Reviews from

in the past

Esse jogo é cinema. Sério, já zerei umas 3 vezes e pretendo zerar mais vezes com o passar dos anos. O auge do Miyazaki aqui.

This game legitimately chagned my life, I don't think it's possible to create something more catered to my tastes than this. This game helped crack my egg, and has so much drip. Unmatched

why is vampire castle no vampires???

A masterpiece both the base game and The Old Hunters DLC.

this is my favorite from soft game. it's also the second one i beat after ds2 (which also slaps fuck off) it's so fun and actually scary at times

Esse jogo é perfeito, Old hunters é mais que perfeito.

My fav game in the souls franchise this shit was so raw. Had some of the best bosses fromsoft has made. Dashing and trick weapons were cool af. Hopefully one day we get a sequel.

a grande obra prima do senhor miyazaki, o mundo implora por mais jogos no estilo de terror cósmico. além disso, vale a pena comprar um playstation só pra jogar esse jogo. OBRA PRIMA MEUS AMIGOS

This game is fantastic, but to me there's a distinct lack of variety amongst the weapons due to each weapon having two move sets, still a joy to play and Fromsoft's most interesting setting by a country mile, definitely try it!