Reviews from

in the past

Everything, everything
Everything, everything
In its right place, in its right place
In its right place, in its right place

Yesterday I woke up sucking a lemon, yesterday I woke up sucking a lemon
Yesterday I woke up sucking a lemon, yesterday I woke up sucking a lemon

Everything, everything
In its right place, in its right place
Right place

There are two colours in my head, there are two colours in my head
What, what is that you tried to say? What, what was that you tried to say?
Tried to say, tried to say, tried to say, tried to say


Way too rigid to be cozy. Instead of organizing things myself, I feel like I'm trying to guess exactly how the designers organized them, which too often feels arbitrary.

Um jogo de puzzle que sabe misturar o confortável com o instigante. Achar os padrões é muito legal e faz a gente se sentir esperta quando consegue. São poucas fases que posso citar que achei meio ruins.

No geral uma experiência muito aconchegante e foi ótimo abrir ele de vez em quando no final do dia de trabalho pra desestressar.

Nunca deixarei de admirar a ironia em que eu sou terrível organizando as minhas próprias coisas e sempre é um pesadelo pra mim esse tipo de atividade e ai eu achei esse jogo tão delicinha e usei ele pra relaxar.

Cosy, wholesome, zen. I don’t outright hate these terms when discussing video games but as discussed on The Computer Game Show trying to use those terms as a genre title feels, incorrect, possibly disingenuous.
Horror is a genre, not “scary”, the decision of what something feels like is up to its audience.
It may sound redundant but acting as if cosy is a genre is the equivalent to filing a game under “fun”.

I have definitely used these words to describe games in the past. I am a fan of having games that I can relax with, zone out a little and not feel pressured or even stressed.
A Little to the Left aims for a feeling of being cosy, simple and just nice. Organising varying objects into a tidy manner as a simple puzzle, while along the way introducing a long-haired white cat to add to the everyday wholesome feeling the game is aiming for, using this cat as a game mechanic to either mess with your tidying or as a theme to the puzzles.

I love cats, but I feel that, let’s just call them “cat people”, end up elevating a lot of things that include cats to a pedestal they do not deserve.
This again just added to a feeling which may make me sound miserable, of being told I should like something which had me push back against it.
I will decide whether the game is wholesome, not the game itself.

As far as the organising and puzzles, A Little to the Left fails to do either in a way that really landed with me.
In terms of organising, the feeling is enjoyable for a moment and quickly repetitive. These items other than feeling quite “everyday” don’t really do anything else but act as icons, there is no story within them unlike Unpacking - the game I would say really pushed this subgenre.

The puzzles again are repetitive, organise by size, organise in a colour gradient, make something symmetrical, there is really not much else to them other than this.
Once you understand the game’s language, what it decides is organised, you can solve each puzzle within seconds, maybe replaying for different solutions but quickly moving on.

Another issue with the puzzles themselves is the interactions of simply picking up and putting stuff down never feels precise enough and also doesn’t feel marked out enough to do quickly.
Many times I would have items in the right order but the game had me fiddle with the items until lined up perfectly and that in my eyes, doesn’t feel relaxed or cosy, it feels annoying and like busy work. I will also add here that one puzzle the game would not allow me to solve even though I had everything correct (I ended up using the hint and then guides to check) but because it wouldn’t progress I spent minutes fiddling for no gain.

Sadly repetition is the biggest flaw of A Little to the Left and the finale really ramps this to a stage where I found myself saying “I don’t care about this cat”.

Perhaps there is an argument that I should have played this game in shorter bursts and to a degree I agree with that assessment. However, this further enforces the final point I’d like to make about this game. It’s in the wrong format.

This title is on PC and all the modern consoles, and outside of the Switch and maybe the Steam Deck I don’t think this fits. It has “mobile game” written all over it and whilst I don’t intend that to be an insult it does make it feel wrong playing on a bigger screen.
Multiple stages with tiny puzzles and little in the way of connective thread throughout them just reminds me of the classic games on iOS such as Angry Birds, Cut the Rope or even Monument Valley although that feels more narratively driven.

A Little to the Left is a Little Disappointing.

Markets itself as a cozy, zen organization game and is everything but. Some puzzles are extremely arbitrary to the point I found myself getting frustrated after having my answers get rejected without any indication whether I was close to the intended solution. The tips are terrible.

If you are looking for an actual relaxing game, steer clear of this one and go play Unpacking or Assemble With Care instead.

