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in the past

A little to the left is an IQ test disguised as a "cozy" game. As such it's entirely about figuring out the logic behind a pattern and recreating this pattern.
It will occasionally get particularly daring by making you play spot the difference, but that's about it.
The visuals were cute enough and the music was nice. But I would only spend about a dollar on it for the short length and repetition present. If you have gamepass, it's on there so maybe give it a try.

A nice nightcap after some long days. Daily tidy is nice to keep playing every night but I wish there was some fun twists on the puzzles there.
A bit too short, I really enjoyed it and wish there was more.

- A cute small games about doing stuff with random objects. Great for just wasting time or relaxing.

Fun and relaxing but gets a bit repettetive at the end.


Short little Zen like puzzles were good little brain games. Loved play this with my wife

A ideia é legal, mas acaba sendo meio chatinho e sem graça...

Sweet little puzzle game, really enjoyed going through each of the puzzles (and having the cute cat show up to disrupt random puzzles!)
My only negative with this game was the touch controls for the puzzles was sometimes a little awkward. But you can change to analogue sticks to move puzzles about!

Would highly recommend if you want something quick to play!

Cumple su cometido, puzzles de chill.

Never seems to decide whether it wants to be a chill game about sorting and organizing, or a shape rotator with a cozy skin on top. Sometimes it strikes a nice balance but often it veers too much in either direction, either becoming tedious busy work (reminiscent of Unpacking) or an exercise in unnecessary obfuscation where the aesthetic makes it hard to work out what you are supposed to do.

Considering the game had a whopping NINE programmers working on it, it's striking how it never manages to get the feel right. It always has this tiny bit of awkwardness to it, like it's suffering from input lag and/or missing important layers of feedback. There's always some amount of friction present which adds up cumulatively during the play session and can really get in the way of your enjoyment.

Maybe I'm too harsh on this. I got it in a Humble Bundle for a song and can't say I regret the time I spent with it. And when the game comes together I do think it does things with the premise that are pretty sublime and memorable. Worth playing, if a bit inconsistent. Three stars.

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I adore this. A little cat fucking up your ordering is so cute.

Stop making cozy games that arent cozy

Menudo michi hpdt… lo amo. Yo tmb limpiaría el desmadre de mi gata pq soy básicamente su esclavo

Cute little puzzle game that try’s to focus on relaxation but falls flat due to the cursor being dreadful on the Xbox and some puzzles just so bizarre that you have to search. I would have preferred a style like unpacking which brought a more zen like feel.

Can be relaxing, can also be infuriating so I'm not sure if I'll go back to this but I'm not unwilling to dive back in.

wish it was longer but it was awesome and the ending was really hype for no reason

cool game, nothing special, kind of game you play 10 minutes per day while waiting for food.

Cosy, wholesome, zen. I don’t outright hate these terms when discussing video games but as discussed on The Computer Game Show trying to use those terms as a genre title feels, incorrect, possibly disingenuous.
Horror is a genre, not “scary”, the decision of what something feels like is up to its audience.
It may sound redundant but acting as if cosy is a genre is the equivalent to filing a game under “fun”.

I have definitely used these words to describe games in the past. I am a fan of having games that I can relax with, zone out a little and not feel pressured or even stressed.
A Little to the Left aims for a feeling of being cosy, simple and just nice. Organising varying objects into a tidy manner as a simple puzzle, while along the way introducing a long-haired white cat to add to the everyday wholesome feeling the game is aiming for, using this cat as a game mechanic to either mess with your tidying or as a theme to the puzzles.

I love cats, but I feel that, let’s just call them “cat people”, end up elevating a lot of things that include cats to a pedestal they do not deserve.
This again just added to a feeling which may make me sound miserable, of being told I should like something which had me push back against it.
I will decide whether the game is wholesome, not the game itself.

