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Não dou tanta importância pra furos de roteiro e aqui tem vários e alguns graves, mas meu problema é que a história acaba sendo confusa e existe uma necessidade muito grande e ligar Rapture com Columbia o que acaba tornando a história numa bagunça. Os personagens acabam sendo aqui passageiros dessa necessidade de ligar Infinite ao primeiro jogo.

+ New stealth focus feels fresh for series if a bit unrefined
+ Exploration focus with open areas and secrets to discover
+ Rapture fanservice
+ Paris and lobotomy scenes are memorable highlights

- Story contradicts itself and feels like it is being made up as it goes
- Ties to Bioshock 1 largely diminishes that story by placing too much importance on Elizabeth

Adding to the story of the Infinite game and as well a little more detail to Bioshock. Dewitt's have a very tragic life.
This time we play as Elizabeth, which finds herself right in the middle of a war on Rapture, with only bad deals around her.

Honestly, as much as I like this, I wish they had connected a bit better the storylines as with almost any prequel sequels, they added so much stuff that didn't exist on the original game and it just feels a bit odd. I try to ignore it, tho.

Pode criticar o quanto quiserem, mas aqui eles foram gigantes chegando com uma proposta nova e totalmente diferente, o infinite é bom, mas burial at sea supera e da um final bem melhor

The second part of the dlc that connects Infinite to Bioshock 1. The only problem with the dlc is that stealth doesn't work very well, you can walk past NPCs

PUTA QUE PARIU, isso aqui explodiu minha mente e me destruiu de todas as forças, pra quem duvide se vídeo game é arte, só jogar toda a franquia incluindo a dlc Minerva's Den, e também os 2 ep do Burial at Sea e mude completamente seu pensamento, o sentimento que essa dlc me passou foi algo que não consigo explicar, mas tudo o que posso dizer é que foi algo mágico, e a maneira que tudo se ligou no final, isso é uma verdade masterpiece.

Burial at Sea - Episode Two is the epilogue of BioShock Infinite.
I enjoyed it more than I expected, even though I'm not really a fan of stealth missions.

The ending is quite interesting, but I personally didn't really like the way it connects Infinite with the first BioShock game, there is one specific plot twist near the end that honestly feels like it could've been handled better.

Ultimately, it's an ambitious expansion that's worth playing.

Final Rating: "Decent" ~ 6/10.

Was fun to play, like the last DLC and for the same reasons. The story is lost on me, I consider it not cannon. Let's pretend it's fanfiction. That doesn't take away from more breathtaking Rapture environments, worth it for that alone.

(from original post in 2021) "Canon exists inside the head of the viewer and no where else" - Ken Levine

Thank god infinite isn't canon

Pretty good! Not a huge fan of non-stealth games making you do a huge stealth section but this was definitely one of the better examples of that. It wrapped the story up very well and of course the vibes were immaculate as always. Oh and that scene at the end was genuinely very uncomfortable. Kudos to them on that lmao

I can’t stop thinking about this. This should’ve been included in the original infinite game. It changes my view of the the entire first bioshock. Loses half a star because some of the gameplay was annoying.

Якщо глибоко не задумуватись про сюжет, його зв'язок з першою грою, Infinite і те наскільки він знецінює історію та характеризацію персонажів попередніх ігр - це длц з чудовою презентацією, вражаючою кількістю та деталізацією рівнів, креативно поставленими сценами, деякі з яких залишаться у вас в пам'яті надовго, в тому числі через свій шок-контент, а також незвичними для серії геймплейними рішеннями.

Втім геймплейно тут багато питань, в першу чергу через посередньо реалізований стелс, під який явно не була розрахована гра від початку і в длц це не стали як слід опрацьовувати не дивлячись що це базова механіка в Episode 2. Поверхньо адаптований левелдизайн в тандемі з майже безкінечним запасом присипляючих дротиків і сліпим та тупим ШІ, перетворюють напружені переміщення тендітної героїні по ворожим вулицям майже на прогулянку в парку, де загроза часто бутафорська, а від наслідків необережних дій можна швидко позбавитись за допомогою чітерського плазміда "Peeping Tom".

Тож по підсумку: емоції змішані. З одного боку багато крутого контенту, намагання освіжити геймплейну формулу, ще більше поєднати світ Рапчур і Колумбії і поглибити лор, але це наче зроблено не з достатнім рівнем чіткого наміру і продуманості. І якщо геймплейні нерівності ще можна пробачити, то які наслідки це длц має для лору - нажаль толерувати неможливо.

Overall, Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea - Episode 2 is a worthy conclusion to the Bioshock saga, offering a compelling blend of gameplay and storytelling that will resonate with fans of the series. With its engaging stealth mechanics, emotional narrative, and atmospheric world-building, it stands as a testament to the narrative potential of video games as a medium.

Eu não sei nem o que comentar, que carniça foi essa? Tem a gameplay mais chata da franquia inteira já que você fica boa parte do tempo no stealth e ele é claramente desfuncional, só adicionaram uma besta que você tem um pingo de munição e um desconfiômetro, já a história que era o ponto mais comentado foi o ponto mais decepcionante na minha visão, só pensaram numa forma de amarrar os 3 jogos igual o rabo e tacaram sem mais nem menos, faz parecer que era tudo planejado, tira todo o peso do primeiro jogo, fode o final do infinite, anula o 2 completamente, sinceramente, esse final só serviu pra fuder tudo.

It was cool to play as Elizabeth and explore some more of Rapture but fighting with her is such a pain in the ass. Was cool I guess but it's good to be done with Bioshock for good

Pelo menos a história termina bem amarradinha no fim dessa DLC.