Bem divertido, carismático, complicadinho em certa partes, e tem gatinho :D

Starting the game I thought it was a therepuetic game to tidy up scenes. By the midpoint I thought there might be an underlying meaning about letting go of perfection. By the end of the game I realized the game is just a love letter to a mischievous cat. I did like it but the fact you can win and the cat ruins it and it doesn't let you fix it before moving on? Disastrous.

A little to the left aplys it's ideas at just the right time, they present a puzzle, than iterate over it and then move on to the next one whiteout overstating it's welcome, it's brilliantly done.
It's a joyfull and comfy ride that leaves you wanting more, and also wanting more cat cameos to pet

could've been an actually good time-waster (as opposed to something like vampire survivors) if it didn't tyrannically shackle you to the developer's own notions of tidiness. where's the fun in organizing according to a prescribed pattern?

Esse jogo vai acabar com sua produtividade. Ainda bem que é curto.

I ended up rage quitting! Who'd have thought it! Some puzzles are headscratchers, some are random and some are just a grind. Chapter three in particular is horribly grindy. But that's ok, the problem is the controls. This was presumably designed for mouse so the Xbox build is horrible. Precision control is needed and the snapping isn't forgiving enough. Menu navigation is horrible, which is why I quit (I had nearly finished a level, a very grindy level, and went to the menu and accidentally clicked the reset option). It has potential to be a fun little puzzler but was marred by being horrible to control.

Really nice little puzzle game, the magic of this game is the perspective shift that happens in your brain as you stare at a jumble of objects, plus the levels where you really do simply sort things into little boxes are very pleasing to my autistic ass.

very satisfying game, even though some of the solutions still don't make any sense to me. the music and sound design is probably my favourite part, it made the game so much relaxing

Wish I enjoyed this game more than I did.

I was initially sold on this game by various clips online in which you take a mess of items and sort them into a drawer. And while there are a handful of levels like that, 90% of the levels are not, and are instead bite sized puzzles. That doesn't make this game bad at all, in fact I really enjoyed a lot of the puzzle concepts! it's just not what I was expecting. I was expecting a full on, turn your brain off, game where you sort objects. On some level that is what the game is, but again, just not in the way I was expecting.

Regardless, the game is very relaxing and has a lot of little cute elements that makes it stand out from your typical puzzle game.

Also this game has a cute cat in it

Me when I have to arrange various objects in an ill-defined symmetrical pattern for 30 minutes: fuck this game I hate this, this sucks, why would you do this to me

Me when I have to put objects in the little drawer dividers that perfectly fit each component object: it's so nice when things are organized, life is good :)

gato safado.. ele sabe algum segredo seu e está te desdenhando

A ideia é legal, mas acaba sendo meio chatinho e sem graça...

Donos de gato com TOC se sentiram muito representados com esse.

Usually very relaxing but I found it weirdly frustrating at points, likely due to using a controller to play - there is a 'snap-to' function using the shoulder buttons but the cursor itself can be a bit haphazard.

Some of the puzzles can also feel a bit off as well, either due to the solution leaning too hard into trial and error or because they fall a bit too far into the nebulous idea of tidying - does adding stars to a constellation really work thematically for what is in reality a game about tidying a house up and your cat getting in the way?

Eu sabia que ia amar esse jogo desde a primeira vez que vi o trailer pela primeira vez. Com a temática de arrumar coisas na casa, A Little to the Left convida você a encontrar padrões, simetrias e completudes dentro de objetos comuns do dia-a-dia.

Tem um ou outro puzzle que realmente me deixou confuso (e o sistema de dicas é bem útil), mas cada ideia era do tamanho certo pra divertir sem cansar. Eu ficava realmente feliz cada vez que conseguia achar os padrões certos - e mais ainda quando o gatinho aparecia pra bagunçar tudo.

Some of the puzzle solutions are mind bending (derogatory) but you can skip them so it's ok! Had to constantly use the hints function but it's a nice wee game. Nothing special sadly but it's nice.

If Mom catches me playing this insted of cleaning my room... I'm DEAD!!!!

For a sunday afternoon comfy blanket rain outside chocolate nice and warm nap time warm milk and bedtime story game, it's pretty good

When the first staff cat in the credits I laid eyes upon was called "Thanos" I was not surprised.

A fine little cozy game. I would recommend mouse and keyboard as the controller can be a bit frustrating.

Fun little puzzle game that doesn't quite know in what direction it wants to expand its core concept. The DLC is much stronger in that regard, but still a little bit too repetitious. Also recommend mouse controls over playing on console.

A mi dame un jueguito de ordenar cosas con música chill y además un gatito y ya estoy contenta.
Le quito media estrellita porque hay dinámicas que se repiten bastante y puede tornarse repetitivo.
Le quito otra media estrella porque tiene el típico logro de "jugar X días consecutivos".

