Reviews from

in the past

God this game is FUN it has good MUSIC it's HARD I like to PLAY it

Remembering this game now and it's just hilarious how avoiding Megaman and playing as Blues or Bass instead makes it worth.

She Gon Make slide with my dog like I'm MegaMan !!

I’m kinda surprised to say this, but I ended up liking it even more than 9. It feels like it was taking what that game did and making it more well designed and interesting. It has a lot of creative level gimmicks and most of them are well thought out and fun to traverse through. Plus, it has a much better shop system and encourages taking alternate routes and completing mini challenges to get screws and E-Tanks. Top it off with a lot more content, and you have what I believe to be the refined version of Mega Man 9.

9 but with more spikes.
Not memorable in the slightest.

It just doesn't feel the same as 9. I think it's the OST. But they did improve the dlc, Bass and the mega man killer stages are amazing.

Pros: Still classic NES-like MM experience. You can play Promo Man AND Bass (yay?)

Cons: Felt VERY rushed/undercooked/cash in compared to 9, which actually felt like a labor of love. This isn't a BAD game, but it pales in comparison to 9. Pretty much everything, the level designs, the bosses, the powers, the music, all feel underwhelming by comparison. 9 felt at least moderately inspired. 10 just felt like a "by the numbers" cash in, because 9 did well.

I still enjoyed playing it, for the most part. I DO love classic MM (outside of 7 and 8). But it's one of my least favorites.

manerinho eu ia sofrer muito menos se nao tivesse começado a jogar de protoman o bicho toma o dobro de dano e knockback por causa de lore.

Base game is nearly as good as Megaman 9 but this game as alot more side content. Challenges and more Difficulty Options + playable characters. Also 3 nice and difficult Extra Stages

It's 9 but a bit worse and has notably worse weapons but 9 is still the best one so that's like saying 23 karat gold is worse than 24 karat and like yeah it is but also it's still fantastic
Water shield is a very fun weapon but this is sadly another game where one weapon is just like the best one because Blade Man's weapon exists (sorry forgot the name I'm writing this at 1am) Solar Man's theme is super good too I love that song
Also having the gameboy bosses with their weapons as DLC and fully playable Proto man and Bass is insanely cool and makes this one of the most replayable games in the series

im a grown ass man and this shit is hard

Mega Man 2 2 2

Better than 9, genuinely.

imagine releasing a nes game in 2010 lmfaaaaooooo

with dlc lmfaaaaoooooooo

Gamers, I do not like Mega Man 10 very much. Big disclaimer for my opinions on this one, I played this after playing the previous 9 games over the course of a few months or so, and was beginning to feel some burnout. Because of that, I chose to play as Proto Man in this one, in hope to change up the gameplay a bit. Holy fuck, was this a mistake. I hope that my problems with this stem from the increased damage taken while playing as Blues, but I really do not want to replay it for a while. The robot master stages are alright, but once I hit the castle stages this became nearly unplayable. I recognize that I am likely being dramatic about this one, and when I think about it it probably isn't as bad if you play through with Mega Man first, and the design isn't really bad per se, but every time I picked it up I dreaded it. It'll be my least favorite entry until I decide to give it another shot, and I'll probably like it then, but until then, bad review!

Much better than 9, also has for the first (and only) time 8-bit Proto Man and Bass playable.

Capcom: Ya te dije que nos encanta megaman 2? NO TE GUSTA? PUES TE VA A GUSTAR TOMALO DE VUELTA
(le doy un punto mas porque tiene un nivel mas que el anterior)

probably my favorite "classic megaman." I am very surprised it is not as liked as 9. I personally think it's much better

Huge glow-up from 9. Levels and bosses feel like they weren't made solely to gnosh your balls, Bass is fun as hell, great weapon roster, fun Robot Master designs, and probably my favorite Wily plot.

This is my second favorite after 6. Visually it matches 4-6 in levels of intricate backgrounds and just plain beauty. Soundtrack is up there with 2,6, & 9. And it rivals MM6 in how well the levels use their gimmicks. The busses of Nitro Man’s stage are an obvious highlight, but the tackle fire jump ropes of Solar Man, and the Seesaw of Blade Man are also right up there. All of the boss fights are legible, and it's fascinating to see how they change between the different difficulties. Having the different characters of Mega Man, Proto Man, and Bass is such a nice touch, and it's a joy to dash through stages as Bass. This is the perfect sequel to 9 in every way except one. The weapon selection isn’t as good, but I genuinely do think it would be impossible to recreate how great 9’s was without copying it. On every other front, 10 is an improvement over 9, and it’s the perfect last note of the classic series.

Don't play every mega man game in a row, otherwise you will be completely burned out by the point you get here, ESPECIALLY with 8-bit style games. As a game though, this one's alright, its a lot better balanced than 9 imo. Hard for me to really remember much else considering how much the later 8-bit style games all blur together combined with the aforementioned mega burnout. Those darn compilation titles make it too easy for things like this to happen!!!!

This game is really good, but it feels like its missing a bit of oomph.

Still hate the idea of Mega Man being an NES game in 2010 instead of evolving, but this is a lot better than MM9. First off, the insane amount of bullshittery has been toned down significantly. Obvious "gotcha"-moments are few and far between instead of littered throughout every stage. Additionally, the level- and boss concepts of MM10 are creative and well-executed. Sheep Man, for example, is a lot more interesting as a typical electricity themed robot master than, i don't know, a fucking plug. Unfortunately, instead of being frustrating and unfair like MM9, 10 is just kinda...not fun? In every one of my play sessions I remember at least one moment where I thought to myself: "Damn...I wish I was doing literally anything else.", and I'm not exactly sure why. It might have something to do with the fact that I already beat seven other Mega Man games that play very similar to this. It might also be the fact that I can't charge or slide, both mechanics that served only to make prior games more fun and are still missing here. What I do know is that in the end, Mega Man 10 is juuuust short of being enjoyable, but doesn't quite get there.

The Best One.

Difficulty on normal feels just about right, though most of the robot masters go down too easy when you're using their weakness, something that is admittedly prevalent through most of the series. 10 relies far less on ambush traps. It's very much still "Nintendo Hard" but I can't think of a single situation where something felt cheap. Mean, perhaps, but not cheap. Protoman is playable from the start which is great, though have fun taking double damage if you want to be the cool guy.

The weapons are mediocre, but frankly, if it were up to me I'd probably just remove weapons as a concept from this entire series, so I couldn't care less. The same flaw did not dampen my appreciation for 5, and I don't count it against 10 either.

To be honest with you, I knew within the first minute that I was going to like 10 more than 9 just because you can save from the level select screen. The levels have meaningfully branching paths in them! Bass is really fun to play as! They don't make you fight three Wily forms in a row without any sort of checkpoint! Try to catch me giving a shit that there's some unoriginality in the weapons that I don't like using anyway.

Playing through hard mode really amplify the flaw in this game

I guess I'm the only one here, but this game is at almost the same level as Mega Man 9. It's slightly worse because I prefer the previous entry's OST and weapons. But still, amazing levels, boss battles and really difficult at some points. So much fun for a classic Mega Man fan
