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in the past

To say something good about this game is that I didn't see some twists coming, which is a wonderful feeling in these types of games. The rest of it however leaves you wanting over and over again.

GRAPHICS: Good quality by visual novel standards. The CG quality can vary slightly but never dips into anything less than good, and there are some genuinely beautiful moments (revenants dissolving into petals comes to mind).
CHARACTERS: There's a good variety of options here, and almost every character has some sort of backstory reveal or twist that connects them to the broader plot, which I really enjoyed. I went into it assuming that Isora would be my favourite, but I was actually pleasantly surprised by how much I loved all of the major characters -- Toa isn't far behind Isora, I loved Yua, and even Hino's route, a pretty typical 'childhood best friends to lovers' dynamic that usually struggles to hook me as much, was super endearing.
DIALOGUE: Well-written and engaging - I didn't notice any typos or errors in the translation that I can recall.
PLOT: This was genuinely very good. It felt like every time I thought the twists were over with and I knew everything, some other big and well-done revelation occurred. I went into it vaguely suspecting certain things (namely who the harmless revenant was), and I figured others out immediately (A-TO's identity), but there was so much here that sincerely surprised me in the best way. It all came together pretty well, and most of it felt well-earned and cleverly hinted at rather than out of the blue.
GAMEPLAY: It's a visual novel, so not much here. Read the text, click along, make occasional decisions that alter the route you're on and the ending you get.

Favourite Male Character: Isora
Favourite Female Character: Yua
First Character I Liked: Isora
Favourite Character Design: A-TO
Favourite Scene: [Redacted] dissolving after the A-TO concert in one ending
Least Favourite Character: Yasu

This review contains spoilers

I think out of all the otoges I've played so far, I really enjoyed the way this game created its atmosphere. I was always a bit unsettled and suspicious of everyone, and I would really love for another otome to try this sort of mystery/spooky concept! If you look at the title screen, its music, and whispers I just think it did an amazing job putting me in the mood for what I was about to experience. I adored all the characters and art as well.

Anyways if 7'scarlet has a million fans, then I am one of them. If 7'scarlet has ten fans, then I am one of them. If 7'scarlet has only one fan then that is me. If 7'scarlet has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against 7'scarlet, then I am against the world.

It's the worst collection of otome game tropes all rolled into a single game.

Really nice art but the story just got dumber and dumber with each love interest.

huge congrats for being the only game to have yuzuki murakumo and the only reason i wouldn't give this 0 stars

Do not play 7'scarlet if you wanna chill and leave the experience feeling happy and fuzzy inside. I heard it was "sad" and thought "eh can't be that bad", and then one route left me a drained shell of a woman for the rest of the day.

I utterly love it for that. 7S gradually introduces its themes in a convincing manner as you progress through the routes, then once it's sunken in turns them against the player in the most tragic yet brilliant way, all aided by the visual atmosphere and compelling character work. The story drags a little initially in my opinion, but it's absolutely worth sticking with it the whole way if you're up for a heaping of bittersweetness. I also found the volume of insert songs on offer to be a nice bonus!

Since this is an otome I'll end off with my fave guy... though honestly I'll cheat a bit here as with 7S. My fave overall is Sosuke, but Yuzuki had my favourite romantic dynamic with Ichiko and Toa was just too great to not also shout out! Hino and Isora were also great, their routes just suffer a little from being the early ones, and the secret LI put me off with one line despite some unexpectedly solid setup. But yeah, this is absolutely one of my fave otome I've played to date.

I kind of wish this was just a horror game instead of an otome, but half the game was still pretty good. The PC port is unstable as hell though.

profundamente imbecil. ok, divertido, uau, desvendar mistérios~, mas geralmente a resposta pra eles é muito, muito tchola. primeiro que o jogo acha que é melhor o hino SE JOGAR DE UM PENHASCO do que eles voltarem pra cidade e pararem a investigação. segundo que apesar de eu achar o toa uma graça, ele é... meio poluído... sendo um SHUT-IN FANÁTICO POR GATOS VITIMA DE BULLYING BASICAMENTE CEGO ONII IDOL ZUMBI. não podia ser outra pessoa a porra do zumbi? e, claro, não posso deixar de dizer que ichiko é uma heroine bem baixa qualidade da silva e muitas coisas acontecem por coincidências que soam muito forçadas. a true route pra mim fede não por hanate ser "irmão" dela, e sim porque ele me soou meio gary stu da ideia.
mas tem uma ambientação muito interessante e imersiva e apesar dos 38520462480 defeitos, eu não fiquei entediada de forma alguma!

The only good route in this game is the true route. And by good I mean the least dumb route in the entire game with some sort of semi-satisfying ending.

MC drove me nuts. She's the epitome of bystander otome MC who needs to be rescued at every point. The LI are meh all around except for maybe Toa and secret character (though they kind of ruined the secret character with the direction of their relationship with MC and y'know how little relevance he ended up having to the story. I really liked him otherwise but they ruined him and the potential he had ugh).

I came in with low standards and was still disappointed. The only thing 7'scarlet has going for it is pretty art (I really liked the backgrounds) and some interesting ideas about life and death that were never really fleshed out.

I used to be pretty down on this game, but after listening to Food4Dogs's thoughts on the game, I'm more sympathetic to it even if it's not exactly a great game. The mystery and characters are both just sort of alright, nothing mindblowing or particularly clever, but its focus on people's relationships with deaths is a subject I've always found fascinating, even if the actual execution isn't. There's some unrealized ambition in this game, but as it is, it's just okay.