Reviews from

in the past

Dio, quanto era brutto sto gioco. Eppure era gratis, e mi ha tenuto compagnia per qualche tempo, che è già tanto

The only Battlefield I could afford being a kid

i only ever played this to get veteran status in bad company 2 to get the veteran guns

The most fun I've ever had with a Battlefield game. It leans into its video gamey-ness and players can take tons of hits, and it's got the whole numbers flying off of characters thing going on. My experience in other Battlefield games has pretty much been to take a few steps and then get killed in one or two hits by someone I never even saw, so needless to say I much preferred this style. Favorite thing was definitely hopping in a plane and waiting to take empty control points and getting into dogfights. Also the cartoonishness of everything is very fun to look at. I've decided that the fact that it's got no story and is so cartoony will let me break my usual 2 star barrier that I have with most military shooters. This one was I fun time when I played it.

I had more fun with this than any BF game after BF3

wow completely forgot this game existed definitely a gem of the f2p shooter era my game of choice at the time was Microvolts but this felt very similar to that

Played some matches with friends. It was fun sitting on the wings of a plane. Not much else has made an impression on me, tbh. But I continued urging them to get Battlefield 2 so we could play that instead and have more fun!

Era muito divertido! principalmente brincar com os veículos desse jogo, poucos proporcionaram experiência semelhante. A música tema do jogo também é bastante emblemática, é sempre a primeira coisa que me vem na memória.

Had a really fun artstyle before being swarmed with idiotic cosmetics.

Fun when it came out for a little - not Battlefield tho

I don't know why I was excited for this. I guess the combination of class based action, attractive cartoony graphics, and the price point of free caught my eye, and got me excited. When I finally got in I realized that it controlled like shit, was clunky as fuck despite being stripped down compared to the rest of its franchise, and that being silly did not mean it was fun. To simply to play the game was unpleasant. I guess there was a reason why it was free.

My computer couldn't run this but I tried playing several matches around the time it launched.

One of my best childhood games
You will never be forgotten :(

I still whistle the main theme from time to time.