Reviews from

in the past

Um excelente e único jogo de luta, muito, mas muuuuito diferente dos demais.
Os gráficos são ótimos para um jogo de 2013, e as mecânicas são bem divertidas.
Os personagens são outra coisa única de Killer Instinct, muito diferente de qualquer outro jogo de luta.
Tempo de jogo: 3+ horas

arbiter is the best character in the game

Nossa, esse jogo é histórico! Com certeza um dos melhores jogos de luta que já joguei. Esse jogo, apesar de ser meio desconhecido possui um carisma próprio e mágico, tudo nele é único, você sente que nenhum outro jogo consegue fazer igual. Os personagens, o estilo, as músicas, as fases, tudo! Ele conseguiu me marcar e marcar meu pai, que sempre amamos jogar e nos divertir com ele. De verdade, eu super recomendo!

The original Killer Instinct games, to me, were decent fighting games but not ones that I could sit and play for extended periods of time. This one however is one the best feeling fighting games I've played. I'm not an expert at fighting games by any means in fact I'm a pretty big casual but I still love the genre and this is one of my favorites. The menus can be a bit confusing and it was pretty disappointing that they decided to go the live service route but if you can find it on sale, for example I got it for $10 that came with the game and all content, then it is a HUGE recommendation. In terms of pure gameplay there aren't many other games that flow as well as this.

imagine playing mortal kombat when this game exists

seems alright mechanically, but the presentation is so shitty that it gives the simple 2000 series a run for its money

this game is underrated as fuck. i wish it had more support but i love this game as a fighting game. its so unique and stylish it deserves a lot of praise. hope a new one comes out sooner or later.

FGC mais subestimado que esse não tem
Combate gostoso e fluido até hoje

this is the true sequel to Battletoads. now where the fuck is Pimple and Zitz

One of the best fighting games ever made. Love it. Everyone that likes fighting games should buy it.

I have barely touched this game at all, but the soundtrack single handedly got me in shape. Thanks Mick

This game confirmed that I am not good at fighting games.

One of the best fighting games of all time. Awesome roster of characters, amazing visuals, rocking tunes, best announcer ever and the combos be so satisfying. You can mess around with this one for hours and have a blast. I've been waiting for a sequal for years. This is the single best exclusive on the Xbox One, Its that simple.

Can we please have a sequel? Like please?

Potentially the most well thought out and accessible fighting game I've ever played with one of the most bat shit insane and varied cast of characters I've seen. Seriously, think of a gripe you have with a lot of fighting game mechanics, chances are Killer Instinct has a very intuitive solution for it.
Things people still beg fighting game developers to implement is stuff this game has been rocking since 2013 and is still ahead of the curve with its net code and some genuinely revolutionary things that it has such as the Shadow Labs (Extremely deep AI learning tool to fight data versions of other players offline that's scarily accurate and organic).

Many people shit on the corny visuals and all that, but all of that's just superficial. Beyond that lies a game that manages to be both simple and intricate simultaneously. The combo breaker mechanic is a genius idea that keeps you on your toes for both the person in advantage, and the person eating an eternal mix up that always makes every match feel extremely different with the sheer variety of mind games and general things you can do with it.

"Should I risk everything and use predictable moves to bait out a breaker? What if I bluff and scare them into doing nothing since they'll think I'll use a counter breaker?"
"Should I go for safer moves but miss out big damage?" etc etc
The scenarios write themselves.

Some newer players write it off as no execution mashing or just being lucky if you guess right and break away from a combo, but that's a severe misunderstanding of how it works. There's 100% execution beyond a certain point that keeps the combo system tense due to some really punishing requirements, some being as tricky as just frame moves (Having only 1 frame to execute a move). As for it being luck based, it really isn't, you can be punished extremely badly if you just mash breakers without thinking, like literally losing an entire life bar levels of damage.

Now I'm gonna just gush about the game instead of defending it from the most common complaints I see.

