Reviews from

in the past

Have never touched the original game but this beta kicks ass

Follows the same line as the original NeoGeo AES release featuring over the top characters and locations, as well as fast paced gameplay. There are nods to not only the original game but the same time era and it's great. Just like the original, it offers fun and short pick-up-and-play sessions that are fun in short bursts.

Like, it's fucking mad this exists.

My enjoyment simply came down to whether I had people in the room to play against: when I did, it's probably the best thing I'll play this year; in any other setting? It's an exceptional sports arcade title that just lacks enough in its single-player campaign (and I have no time for online play - call me a coward idgaf).

The best thing about WJ2 is how it doesn't fuck around with the formula - if you spent any time with OG WJ you know what you're getting, just with a cleaner presentation, new characters and arenas.

With all this said, I only want to play it when I’ve got an opponent in the room with me - which isn’t all that often.

Unlike the more famous fighting games in the industry which include a variety of mechanics that might seem hard to master to a newcomer, Windjammers keeps it simple. Me and my friends love it, we have the time of our lives whenever we play (Irene, Nick if you see this, I beat your ass any day you want! <3)

The first week when it dropped on game pass was loads of fun; it's Windjammers, one of the best arcade head to head games ever made, but with people actually playing! Unfortunately that dried up really quick, and without that there just isn't much to it

Windjammers 2 is this close to sports game perfection.

Nettes kleines Sportspiel, das mich sehr an das neue Mario Tennis erinnert hat. Denn ähnlich wie Mario Tennis, fühlt sich Windjammers 2 mehr wie ein fighting game im Gewand eines Sportspiels an. Es gibt reichlich verschiedene Würfe und Kontermöglichkeiten, wodurch das Spiel im Kern Spaß macht, aber manchmal will die Steuerung irgendwie nicht so ganz wie ich will.

Neben dem soliden Gameplay und einem tollen Comiclook hat Windjammers aber wirklich leider garnichts zu bieten. Es ist sehr arm an Features und nach 6-7 Runden gegen einen Freund war die Motivation dann auch schon weg. Nett als Gamepass-Spiel, aber keinen Kauf wert.

The score isn't so much an indication of the game's quality as my inability to click with it. Not all games are for everyone, and after giving this one a couple hours to try and get into it, I bounced off very hard. There's a clear amount of depth here, if you watch anyone play this who knows what they're doing, but I just didn't find it enjoyable enough to want to put in the time needed to master its mechanics.

And, if I could find one major criticism with this game, it would in how steep of an ask that is. The game lacks even a basic training mode, merely providing static info screens that do little to convey how it truly works. It essentially throws you in the deep end of its main single-player mode, which is made all the more difficult by the actual difficulty - even on easy, the CPU can eviscerate if you lack complete understanding of all the game's systems. It does not really let you work your way up in a way that allows you to achieve comfort with how it plays - you either sink or swim. Guess I drowned.

Por mecánicas el juego es increíblemente adictivo. Es complejo y te incita a mejorar porque aparte es divertidísimo.

¿El problema? Todo lo demás es aburridísimo, el modo arcade es menos que lo mínimo, no existen lobbies online, y los rematches están limitados a dos. Detalles que matan un juego que ya de por si tiene una audiencia de nicho.

Very stylized and entertaining game, but not my cup of tea. Played for less than a hour.

que jogo dificil e bom ao mesmo tempo
Graficos bonitos, gameplay divertida
Uma pena não ter quase ninguém no online, mas enfrentar a galera no arcade já foi muito divertido e desafiador
baita jogo

greatest fighting game of all time but better

Do you like Frisbee? What if it played like pong/tennis and cranked it to 13? You get this game.

it's like Windjammers 1 but with functioning online and you can jump (awesome)

For a gamepass indie game it's pretty fun. Short sweet arcade-like feel. Controls don't feel as tight as they should but it makes it feel like I'm using a joystick at a standup arcade console from the 80s. Nails the look. Biggest thing is not alot of content, after one afternoon I've burned through about as much as I can without going into Multiplayer.

I love sucking at this game. Wish its tutorial were a bit more fleshed out and that its extra modes were playable at will.

Trae desde los '90 un juego de mecánicas increíblemente adictivas, vertiginoso y divertido sin renunciar a la sencillez. No lo reinventa, solo lo remoza; pero es que el original sigue funcionando de 10 así que no hacía falta mucho más trabajo.

hace todo lo que hacia el primero pero mejorado, lo que es una pena es que ni piter juega este juego (al menos en europa), pero bueno llevo 2 horas y probablemente le eche un 3 o 4 mas porque al final solo haya jugando 2 personas en el online (maskeria y yo) es un poco mierda

this game is just really damn fun. it feels really hard to get things consistent, but that kind of just makes me want to play and learn more, like a good game should.

I wish frisbees would just bounce off walls like that irl :o

Very similar to the original but you can jump now and there are like 2 new stages. I think it could have done a little more considering that it came out 20+ years after the original. But im just happy that this sequel exists

I mean, I'm sorry. This isn't a score of quality as much as it is a score of taste, I just didn't really get into this. Maybe there's a lot more depth to be found if I dug harder, but from where I stand I just didn't enjoy this very much. The core loop of the game just wasn't engaging to me at all. I really love the style and something about the simplicity feels very nostalgic, but that doesn't overpower just not loving the game itself.

Very satisfying, and honestly just my style, would love to one day play 2v2 irl

I feel like I've played enough for now though, but will definitely be back!

de los mejores juegos del 2022.
el online va piruleta

Thought the single-player mode was boring. Probably I didn't play enough, but it seems quite one-dimensional/simple to play. Not very engaging for me Might be fun with friends.

Es Windjammers, mas bonito, mas estable y con online, no le podia pedir mas, me ha dado exactamente lo que pedia.

Que si, que ojala una campaña de verdad y no el tutorial glorificado, pero es que no se va a tocar para nada, la gracia de Windjammers no es el single. No puedo esperar a meter 3000h mas a esto con amigos.

Ya jugué el original en su día y me pareció una maravilla, y su secuela no se queda atrás. Extremadamente divertido, la jugabilidad es una delicia y no se hace tosco en ningún aspecto. Sólo o con amigos, este juego se disfruta sí o sí, y más estando en Gamepass

Not that great, bad controls.

Sadly dead, but lots of fun with a friend. Hoping someday there will be a 2v2 mode.