As far as the organising and puzzles, A Little to the Left fails to do either in a way that really landed with me.
In terms of organising, the feeling is enjoyable for a moment and quickly repetitive. These items other than feeling quite “everyday” don’t really do anything else but act as icons, there is no story within them unlike Unpacking - the game I would say really pushed this subgenre.

The puzzles again are repetitive, organise by size, organise in a colour gradient, make something symmetrical, there is really not much else to them other than this.
Once you understand the game’s language, what it decides is organised, you can solve each puzzle within seconds, maybe replaying for different solutions but quickly moving on.

Another issue with the puzzles themselves is the interactions of simply picking up and putting stuff down never feels precise enough and also doesn’t feel marked out enough to do quickly.
Many times I would have items in the right order but the game had me fiddle with the items until lined up perfectly and that in my eyes, doesn’t feel relaxed or cosy, it feels annoying and like busy work. I will also add here that one puzzle the game would not allow me to solve even though I had everything correct (I ended up using the hint and then guides to check) but because it wouldn’t progress I spent minutes fiddling for no gain.

Sadly repetition is the biggest flaw of A Little to the Left and the finale really ramps this to a stage where I found myself saying “I don’t care about this cat”.

Perhaps there is an argument that I should have played this game in shorter bursts and to a degree I agree with that assessment. However, this further enforces the final point I’d like to make about this game. It’s in the wrong format.

This title is on PC and all the modern consoles, and outside of the Switch and maybe the Steam Deck I don’t think this fits. It has “mobile game” written all over it and whilst I don’t intend that to be an insult it does make it feel wrong playing on a bigger screen.
Multiple stages with tiny puzzles and little in the way of connective thread throughout them just reminds me of the classic games on iOS such as Angry Birds, Cut the Rope or even Monument Valley although that feels more narratively driven.

A Little to the Left is a Little Disappointing.

Gets kinda repetitive towards the end but it's fun organizing stuff.

The game was nice and cozy in the beginning but closer to the end I started hating it

da ate vontade de arrumar uma gaveta

Paraíso das pessoas organizadas.

Wonderfully rendered puzzle game that gets sort of trippy toward the end. It might get kind of confusing! Did not feel bad for liberally using the hint feature. So cute!

REALLY fun. i love games like this... perfect for just relaxing your mind while still thinking and problem solving. love love love. excited to start the DLC

Coming in expecting a puzzle was a bit much, it's a short experience about organising stuff neatly, thought some solutions are such a reach it feels like they only left some in because they needed something to keep you at least somewhat challenged, but when I solved them I just went "what the hell is that sort of logic" which kinda muddied my experience with the game
Plus, the achievements in it are not really fun to collect, as someone who cares about achievement I find it kinda discouraging when you have like 8 achievements about doing your daily tidy for 100 days, it turns from a fun experience to a chore

some sortings are frustrating to me, and the way i'd sort things aren't always an option >:( otherwise the game is very fun! i like it a lot

This is a really interesting puzzle game. It flips the formula and makes mundane daily things puzzles. It is a really good game for neat freaks too. Levels are separated in few chapters, which are themed. There is also a DLC that adds few more levels with it's own theme. Each level is diverse enough to not get you bored. The cat is the main villain you could say, and this is a really cute, comfy game that will leave you wanting more.

Awesome puzzle game, really fun. Love replaying the levels especially chapter 3. I think this game is a lot better on pc.

Markets itself as a cozy, zen organization game and is everything but. Some puzzles are extremely arbitrary to the point I found myself getting frustrated after having my answers get rejected without any indication whether I was close to the intended solution. The tips are terrible.

If you are looking for an actual relaxing game, steer clear of this one and go play Unpacking or Assemble With Care instead.

I overall enjoyed this game as it came to me as something relaxing as the game intends. There were a decent amount of bumps in the road, as a personal standpoint, that were just straight up not enjoyable. I don't recall what levels they were at this point sadly but I can't picture myself going through the game for every single level again. Certain individual ones tickled my brain well more than others.