Reviews from

in the past

Sights & Sounds
- A Little to the Left is a gorgeous game dripping with mid-century Realism. Many of the levels and their contents look like they were ripped directly for a 1950s home ec textbook
- The use of color is also nice. I liked how most levels used a restricted palette, giving each a screen print sort of feel
- While the soundtrack wasn't bad, it did feel a little out of tune with the visual style. Given the artwork that harkens back some 70-80 years, I would have expected the genre of the backing tracks to follow suit. While they are a pleasant mix of dreamy synth, ethereal piano, nicely varied percussion, and playful back-and-forths of plucked and bowed strings, the style feels contemporary and out of place
- I rarely feel motivated to mention sound design, but A Little to the Left does a great job in this regard. The various clinks, whooshes, clatters, and scrapes you'd expect to hear while shuffling various objects around are faithful and instantly identifiable. It really does capture the auditory experience of rummaging around in a messy drawer for a book of matches

Story & Vibes
- I don't wander into the "cozy organization puzzle game" world very often, but unlike the last one of these I played (Unpacking), there's not really any attempt at storytelling. Just clean, organize, and watch out for that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ cat
- Although the vibes are indeed mostly cozy, I bumped into some frustration when trying to figure out some of the alternate solutions to certain levels. Those wound up crashing the party enough that I wound up using a guide when I circled back to solve everything. Some of the solutions are fairly insipid, and I don't know if I would have gotten there naturally (looking at you, pen level)

Playability & Replayability
- Your enjoyment of the game is wholly dependent on how much you enjoy this style of gameplay, and perhaps the tasks of tidying and organizing as a whole. Do you find it meditative and satisfying? Then you're probably going to enjoy this experience, especially with its pretty visuals. Do you find it boring and frustrating? Then don't even bother considering
- The gameplay can be almost wholly described as "click and drag object to correct spot". Beyond that, you occasionally stave of incursions from your luxurious Persian cat
- I don't have any compulsive need to organize, so I'm probably not gonna revisit this one

Overall Impressions & Performance
- I'm still undecided on how I feel about this sort of game (not that I've played many of them). All I really have to compare it to is Unpacking. While I liked the unspoken narrative of that title, I kinda hated the "puzzles". With so few restrictions, I found myself mostly piling up garbage into technically correct positions and moving on to the next level. A Little to the Left, on the other hand, gives you the satisfaction of feeling like you're actually solving a puzzle by adding set solutions, but the lack of any motivating pretense means that the whole experience feels a bit pointless. It made me wonder why I was bothering to tidy up my virtual cutlery drawer when my real one is a jumbled mess. Oh well. At least it motivated me to finally reorganize a few of my actual kitchen's messy cabinets
- I feel like I write this on a lot of point-and-click games that I wind up playing on Steam Deck, but the same thought applies: the trackpads are sufficient, but M/K would have been smoother

Final Verdict
- 6/10. A passably satisfying experience with some pretty visuals and slick foley work, but little more. I mildly enjoyed the organization gameplay, but if you don't, you're going to have a much worse time

as fases finais me irritaram, n tenho paciência

Cute, irreverent and relaxing. The perfect game when you don't have anything to play and just wanna have a good time. The "puzzles" if you wanna call them that are really intuitive and easy to understand. They offer a number of different responses and you can stumble upon any one of them depending on how you see see it. Cute game, short game, fun game.

For a game that is supposed to be very chill, some of the puzzles are very frustrating. But overall a relaxing experience

-Xbox game pass
My friend described me as being possessed throughout the entire playthrough of this. So much so I decided to make an account here and log this. Very charming very fun Very cool.

I saw someone said this was a 3 hours game play and it took me 9 hours am I stupid or

very chill and satisfying. some puzzles feel a little silly or are just straight up mini-games but for the most part they're satisfying to solve and scratch a nice little itch in your brain.

100% this game is easier than cleaning my room

lo que juego cuando ando bien aburrido explorando el gamepass:

I really like this game probably one of the most fun puzzle games I've played ever, its chill and relaxing but has some fascinating solutions and ideas to it, there's also some great moments where they change the pace and tone of what you're doing, I'd love to see more in the future of some of the sub puzzle themes this game has.

I enjoyed firing this up on weekend mornings and just playing a few levels it was perfect as a meditative game where you are just moving things around and trying to find a solution.

My only gripe is that sometimes it's not obvious you are on the right track, it reminds me of when picross games remove all the rails and you're trying to solve the puzzle with no feedback whether you are picking the wrong tiles, its still fun but sometimes it can be hard to know what you are doing and whether you are on the right track.

Honestly can't recommend this enough it's well worth anyone's time.

One of the best “cozy puzzle” games out right now. The DLC is also a solid expansion. A pretty simple 100% and all achievements if you are willing to do a mindless 30 second puzzle for 100 days. Also cat so plus points.

J'profite de mes quelques jours de gamepass gratuit pour picorer des petits jeu comme A little to the left.
Un petit puzzle game de rangement qui pouvait être sympatoche et cozy,si la logique des rangements était compréhensible,tu passes plus de temps à essayer de comprendre comment les devs voulaient que tu fasse la solution. Et les indices sonores pour te dire que t'as bien placé sont trop faible face à la musique(même mise à 50%).

Anyone who calls this game a “cozy game” is fucking lying, that cat is a narc

It's a really fun game, but what I didn't like is that to get all the achievements you have to do multiple playthroughs, which doesn't make much sense, since the game isn't really made to be played more than once. Also I did 3 playthroughs and the DLC in a couple of hours, but the game has achivements for 30 consecutive daily challenges, and 100 daily challenges, I tried to complete them but it got really boring, it's not worth it.

Some of the puzzles were cute, but the overall experience of playing this made me feel like it was a weapon designed to kill people with a very specific kind of OCD.

doing chores has never been more fun or confusing

There isn't much to say about A Little to the Left. It is a simple game with a simple premise. It does what it does well, but perhaps doesn't leave as much of an impression. That said, it is a good time regardless.

Mostly satisfying yet at times a bit too picky. I had to visit the wiki a few times to get through this game and its counterpart DLC. Some stages have very creative solutions and others you will be fighting with the mechanics and wondering if you have the correct answer or some item is just not placed to the particular point where the game wants it.

Heads up for anyone else shooting for all achievements on console - you may have a tricky time doing it with a controller vs a keyboard and mouse. This game also requires you to play for 100 days (25 of those need to be consecutive) so it is a very demanding 100%.

I like this game, but it isn't exactly I wanted. I was hoping for more puzzles with multiple solutions but those types of puzzles start to decrease the further you get into the game. The game is nice and relaxing though, and it is fun!

a simple and cute collection of puzzles, there is nothing more to say. it reminded me of the days when i was a junior and spent hours solving puzzles in children's magazines. although some levels don't make much sense imo

Extremely satisfying game for anyone with perfectionist/OCD tendencies. A Little to the Left is a puzzle game where you have to organize things. That's basically it. Figuring out how to organize something is usually the puzzle aspect of it. Not every puzzle is great either but there's like 100 of them and you can easily skip any you don't like or use the game's generous hint system.

There's a little "story" with a cat but it's more of a collection of 10 second vignettes spliced through the game than a story of any kind. The music is a real vibe setter though. Whimsical and pleasant sounds compliment the gameplay really well.

There's not a ton to this game but boy am I glad it exists. I played a big chunk of this with my partner and she was really into it. She's not usually into games but something like this just triggered the part of her brain that needs everything to be tidy.

Good game. Check it out.

A little too fiddly and obsessive to be truly relaxing, at least for me

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