Reviews from

in the past

Wow, what a great end to a great game

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I loved how it started in the beautiful streets of Paris and ended in a dark alley in Rapture... Sad ending, nice new mechanics especially the schematics view was good. Better than Episode 1. Stealth was a nice addition in my opinion, as it is a DLC and shows the story through Elizabeth's perspective. This DLC is just like that stealth DLC from one of the new generation Wolfenstein games where we play as a woman that infiltrates a Nazi stronghold. Not a satisfying ending but a satisfying amount of content.

An improvement to the first episode. This episode's levels actually feel a bit more open and explorable compared to the previous episode and even what I remember about the main game. On the surface it actually feels a little more like Bioshock, so that's good.

What's bad is they really double down on Infinite's super convoluted story. To me, that was the weakest part of that game, especially its ending, and this looks to put the final bow on Elizabeth's story. But it was just not satisfying AT ALL. It wasn't decent as a conclusion to the Infinite storyline, nor a satisfying prequel story to the events of the first game.

And it almost gets the atmosphere of the first two games right, except there's just not one second of silence to enjoy any meaningful atmosphere because Elizabeth and Booker won't shut the fuck up about tears, realities, the past. And I just got really damn sick of it.

Now Cloud Chamber, would you kindly show us Bioshock 4 already?

Best part of the game. Feels closest to the original.

infinitamente melhor que a primeira parte da dlc

The fact it turns into a clunky stealth game means I'm never finishing this

Kinda enjoyed the gameplay still, even if it did a hard left turn to stealth, but my goodness is the story absolute bollocks. Furthermore, it undermines any character Elizabeth had, turns Bioshock Infinite into an even worse clusterfuck than it already was, and adds nothing of actual value to the whole franchise; and since the last hour or so is just story, I was done with the game long before the credits rolled. Ultimately, I came away having an ever lower opinion of the original Bioshocks as well, well done. Oh, and the portrayal of the "Asian" character was just atrociously racist.


I enjoyed the story but I did not enjoy the shift to being a stealth game.

I don't know man the gameplay is finally something different for Bioshock but the story is comically bad. Skip this unless you're a diehard.

Oh my, oh my, look how the tables have turned.

a pretty decent mixture of infinite's combat with bioshock 1's level design, which leads to the most fun combat of the three parts of infinite. the story is an absolute mess, but it does have a strong emotional core that made me little heart feel something.

Finally finishing these games in 2023 killed whatever hope I had for Ken Levine's next project. This is the video game equivalent of a kid breaking his toys so nobody else gets to play with them.

Weird choice to make a stealth game at the end of it all.

Score: 80/100
Better than the first DLC and rapture is still awesome. Didnt like the stealth that much though.

The best thing about Bioshock Infinite. Rapture + stealth was a match made in heaven.

This is kind of awful. It’s just a half assed attempt at connecting the first BioShock to Infinite. The only redeeming factor is playing as Elizabeth and seeing things from her perspective, but even that is ruined by some really boring stealth sections. Overall, there were some interesting moments, but I still prefer the ending of Infinite and this DLC kind of ruined it.

A bad stealth game that not only retroactively makes Infinite worse, but the rest of the series somehow

decent this one from memory goes harder into playing like biocock 1

Кен Левин после перерыва в разработке поиграл в Batman:Arkham посмотрел Sucker Punch(он же Запрещенный прием) Снайдера и такой а давай сделаем так. Получилось, как сказал бы Борат "НЕ ОЧЕНЬ"

Estoy seguro que mis recuerdos de este juego son mejores que el juego

gostei MUITO do foco em stealth, bom demais jogar algo diferente mas na mesma ambientação.
divertido, eu sinto que poderia ter feito umas partes de uma forma muito mais eficiente.

Bioshock, and now it's stealth. And now it's combining all of them into one. I should replay this to get a fresh pair of eyes on the purported retconning, but I do remember still loving it. Some absolutely amazing sequences are happening in there, so many good moments, from the kitschy streets of Paris over an interruption with Andrew Ryan to the dimension-bending final sections. A worthy conclusion to all the Bioshock games, which is a feat.

Uma DLC muito mais divertida que a episode 1, dessa vez assumindo o controle de Elizabeth. Quanto a gameplay embora ainda conte com os elementos artificiais de aumento de dificuldade, aqui a dificuldade está menos forçada, graças tbm ao recurso de stealth, que ajuda bastante mas não pelos motivos certos, pois muito provavelmente é um dos stealths mais bugados e mal feitos dos games. Eu por exemplo consegui abater furtivamente três inimigos , um após o outro, de FRENTE para os inimigos e a corpo a corpo e a inteligência artificial foi tão ruim que sequer reconheceu que já deveria ter se apertado sobre mim. Fator esse que eu usufruí muito para passar tranquilamente, a ponto que em toda a DLC não morri nenhuma vez. Porém isso é horrível pois se esses bugs fosses contra mim eu estaria ferrado. Ainda assim consegue ser muito mais divertido que a primeira DLC. Quanto a história é simplesmente genial como muitas pontas soltas do Bioshock original são ligadas e unidas a lore do infinite, o que faz um círculo perfeito na narrativa e nos traz também reviravoltas das mais maravilhosas, com um final triste porém ao mesmo tempo extremamente profundo, e bonito demais. Porém se faz muito necessário para um bom proveito dessa DLC, ter jogado o Bioshock original para captar todas as ligações e revelações.

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Cool stealth gameplay (that I wish was in the main base game) but a ultimately a contrived story that needs you to basically ignore what the end of the base game taught you. But its fine because I RECOGNIZE ATLAS