Reviews from

in the past

I just personally hated everything they did with this. The campaign is awful, and the multiplayer changes ruined the formula. The whole health packs system is terrible. The way that the machine guns can only be used prone is awful. Also the long revive system that made the medic useless was just annoying. Plus there was so little content at launch. Very little variety. Overall this game is the worst of the new battlefield and I hope they walk back the changes.

The gameplay is wicked fun but in classic EA fashion the support for the game and monetization strategies absolutely dumpstered the potential of the game.

Its great but all those EA shit, buying stuff made it bad...

Truly a war game..
I don't have too much to talk about this, a Battlefield game that in your campaign does not stand out


this game got way better about a year after it came out and is still a rally good game

Can someone help me please.
I like the game, but when my internet drops for 1 sec it instantly crashes with connection to EA servers lost. (instead of just lagging or freezing)
My connection is rlly just fine, had no other problems in any shooter ever.

Once again only played the campaign. It was cool, but the fragmented setup wasn't the greatest.

I played every BF and 100%ed all their campaigns but I couldn't find the enthusiasm to go all the way and finish this 100%. I just finished it in easy and deleted. Played a little bit multiplayer and it was cool but I still prefer BF1 for 1900s and BF42 for the modern times.


Achei o mais interessante dos bf q joguei, falo do multiplayer já que não encostei no single

El modo campaña es un sin sentido, y el multijugador patino en algunas cosas, pero estaba bien.

A really short campaign and nothing memorable.

better than 4 but felt strange and i hated the "help me" thing

me divertindo bastante jogando o conquistinha, as armas tem um peso legal mas as mecânicas fora do jogo são paia, vai pra * EA

Novamente trazendo um modo campanha bem curto focado em pequenas histórias, similar ao BF 1, porém dessa vez com histórias menos impactantes. Em relação ao multiplayer, BF V continua super divertido de jogar com amigos e movimentado (2024), porém em tudo ele acaba sendo inferior ao seu antecessor (BF 1).

Mantendo a tradição de entusiasta da franquia Battlefield, esperava um modo campanha maior com uma história de início ao fim, embora não ficou tão ruim, fiquei meio desapontado por não ser da maneira que eu esperava.

Bom multiplayer by the way

Battlefield 1 re-skinado e piorado


After 1 this feels strangely off

MID how did they fuck it up after bf1

Over hated, especially seeing how this game feels like it has some love in it while 2042 feels like a husk

Melhor multiplayer da série. Mapas memoráveis, jogabilidade puxada pro COD, e ambientação incrível, mas beeeem mais fantasiosa. O 1 preza mais pela violência e o horror da guerra. Aqui se preza mais pela diversão, do que ambientação em si, mas é MUITO competente assim como o 1.

quel dommage que le contenu n'est pas suivi (surtout après avoir sortit l'un des meilleurs DLC de la saga, Pacific)

au passage, le récit "The Last Tiger" est top

Has a good number of fun new mechanics, but it usually ends up feeling incredibly underbaked.