Reviews from

in the past

Holy bromance, Batman! I love this game. Love how brave they were with the story and how they mixed things up. What a master-stroke to have your choices influence the Joker's psyche, determining whether or not he becomes the Joker. Incredible!

minhas escolhas fez o coringa ser tão bonzinho q ele surtou kkkkkkk

Batman: The Enemy Within is a crazy ride! Telltale does a great job of messing with your expectations of classic Batman villains, the choices actually feel impactful, and Bruce/Batman's relationships are seriously tested. The story has a few slow moments, and quick-time events can get annoying, but it's a dark and twisted take on Batman that kept me hooked until the very end. Definitely worth it for Bat-fans!

Oh Telltale, your Joker looks cool, lets see how he is
looks inside the game
He is a simp

Out of these two seasons of Telltale's Batman series, I think they're both good, but this one had a story that had me more emotionally invested. A great spin on Joker and his dynamic with Batman, which also gives the players' choices a lot more weight, and makes you feel like your actions definitely matter, which is crucial for a game like this. Its basically just the first season but better all around. I had a great time with both games.

This game was great in many ways I did not expect. The relationship with John is extremely compelling and you really get invested into their dynamic. I love the role reversal between him and Harley. It is so refreshing and unique to see it. And there's a major focus on the villains, and you actually spend a ton of time with them as well.

It has many implausible and stupid moments for sure. Not all the characters are great, but it has some of the most dynamic choices in the story, leading to 2 totally different episodes for the finale depending on what you pick.

It is emotionally compelling, it has great action and set pieces, and it explores the characters in new and organic ways that work for this universe.

One of Telltale's better games.

Esse jogo pertence a elite dos jogos narrativos, lançado no melhor momento da telltale, aqui você tem um Batman independente de qualquer filme/HQ, decisões mais ou menos impactantes e um desfecho muito bom

another fun time, the ways you can impact the joker make it a slightly better experience but I can't really comment on the story considering everyone's will be different.

Really cool Ideas that dont really go anywhere and a shit ton of loose ends that wont get resolved now.

amo o universo do batman da telltale

Mejor que la primera entrega, te deja disfrutar mas de ser Bruce sin terminar de quitarte lo divertido de ser Batman. La historia mejora mucho mas, las decisiones se sienten mas difíciles de tomar y la trama te mantiene enganchado. Tiene un par de bugs pero nada comparado al anterior.

Unlike the previous android port, this one has audio bugs and frankly, that's the only reason I'm deducting .5 because this might be one of the best batman stories I've ever experienced. It fixes literally every single issue with the first season and provides such a brilliant and unique dynamic among some of the most iconic DC characters.

Another solid Telltale Batman game but the magic is kinda gone at this point.

Better than it had any right to be, but the jank of the engine really hits in this one, lots of crashes. Still good, tho.

Meglio del primo capitolo, villains gestiti bene.

It feels like two steps forward and one teeny tiny step back for season 2 of Telltale's Batman.

On one hand, it's more what you expect with Batman. Season 1 had a kind of unique feel to it, it was a bit more grounded and dry. This one is giving the Batman fans exactly what they want. Lots of villains, over the top violence.

But hey! I thought all that was fun! And the stuff they do with "Joker" in this season is pretty incredible, I don't think I've ever been as fascinated with the character before this.

So yeah, I enjoyed it! It's maybe a LITTLE sloppy, but it's a fun time.

Is Batman going to appear in this Batman game?

One of my favourite Jokers ever.

Much like its predecessor, thoroughly enjoyable, if not better!
Definitely reccomend it for casual, or more die-hard, fans of D.C. Comics.

“You are one messed up guy”

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Another easy telltale one. I'm getting pretty tired of this illusion of choice formula. For once I strongly felt about a path only for the game to tell me "umm no we don't want" that. I wanted to befriend the joker and push that choice forward no matter how twisted I had to become... but couldn't because we needed a villain for episode 5. At least this one feels more polished than Guardians of the Galaxy, fairly good plot and no lazy copy paste characters. Anyways, no wonder the studio went bankrupt.