Bom, galera, hoje vamos falar de mais um joguinho que joguei no Game Pass recentemente: A Little to the Left. Este é um game com uma pegada que não costumo jogar muito, que é puramente de puzzles e raciocínio lógico. Acredito que o último que joguei nesse estilo foi o Unpacking, e aqui, neste game, ele é assim como Unpacking, um game que busca organizar o ambiente, porém aqui de maneira mais focada em puzzles do que puramente na organização.

No game, a gente tem mais de 70 tipos de puzzles, a grande maioria com uma única temática, que é a organização. Apesar da temática quase sempre ser a mesma, eles variam muito em design. Alguns desses designs são muito divertidos e prazerosos de fazer, enquanto outros eu senti que são estranhos demais, beirando a algo meio chato. A Little to the Left tem uma variedade tão grande de quebra-cabeças que aqueles dos quais você mais gosta talvez sejam diferentes de outra pessoa.

Um recurso bem legal que esse game tem é o fato de você poder pular qualquer quebra-cabeça que você ache chato com apenas um clique. Fazendo isso, você será levado para o próximo, sem perguntas e sem penalidades. Isso, de certa maneira, é muito bom, principalmente para aqueles poucos quebra-cabeças que, para algumas pessoas, podem ser chatos ou que você simplesmente não consiga entender.

Eu joguei 100% deste game através do Xbox, porém sinceramente recomendo muito que vocês joguem este game no PC, pois a jogabilidade nos controles é bem estranha e limitada. Diversos momentos dá para sentir que este game é digno de um PC.

Mesmo sendo frustrante com alguns dos quebra-cabeças, A Little to the Left é um baita jogo e está disponível no nosso Game Pass, e certamente vale a pena para todo mundo conferir ele, afinal, ele não é um game tão difícil e é bem acessível a todo tipo de público, principalmente para você que busca um game para relaxar. E certamente A Little to the Left é pura diversão.

Pontos Positivos:
- Quebra-cabeças bem desafiadores
- Estilo de arte que parece um livro infantil muito bonito

Pontos Negativos:
- NA

Versão utilizada para análise: XSS

I'd been following this game through Wholesome Directs for while, and decided to pick it up during a sale!

The game is very quaint. The art style is simple and pleasant to look at, I really enjoy the texturing on objects. The sounds are well done. I did have some difficulties with picking up and moving objects, but imagine this would be easier using a mouse. On some levels I simply used the touch screen of my steam deck, which worked well enough.

The main campaign of the game isn't too long. There's a variety of chapters with different theming for the puzzles within it. Some puzzles have multiple solutions, meaning there's a bit more to do to perfect the game. I found the hints ranged from hints to simply showing the solution which I didn't mind (I had a tutorial up already.) The method of uncovering hints I found fun, and levels can be skipped if needed without consequence. I liked some puzzles more than others, but thought they were all well-designed.

I found the UI charming and well-designed. It was easy to see which levels were not fully completed and navigate to them.

I did feel like the game lacked a bit of substance to make it truly stand out to me, though. I can't place why because I found it very charming, but a very average experience. I do still think it's worth playing if you enjoy puzzles, as there's plenty of content to be enjoyed. It might connect to others more than myself.

I have long had my eye on A Little to the Left, but I was sadly left disappointed by my time with it. The game sacrifices a clarity in its puzzles' design language for a sense of variety and the hope that pure intuition is enough to push the player along. And often it is - but often isn't always. The number of puzzles that required me to fumble around not for the solution, but for the objective, left me far more annoyed than energized. And while there are myriad solutions to many of the puzzles, there's usually a degree of uncertainty - yet paradoxically a level of demanding precision - that can frequently erase any sense of satisfaction the game looks to provide.

A Little to the Left's best puzzles are the ones that build on previous ones, but those don't make up for the number of challenges that seem content asking you to do something largely random. Combine this with sometimes finnicky controls and a play space that can often get too cluttered mid-solve, and you have a puzzle experience that just doesn't work for me. The game is beautifully produced, but it's also markedly frustrating. I wish that the game had been as soothing as I expected.

- ¯\(ツ)/¯ -
Apenas lo jugue y puedo decir que no es mi clase de juego pq mi mente de pez no puede con el juego, lo juegue hasta el chap 3 y se me hizo muy exigente para mí xD.
Creó firmemente que es buen juego de puzzles y de razonamiento, mire que tiene varias formas de terminar ciertos niveles, pero para eso se tiene que tender cierta perception para detectar como hacerlo.
Repito no me parecio malo pero no es para mí.