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in the past

This is another game in the sense of "Cozy Corner''. It has a very cozy atmosphere with quite a few puzzles and the ''Daily Tidies'' do add to the re-playability, though not forever.

Overall, the game is very adorable, has a unique art style and a bunch of sweet achievements. The levels are different enough for my personal liking, but can imagine if people find it repetitive.

I was confused how some levels work at first, but other than that I was really pleased for a game of this genre! Especially the ending levels were really creative.

The DLC has 25 additional levels, which might not be worth the price for some people, but I personally do not regret the few more levels.

- ¯\(ツ)/¯ -
Apenas lo jugue y puedo decir que no es mi clase de juego pq mi mente de pez no puede con el juego, lo juegue hasta el chap 3 y se me hizo muy exigente para mí xD.
Creó firmemente que es buen juego de puzzles y de razonamiento, mire que tiene varias formas de terminar ciertos niveles, pero para eso se tiene que tender cierta perception para detectar como hacerlo.
Repito no me parecio malo pero no es para mí.

Sure, it's fine. Better than Unpacking, at the least, but it's got the same problems where there's explicit solutions to layouts that should be arrangeable however you want. Still overall largely unremarkable, good to sink an hour or two into on Gamepass and not much else.

If I wanted to organize objects I would do it in my own house ( I won't). At least the cat's behavior is accurate to real life lore.
You get exactly what you paid for with this game. It just isn't for me.

pretty cute but super overrated !

Idk like
The climax of this game is "stack the Tupperware to please the cat!"
So I loved it :)

this game was really cute and some levels i had fun with but i didn't like a majority of the game

Never seems to decide whether it wants to be a chill game about sorting and organizing, or a shape rotator with a cozy skin on top. Sometimes it strikes a nice balance but often it veers too much in either direction, either becoming tedious busy work (reminiscent of Unpacking) or an exercise in unnecessary obfuscation where the aesthetic makes it hard to work out what you are supposed to do.

Considering the game had a whopping NINE programmers working on it, it's striking how it never manages to get the feel right. It always has this tiny bit of awkwardness to it, like it's suffering from input lag and/or missing important layers of feedback. There's always some amount of friction present which adds up cumulatively during the play session and can really get in the way of your enjoyment.

Maybe I'm too harsh on this. I got it in a Humble Bundle for a song and can't say I regret the time I spent with it. And when the game comes together I do think it does things with the premise that are pretty sublime and memorable. Worth playing, if a bit inconsistent. Three stars.

Paraíso das pessoas organizadas.

A little to the left is an IQ test disguised as a "cozy" game. As such it's entirely about figuring out the logic behind a pattern and recreating this pattern.
It will occasionally get particularly daring by making you play spot the difference, but that's about it.
The visuals were cute enough and the music was nice. But I would only spend about a dollar on it for the short length and repetition present. If you have gamepass, it's on there so maybe give it a try.

It's a really fun game, but what I didn't like is that to get all the achievements you have to do multiple playthroughs, which doesn't make much sense, since the game isn't really made to be played more than once. Also I did 3 playthroughs and the DLC in a couple of hours, but the game has achivements for 30 consecutive daily challenges, and 100 daily challenges, I tried to complete them but it got really boring, it's not worth it.

Some of the puzzles were cute, but the overall experience of playing this made me feel like it was a weapon designed to kill people with a very specific kind of OCD.

Much like the game Unpacking, A Little to the Left hits the spot in terms of scratching the organizing itch except that this in it's favor has more of an emphasis on puzzle logic to get through many of it's levels. Best played in short bursts to achieve maximum zen.

It's an ok little game. Sometimes it's satisfying to tidy up a scenario, but just as often it's hard to decipher what exactly the puzzle wants of you, even with the (very welcome) hint system, so it becomes really frustrating. Thankfully you're allowed to skip levels, but it never felt good to do so.

It's OK. The puzzles are more about organizing and putting things together than figuring out the logic. It's about 3-ish hours, and worth it if you enjoy laid-back puzzle games.

I recommend waiting for a sale though, as personally, this is one of those games I will forget about in 1 week and never think about again. If it came out 8 years ago I would enjoy it more, but there have been so many puzzle games released in the last few years.

fofinho e bem aconchegante, jogar isso as 3 da manhã fritou meu cérebro

Wish I enjoyed this game more than I did.

I was initially sold on this game by various clips online in which you take a mess of items and sort them into a drawer. And while there are a handful of levels like that, 90% of the levels are not, and are instead bite sized puzzles. That doesn't make this game bad at all, in fact I really enjoyed a lot of the puzzle concepts! it's just not what I was expecting. I was expecting a full on, turn your brain off, game where you sort objects. On some level that is what the game is, but again, just not in the way I was expecting.

Regardless, the game is very relaxing and has a lot of little cute elements that makes it stand out from your typical puzzle game.

Also this game has a cute cat in it

More of a puzzle game than a straightforward cozy game than you might expect. Some of the puzzles are pretty cool to put together, some are frustrating in that there are multiple solutions that make an equal amount of sense but the game only accepts one of them, and some are full-on moon-logic obtuse and don't make any sense even after staring at the solution for way too long

I have long had my eye on A Little to the Left, but I was sadly left disappointed by my time with it. The game sacrifices a clarity in its puzzles' design language for a sense of variety and the hope that pure intuition is enough to push the player along. And often it is - but often isn't always. The number of puzzles that required me to fumble around not for the solution, but for the objective, left me far more annoyed than energized. And while there are myriad solutions to many of the puzzles, there's usually a degree of uncertainty - yet paradoxically a level of demanding precision - that can frequently erase any sense of satisfaction the game looks to provide.

A Little to the Left's best puzzles are the ones that build on previous ones, but those don't make up for the number of challenges that seem content asking you to do something largely random. Combine this with sometimes finnicky controls and a play space that can often get too cluttered mid-solve, and you have a puzzle experience that just doesn't work for me. The game is beautifully produced, but it's also markedly frustrating. I wish that the game had been as soothing as I expected.

I enjoyed this game, I the organizing was very fun, I wish they had more organization centered levels like the drawer or cupboards and less finding the correct order like the pencils. But an enjoyable game nontheless!

neat little puzzle game. some puzzles feel very arbitrary, but i like how lots of puzzles have multiple different solutions, just as there is often multiple different ways to organize things. it's cool how the game doesn't need to use words to explain what the goal of a puzzle is, but generally speaking, the puzzles get worse as the game progresses. absolutely hated the tools hanging on the wall puzzle.

Wasnt as cozy as iut should've been cuz im easily aggravated LOL.

Was okay

REALLY fun. i love games like this... perfect for just relaxing your mind while still thinking and problem solving. love love love. excited to start the DLC

Short little Zen like puzzles were good little brain games. Loved play this with my wife

Cute, irreverent and relaxing. The perfect game when you don't have anything to play and just wanna have a good time. The "puzzles" if you wanna call them that are really intuitive and easy to understand. They offer a number of different responses and you can stumble upon any one of them depending on how you see see it. Cute game, short game, fun game.

Fuck the tupperware puzzle. Otherwise, a pretty good & satisfying time.

this was cute but the rhythm no tengoku medley style ending really rocketed it to the coveted 3 star rating

برو روح رتب غرفتك

makea my brain go bing bing bing

Jogo muito bacana, quando descobre as coisas é satisfatório mas no final fica avacalhado a dificuldade. Faltou o pt-br