Reviews from

in the past

A super cool concept on paper that feels a little clunkier than expected when it flies. Fast paced shooters are all about quick reactions and intuition, and Screencheat really execution tests you because it is just as important to figure out and look at your opponents' screen as it is to make sure you're positioning yourself correctly. Movement's solid (reminds me quite a bit of Quake actually), gunplay's solid, I don't completely understand all the weapons but they're a lot of fun to use, and altogether it's a solid product; it's just a bit too big brained and stressful for me at times having to constantly micromanage so many things at once and often leads to more blind fire than anything while praying for a hit. But it's a great choice for a party game if you're looking for a chaotic session!

I only played the gamemode with visible players so I messed up all the purpose of the game

Sobre el papel es muy buena idea pero, o bien pierdes pantalla jugando online porque tienes que ver la otra pantalla, o bien es una puta mierda no poder conectar dos ratones a la misma compu porque es una putada jugar esto con mando.

The most dumb screaming party game you can get.

No jugué mucho, pero lo poco que sí fue entretenido,

A cute concept that can't help but be a headache to actually play.

Fun but golly it can hurt your head

A genius idea well executed, even when you're not sitting on the couch together but playing online instead. Such a unique and interesting shooter. I also love the big arsenal of extremely different weapons. Some play great, some suck, but each one's really unique.

Ich war mir nicht sicher ob dieses Konzept aufgehen kann. Aber die verfügbaren Waffen und das übersichtliche, farbkodierte Leveldesign helfen, dass dieser Shooter Spaß macht auch ohne dass man seine Gegner sehen kann. Es gibt eine ganze Menge Spielmodi und noch mehr Mutatoren, sodass Screencheat einiges an Wiederspielwert für ein Partyspiel liefert.

On two very short lists for me, one being genuinely unique conceptually/mechanically and the other being the newest member of my go-to party games list.

Some maps are definitely better than others (with me and my friends generally preferring the not so vertical ones) and some weapons are also better than others (stock shotgun/blunderbust(?) is all around excellent, horse jockey(?) shreds hallway infested maps (as well as lingering railgun) and the candelabra seems top tier at KOTH as a mode in general.

It's very rare that I'm just taken aback by how ingenious the core design of a game is; if the main factor of models being invisible was taken away, this would be a mediocre quake clone at best, but it's the simple act of making models invisible (and not so simple act of solid map design with brilliantly easy to understand color coding)

The only downside of the core mechanic(gameplay design?) to literally screen peek / screen cheat is that some players find disorienting and very mentally draining, due to effectively keeping a constant eye on the entire lobby (in this case, 3 other povs) while maneuvering yourself and trying to engage in combat.

There was an idea here that nearly works.

Neat game that got old fast. Requires friends who are already familiar with split-screen FPS games, which is not always the case.

neat but it gets boring after like 2 games

Fun idea, well-designed maps that play to the concept of identifying where players are.

Unfassbar geiler Couch 4 Spieler Shooter.
Dass man hier beim Nachbarn spicken MUSS macht das Spiel einzigartig und kann somit von jedem gespielt werden, kein Skill in Shootern notwendig.

this is my least favorite multiplayer game i've ever played

If you look at my screen I'll kill you.

Very fun couch coop game. its chaotic and novel. cant aim with a controller though.

one of my favorite games of all time to play with friends as a kid pulling this shit out and halo reach at a party was always so hype