Reviews from

in the past

Amazing sequel and it has the best mini game I have ever played "Monkey Soccer" which could have been a Full game on its own. It inspired Pandaball and probably many other soccer games after it

Tudo que lembro desse jogo é de um macaco branco e inteligente que começa uma revolução de macacos partos ao redor do mundo pois não querem mais servir o sistema opressor, que obriga mamacos a utilizarem shorts e capacetes. Seria esse jogo uma critica capitalista? Não sei, mas eu lembro vividamente de ter uma fase se passando na pré historia, que tem um mamaco limpando o rego em uma animação que assombra meus sonhos até hoje.

Similar to the first game, I feel like Ape Escape 2 avoids a lot of criticism because of how energetic and weird it is. It's definitely an improvement over the first, but is still an odd duck of a game at the core.

I feel mostly disappointed with this one on a revisit years later. Having bigger stages, more elaborate gadgets, and WAY more monkeys on paper should be a sure-fire winner.

However the aesthetics, change in composer, and honestly feeling slow and bloated with empty space puts this game in a rough spot for me personally. That said, some of the songs are fine and the late-game gets really wacky in difficulty that's genuinely pretty fun and wild. I'd still recommend it.

I have very fond memories of this one, with its big bright vibrant colourful graphics and simple but addictive 'gotta catch em all' gameplay.

Played on PlayStation 5.

Much like the first game, I feel like this was a "you had to be there" moment, because as much as I tried, I couldn't get into it. Still, there are cool ideas here, and I was kinda enjoying myself more with this one than I did the first one. I wouldn't mind it getting a new installment.

not as good as ape escape 1, still not bad though

Just plain, cute, timeless fun.
Great gameplay, nice graphics, catchy soundtrack, and just overall great experience for all ages and skill levels.

A truly universal game in my opinion.


Ape Escape 2 takes everything I enjoyed about the original and improves upon it, thanks to it's memorable stages, various monkeys that are even more charming than the originals, and it's slight improvement to the controls. Additionally the game also has far more bosses than the original, all of which offer a good challenge. Ape Escape 2 even let's players skip tutorials for gadgets, which was something I didn't even know I wanted. My only complaint towards this game is that the soundtrack wasn't as memorable to me as the first games was.

A fine game and much better than the first one in terms of difficulty. The final levels start to get pretty long but generally it was a fun playthrough with a lot of weird charm to it. Looking forward to the 3rd game.


I just love monkys they like lil grillers

I still can't believe they changed Spike for Little Jimmy ;-;

The camera here feels worse than in the first game but still a much better game overall

Played this a ton as a kid, love it so much

However the game runs horribly on ps5

Similar to the first but still good

there's something odd about it compared to the others, but i can't figure out what it is, maybe it's the different direction?

Its difficulty is also strange, and unfortunately the (goat) composer soichi terada didn't work on this title

Not the best one of the three but still a good game.
Bit on the repetetive side, gadget are kinda mehish but the boss are pretty good though

THIS GAMES DOPEEE APE ESCAPE SWEEP. Sony please for the love of god give us a new entry. We've been starved long enough. Legit my favorite platforming genre after 3D Mario. It's that damn fantastic.

Ape Escape and Metal Gear technically share a universe

Holds up incredibly well. I didn't have any nostalgia glasses going into this and can safely say this is an all time classic.

Ape Escape 2 (2002) is a video game in which several monkeys wearing pajamas try to escape from a secret laboratory in which a professor makes cookies that the kids just crave! three stars

I was about to write out a long ass review for this game, but then I realized I can sum it up in a sentence: "Ape Escape 2 is a game that tries to ape Ape Escape 1, but manages to do it worse in almost every way." That isn't to say the game is bad. The game is still amazing and one of the best 3D platformers out there (speaks to how great this series has been so far).

However, Ape Escape 2 did some things better. Stuff like the gachapon prizes cranked the game's charm up to 11 (the monkey fables are honestly goated). The minigames are much more playable this time around, with Monkey Soccer probably being one of the best things to ever exist. I also noticed that some of the monkey colors were made more distinct (with Red becoming a close range brawler instead of being a better Black for example), though Light Blue and White became a lot more in line with Yellow. The addition of non-colored gimmick monkeys was also really cool.

However, Ape Escape 2 does some things worse than the original that I feel outweigh the benefits. Levels are fun, but there isn't really any cohesive theming between levels or sets of levels like in Ape Escape 1. This combined with a somewhat duller palette and less setpieces (I'd like to mention the christmas tree in one level that made my emulator drop from 60fps to 40) makes the levels overall more forgettable. In addition, the levels felt a lot more linear on average. Sure, this isn't a unique thing to Ape Escape 2. 1 had linear levels, and the first two present day levels were easily my least favorite in part due to this. However, 2 has longer linear levels, and yes, they do loop around, usually at the end of the level though past the monkey threshold needed to beat the level, meaning the shortcuts don't really matter until you are going through the stage for the remaining monkeys (I will give the game credit for that, otherwise 100% is a bitch lol). Also, the three new gadgets are hyper-situational, and would go unused by me if the game didn't force me to use them in such a contrived way.

The game's still good, but not as good as Ape Escape 1

A fairly unmemorable, by-the-numbers sequel, with litle to offer over the original PS1 entry. Still a decent time, but there's better in the series.

This game would be 10x better if it had Ape Escape 3's quick select. The Japanese release had it and they removed it!!! Why????

Anyway, I like it a over Ape Escape. The monkeys are very charming and the levels are fun. The only thing that is definitely worse is the MUSIC.

Specter is a bitch ass motherfucker

Switching to comments for each monkey instead of descriptors is a huge downgrade but we also got monkeys named Tomkey Kruise and Harley Q. Win so it balances out

Lets Play Monkey Football! ⚽️

Greatest monkey catching game ever