consistent with what you'd been doing up until then? Well now a quarter of the entire game are vehicle levels which throw new shit at you and all control like ass. You know how when the first game brought in new mechanics they stuck around often just played a little bit with how you were already doing things? Here there are new mechanics that barge in, completely force you to change the way you play, then disappear right afterwards. It creates a really uneven experience, where you can't actually apply anything you learn because it's rendered moot by future levels. The original Gunman Clive allowed you to become better in order to combat the harder challenges up ahead — this game just keeps you at the same level, which makes the endgame a process of you throwing yourself against the wall trying to break your way through the new mechanics that keep getting introduced there as well.

And it's a shame, because the strengths of the original are still present here — I like the artstyle and music, combat against enemies and bosses remains a highlight, and there's a certain joy in figuring out the path of least resistance as you try a level over and over again... it's just that this time this game's particular flaws magnify the flaws of the original game: getting sent right back to the beginning of a level when you die is extra punishing when a lot of the individual levels are gauntlets — especially with the vehicle levels where you can't go faster than the game allows you to. Controls still aren't amazing, and get even worse when you have to re-learn them on the fly or there's a new fancy gimmick which requires preciseness in jumping the 3DS analogue stick isn't built for and the first game never required from you.

But in general, like, man, I really wanted to see the changes made as an improvement on the first game — I'm all for sequels that experiment rather than just being the same thing again — but given how a lot of the expansion is straight up a downgrade... I think if I wanna kill time for an hour but don't want to commit to anything bigger I'll just stick with Gunman Clive 1. 5/10.

It's biggest issues are its tandem level design and checkpoint system. A lot of obstacles feel cheap with little time to prepare the first time.

Death usually puts you at the start of a level. The thing is, the levels are fairly short. They'll take two minutes in one run at most, but dying to obstacles you weren't aware of the first time extend the playtime quite a bit. It's certainly harder than the original, but also more varied in gameplay. You'll be riding on pandas, shooting dudes on horseback, escaping dinosaurs, and even flying in Star Fox-esque segments. I'd say both games are 7/10 experiences; impressive for being made by two people.

playing as the spearman was pain but it's a fair improvement over the first

i liked the first one a bit better

If you liked the first one. This one will be right up your alley. Basically more of the same

Una buena continuación del primero, añade personajes lo que hace que sea más rejugable. Divertido.

the auto-scrollers suck and heavily bring down an otherwise nice little package