Reviews from

in the past

Really solid. I know camera can be a big issue. But once you master it, it's fine.
A really amazing action adventure game with little puzzles elements, platforming and well..action. The atmosphere with how the levels looks and the soundtrack is a really good combination. The gameplay is one of the most smooth and fast you could get back in its time.
Technically, the game is also impressive for its console. 16:9 display and 60fps, amazing CGI cutscenes, and graphically really good.

team ninja's best game. the boss fights are faithful to the nes game in that they're pretty bad and a lot of the character designs are obnoxious. the resident evil stuff is fun. it fun to flip around.

This game was so fucking good, my first rated M game. The hack and slash elements were sublime, I loved the weapons, even traversal was fun. One of the best looking OG Xbox games.


Izuna drop is the sickest move in video games.

Flying swallow simulator is one of my favorite games of all time. Based

Moment to moment combat is really fun. But I disliked nearly every boss fight and most of the level design.

Curto muito o combate porém certas coisas incomodam

Hard hack and slash that I love

I literally LIVED at my mate's house for most of the year that NG dropped, just so I could play this fucking masterpiece every single day. I had never played a game with such enjoyable fast paced intense, and difficult (sometimes cheap AF) enemies. This was before the Souls era, so I had never played a game that was so hard, yet so god damn addictive.

So many amazing memories associated with his one. Could easily pick it up today and still get wrapped in its magic.

This game flip-kicked ass so Sekiro could run.

The action is cool and the graphics were very good for the time. But the camera and frustrating level design took me out of this one. I feel like I would get more enjoyment out of Sigma or possibly Ninja Gaiden Black. This game is not really needed now and has been made obsolete.

Una curiosa forma de trasladar ninja gaiden al 3d, con un solido combate, excelente presentación sumado a un diseño de niveles mayormente competente, a su vez teniendo una buena variedad en la exploración con el uso de puzzles, jefes variados (aunque unos son mejores que otros), y una excelente banda sonora. No llega a ser gran cosa culpa de que por momentos la dificultad se pasa de injusta, llegando a recurrir bastante al ensaño y error (especialmente con los jefes), además de que por momentos el juego te obliga a hacer backtraking aburrido para poder avanzar, pero en general es un muy buen juego.

This is still a really great action game, but this original version is kinda hard to go back to. The combat is still great, but a few of the puzzles aren’t good and not having camera control can be rough to deal with. A lock on could solve just about every problem I had with the gameplay outside of the puzzles. This also still looks really great, it’s insane how great they made it look while still running at 60fps.

not quite as good as Black but it's still a great version with some flaws and weird decisions

rip-roaring roller coaster of rapid-fire action!

Muy divertido en las primeras horas, pero acaba aburriendo conforme vas jugando.

I adore this game, but i'll be honest, it's a bit of a mess at times.

La mejor transición de una saga 2D al 3D