Reviews from

in the past

theres no other way to describe this game than just do not play it, its shit, its terrible, its a failure in basic game design. whatever way you want to phrase it this game is just pure ass.

don't play, not good, many reasons why its bad, it would take to long to explain all of them so just don't waste your time with this game.

this shit fire yall this is fire is fire shit is fire

This may sound bizarre, but it's a strange pattern that has occurred in my life, even while playing Barji Kart. Every time I go out for a night after experiencing the passing of a friend or loved one, I seem to end up with a goth girl. It's happened at least three times now, and it's starting to weird me out.

The first instance was when an online friend passed away. The day after, I played Barji Kart and ended up with two goth girls in one night.

The second time was after my mum's passing. After her wake, I went out for the night and had a strange experience. Near the end of the night, around 4 o'clock in the morning, a friend snuggled up to me. I could tell she was looking up at me, likely wanting to kiss me. However, I didn't feel the same way, so I kept staring straight ahead.

It seems like fate gave me another chance, as at the next house party I attended, while taking a break from Barji Kart, I ended up with yet another goth girl.

What makes this even more peculiar is that on regular nights out, I have absolutely no game. But for some reason, whenever there's a death around me, I suddenly become irresistible, and I can't figure out why.

Score: 6/10

unfinished, bad, and fun with friends

Barji Kart is simple low quality multiplayer racing game. Don't expect too much from it.

Characters - Simple cartoony meme characters, 4 to choose from.
Sound - The music is nothing special.
Mechanics - Buggy at times, but the car can drift, drive in all directions and there are some power-ups on the track as well.
Visuals - Very basic track, character and world design.
Gameplay - There are some respawning bugs sometimes, but most things work just fine. Entertaining and fun if you playing with a friend.
Level Design - Fairly basic level design, with just a floating track and a couple of raps and jumps at times, it isn't the most impressive level design for a racing game.
Goal - To beat someone else in a race or to get the best race time you can.
Story - None.
Length - 1 hour
Rating - 2/10

A disgusting cesspool of pointless driving and horrible controls and mechanics. Not to mention the stupid idiots i played with (my best friends)