Reviews from

in the past

Pretty shallow beatemup, noticeably weaker than Natsume's SNES game of the same title. It seems like one of those movie games where they try to follow the plot too closely, and end up with only a handful of different types of mooks. This one only has two. The game does at least control pretty nicely, and the music is good, but again these both apply to Natsume's Power Rangers games as well. Would be better to just play those.

It's insane how low this game is rated. Like this beat em up is shouldn't be this good but it is.

It's also the other SoR3 game because this and Maximum Carnage are just Streets of Rage clones and it's good for that

Yeah, it is a cool game, there are Megazord battles so it is cool, there is multiplayer and despite it beeing short i had fun!
But what were they thinking on when they did the endless cave level?! i reseted the game 2 TIMES before realising it wasn´t games fault! i hate it and hope no one google it, i want to see the other suffer what i suffered.

This is the one; that hot fire Power Rangers game you remember. The one with the white ranger and the zord fights and the good SoR3 feel. This is the one.

This game freaking rules. What could've been an average beat em up is greatly elevated by its clear love for MMPR and banging soundtrack. If you are a fan or still have nostalgia for MMPR I highly recommend this one.

half of this game wasnt even about ivan ooze and the ooze goons WHATS THE POINT

(Jogado no meu DATA FROG SF2000)

Esse aqui foi um dos grandes jogos que marcaram minha infância, e jogando hoje tantos anos depois...ainda é um jogo divertido, mas passa longe de ser grande.

Essa versão de Power Rangers para o Mega Drive traz 6 rangers que jogam mais ou menos igual, o que eu achei bom por que fica democrático (você não precisa pegar um apeloso pra zerar) mas ao mesmo tempo ruim por que isso mata completamente of fator de replay se você não for uma criança (afinal, toda gameplay vai ser exatamente a mesma coisa). E acredite, não teria outro motivo pra jogar mais que uma vez além de diferente jogabilidade se houvesse, por que esse jogo é muito fácil e provavelmente vai ser zerado na primeira sentada. As únicas diferenças entre os personagens são um ataque de carga segurando B que é meio chato de usar por que os monstros te pegam antes.

O level design não é lá muito inspirado, não temos itens ou power ups, no máximo desviar de um carro, jogar uma pedra, pegar uma pedra/tonel ou cortar caminho num atalho. Pareceu muita coisa? Seria se não fosse um bagulho desse por fase.

O charme dessa versão está nas lutas de zords (que não são grande coisa, mas você PODE JOGAR DE ZORD, isso pra uma criança é muito), e nas cutscenes antes e depois de cada fase. Acontece inclusive uma conexão bem legal entre o filme e a série de TV (que não é canônica, mas eu gostei), e tem elementos da lore de MMPR o suficiente para perceber que esse foi um projeto feito até com algum cuidado. O ponto mais forte é a trilha sonora que é adaptada diretamente da série, ou seja, temos pancadaria ao som de Ron Wasserman, e isso é MUITO legal.

É um jogo medíocre? Sim. Gostosinho de jogar? Certamente. Seria 3 estrelas se tivesse tido 2 fases a mais.

Beating it once again. It's a pretty mediocre beat 'em up but the nostalgia is hard to brush off, specially with all those YM2612 renditions of the show's OST.

Just as good as the SNES game with the same name.

Judiaram muito nesta versão de Mega Drive. Jogável, mas mal programado.

Pretty standard beat-em-up, but for a Power Rangers fan it has everything you'd ever want. You get to play as any of the rangers from the original team (RIP Thuy Trang and Jason David Frank), a variety of Zords and Megazords, you see and sometimes fight characters from the show, there's an epic story with gorgeous cutscenes and beautiful midi renditions of the soundtrack, and the pixel art is stunning.

It's no masterpiece, but I can hardly find any flaws with this game. I had a good time revisiting this.

Dumb and repetitive fitting for a formulaic show I watched as a kid (I only remember the movie it's based on in the passing because I remember liking the vistas on the other planet). Probably the most interesting aspect is that some characters change appearance (and abilities and such) consistent to what the story is telling, which I haven't seen in a beat em up from this era

Power Rangers: The Movie (1995): Uno de los mejores exponentes del género. Es verdad que para el momento de su lanzamiento ya estaba todo dicho, pero aunque se espere de ti la excelencia, es de agradecer que cumplas las expectativas. Y que los Power Rangers molan, claro (7,35)

mediano demais tem uma parte que se tem que quebrar uma pedra especifica pra passar que achei super paia o do snes e melhor

I really loved this game growing up and played it a lot. Power Rangers beat um up is a winning formula. Lots of characters with a variety of moves. However, playing this a year ago i was really expecting to love this game again but I was shocked at how bad it really is. The moveset of the rangers is really limited. Gameplay is really really bad. While the stages are nice and varied the same can not be said for everything else. There is only a single enemy type for like 2/3 the game. A basic Ooze warrior. No different color variants or weapon variants like a turtles foot soldiers. Just the same sprite and enemy AI over and over again. Fighting them is really weak to. Enemies have huge amount of health. So what you wanna do is your normal bread and butter combo as that does the most damage and is you know fun. The problem is that the grab range is super generous and you are constantly grabbing enemies when you just wanna pummel. When grabbing an enemy there is nothing to do but throw them. Throwing does so little damage making it a waste of time but you keep doing it cause you keep grabbing them. Annoying. Then you will eventually reach a flashback stage and fight some new enemies for a stage or two. You'll thank god for something new but then after wards it's straight back too ooze men. Every once in awhile you'll fight a boss with a zord and the cutscenes and music set the mood but it's not much better gameplay wise but at this point any varity is a blessing.

Probably the best Power Rangers game we ever got. Which is crazy to think about.

This game is so unexpectedly good, clearly one of the best Genesis beat em ups and by far the best Power Rangers video game.

I played this game in multiplayer and geez this game is extremely good even knowing it's simple for me. It's a very good beat n up, an very good multiplayer game and have one of the most badass boss battle I have played! It's a shame that the game is very short.

In my personal chronology, Power Rangers The Movie marks the border between my childhood and puberty.

This game was fun, but it wasn't great. I knew this even though I was its exact target demographic and was very cloud eyed about anything PR.

Un beatemup de los power rangers siempre es un buen juego para jugar solo o con un amigo, es un juego simple, pero cumple su función de entretener

Might be the game I played the most on my old Sega Genesis. I'm completely biased but it's surprisingly a well-made game. Could have been miles better but as it stands it a triump on the subject of licensed videogames.