The cast is so much fucking fun, its gimmicky bullshit galore but in a way that doesn't feel unfun to go against. There's a character that functions like a tag fighter in a 1v1 format with assists and multiple character's health bars to manage for example, shit can get nuts. Or another character that's a weird ass fucking RNG Frakenstein that can completely change gameplans and approach at any given moment and has to bash their head like a dumbass to be able to make the RNG more in their favor at the cost of damaging themselves.

I'm not the greatest player and I'm still a bright eyed puppy compared to all the people still actively playing this but it still manages to be rewarding nonetheless, even when I get the floor wiped with me. The game holds your hand pretty well and tells you very explicitly what you did wrong, such as timing things wrong, etc. You always feel like you learn something new in a match.

Even outside the fun as hell combo system, the normal moment to moment gameplay is fucking awesome and you never feel like you've quite won yet with how easy it is to lose all momentum you have going for yourself, making every match feel like a genuine battle of wits with how intelligently thought out every mechanic is. You can never really steam roll anyone in this game consistently even when you have an entire life bar on them with how easy it is to eat shit off your short comings.

The music too is fucking great, it's some of the hypest and most visceral shit to me with how it dynamically changes off the intensity and actions of what's going on and even has a weird rhythm game-esque element to it at times. It honestly makes me excited every time when absolute banger parts of songs start playing when shit gets really clutch or neck and neck.

To go on another tangent, I absolutely dig the stupid bombastic presentation this game has. It feels like a parody of fighting games with how melodramatic and in your face it is. The characters are a weird mish mash of a child's monster action figures with how shamelessly tropey they are. Not for everyone, and people who prioritize aesthetics in a fighting game rightfully wrote this off, but I love it, this is seriously one of the funniest games to me.
You know how sitcoms or shows in general tend to have fake in universe video games that are really stupid and juvenile? That's basically what Killer Instinct is in that regard.

Yeah, you can probably tell I like Killer Instinct a lot. It's quickly become one of my favorite fighting games and might potentially be my favorite in general the more I let it sit, at least for 2D ones.

i'll give an honest review aside from my love for this game and its community, its easily one of my most played games ever. in 2023 this game has more than enough content and characters to have a great time. online is a bit rough since most the casuals have left and new players get intimidated or stomped on by long time veteran players. you can still find some new players around to match up with here and there. i believe it will have a proper revival once the 10th anniversary update rolls around this fall!. check it out online if you haven't heard about it, it'll for sure bring in a wave of new players by then. i recommend giving it a shot or coming back when it drops if you're interested in the online aspect!

when the Announcer says ULTRAAAAA COMBOOOOOOO that's true gaming right there

We may not have Master Chief in Smash but Arbiter in KI is just as badass

Definitely my most played Xbox One game. Has a crazy amount of achievements so best believe I’ve had a deep dive in this one. The crossover characters are what really got me into the game. Other than that I think you need to have a good amount of skill to enjoy this one or the online community is gonna eat you up. Even though I’m at the bottom of the rankings I still my ass kicked. The “story” mode is a lot of text, I don’t recommend it. Arcade mode gets repetitive. Think there are 8 fights to get through? Play another fighter if you want something awesome.

Feels a little undercooked but pretty fun.

Great fun. Need to play more of it, and honestly want to play the older games because I never have.

This is so fucking fun holy shit

I love this type of combat game, fast paced and full of "easy" combos, killer instinct needs Street Fighter's and MK's treatment in the community

A super fun fighting game that feels super visceral with a lot of impact. It's a very elegantly designed and beautiful game and, despite me being a novice as far as fighting games go, I managed to string together combos and got a lot out of it. I felt satisfied and exhausted after wins and a little raw after losses. Overall, it's just a super stylish and flashy fighting game that hits super hard. I liked Sabrewulf the best

Breaks the rules of both Japanese and NetherRealm fighters with its cast of mechanically-unique warriors and rhythmic combo system. Some are genius, others are kinda wonky. Not a fan of the art style.

Great soundtrack, good gameplay but good lord tone it down with the combo mads.