Em termos de gameplay é bem desagradável. Nesse Ep., Bioshock Infinite foca no Stealth, mesmo sendo horrível nisso e não tendo um bom design de fases preparado pra isso. Em alguns momentos, eu só escolhi passar correndo por geral direto pro objetivo e lá me esconder até desistirem de me procurar.

Stealth action in the Rapture! Cool

Todo lo que odie del juego base, este dlc de cierta forma lo soluciona: La historia en todo momento trata sobre el viaje de Elizabeth y su papel en la caída de Rapture (esto lo sabemos mas tirando al final del dlc, aunque mientra vas avanzando vas viendo para donde va tirando) y la jugabilidad es acorde a aquello que cuenta. Manejamos a Elizabeth por lo que al no estar entrenada como si lo estaba Booker el juego se decanta por una jugabilidad de sigilo, incluyendo armas no letales y un sistema de alerta en los enemigos. Lamentablemente ya de por si las bases eran malas y no se puede hacer mucho mas, por lo que el juego se siente medio tedioso, ya que de por si se siente como un juego de acción al que le pusieron un mod de sigilo.
En resumen medio pelovich.

Got through this in more like 6 or 7 hours, which is more along the lines of Howlongtobeat. It was promised to be better than Part 1, and it certainly was!

This DLC focuses highly on stealth, for the most part. You can now do stealth takedowns, you can take down enemies non-lethally, and you even get a plasmid that's akin to Dark Vision from Dishonored that lets you see some loot and enemies through walls, and even lets you cloak (given this came out some year and a half after Dishonored, the influence is obvious). Your new weapon is crossbow, but it's fairly stealth focused. This ain't the crossbow from Bioshock 1, as it uses tranq-darts, KO-gas explosion darts, and noisemaking darts. All of this is introduced to you very quickly, so there's no beating around the bush with the new, fun toys.

The level design is pretty big, and it took me a while to explore it all, despite how small it actually is. I thought I explored way more than I needed to, but clearly not nearly enough as I missed five audio logs (compared to one a piece in the main game and BaS Part 1)! The Big Daddy wandering around is also a constant threat as well, as he's impossible to take down. Given how this is so stealth focused compared to the main game and the first 2 DLC's, which are far more action-games, this reminded me a lot of the Dead Money DLC for Fallout New Vegas (as a reference). At the very least the stealth emphasis makes plasmid/vigor traps worth a hell of a lot more than how worthless they were in the main game.

The story is head-and-shoulders above Part 1's. It felt far more relevant to the greater story that a crossover game between the two universes tried to tell, and it even goes to explain one of the more iconic scenes you come across in Bioshock 1. The twist is pretty easy to see coming, but I thought it was clever, and my journey didn't feel like a total waste of time like Part 1's did.

Verdict: Recommended. If the main game didn't quite do it for you, this is a very good add on to add a bit more closure to that experience. Unless you're really dying to know what leads up to it first-hand (they relate it to you well enough) in Part 1, I'd say that's totally worth skipping for this. This is as close to a Minerva's Den experience as Infinite gets, though I wouldn't say it's quite that good.

Better than Episode 1 no doubt. It was great to once again go back to Rapture. Ever since beating the first Bioshock, everytime I leave it, I miss it. Burial at Sea episode 2 has it's flaws but was all around a good experience.

Compared to Episode 1, I deffinitely enjoyed the single big open area as opposed to the multiple restrictive areas in Episode 1. The atmosphere of the original Bioshock is also still here as well. Though It still isn't as focused on exploring and scavenging like the original 2 Bioshocks, it was Infinites biggest problem (at least to me) as well, and it's present in the Burial at Sea DLCs.

Narrative wise, they continue to push the mess and convoluted story from the base game. It does get better as the story moves along, as it has some really great moments. The Lobotomy scene was really hard to watch though. I will say it's a big improvement from Episode 1 in every narrative facet. It was also great to see Andrew Ryan and Atlas, Andrew is just as menacing as he was in Bioshock 1. It was pretty amazing seeing the events that led up to the first game, and seeing how the player takes down the plane was pretty cool to me as well. It didn't start off great, but got a lot better with time.

Elizabeth isn't the best character, but she was alright. However, for some reason she is so weak that even the guns do less damage. I wouldn't mid her being physically weaker, but everything she did felt weak as shit. The gameplay was changed to a Stealth game, and I don't feel like they put much effort into the Stealth mechanics. It's pretty basic, just don't get seen. Nothing else to make it more immersive or fun. It is fun for the most part, though it doesn't start out the best since it's so much different from the normal Bioshock gameplay.

Burial at Sea - Episode 2 is a damn good DLC, though they still couldn't let go of some of the stuff Infinite did wrong, and return to the original formula, though it does feel like they wanted to. Story could've made more sense and the gameplay could've been expanded, but all and all, It's still good fun. Good gameplay, great Story moments, and a good big level to explore. If you enjoyed the Bioshock games and/or want a short FPS to play, I'd recommend Burial at Sea - Episode 2.

Score: 3.6/5
Letter Grade: B

The gameplay is tedious and annoying but that ending makes me cry every damn time.
It’s worth going through some of the worst stealth ever just for that moment.

It's difficult to review the conclusion to this without spoiling, but I'll try.

This was a tough ending to watch and experience, but we get a look into the research and the items going before the main character of the first game enters the scene. Getting a look at the failed experiments behind the scene and the start of the downfall of Rapture is a VERY interesting part of the lore that we get to have a look at and this was one of those endings that's bittersweet, but also brilliant.

A great end for the franchise

Worst game/DLC I've played, boring at every moment