Reviews from

in the past

I don't know if this was Game Freak's first game, but it has all the hallmarks of too much ambition. Some very cool ideas, from strategy based battles with action-rpg elements and platforming, to an overhead JRPG style outside of the action. I don't think it holds together super solidly, but it's a valiant effort, especially compared to a lot of simpler games for the SFC/SNES.

deadass slowest walk speed i've ever encountered in a video game

[[First "review" (I'm the first who writes about this in this site, so maybe I'll write twice, just because. I'll write again as soon as I finish it)]]

Magnificent work by Game Freak, even if the OST is mediocre. I wish it was at least more ominous regarding the main theme of the game: the dicotomy of the soul. Such a philosophical theme treated with the utmost respect; it reminds me of the tone of SMT: Nocturne.
One link between the two games is the use of the magatama stone. In Nocturne I didn't think at all about it, just a stone with powers. But in BS:FnY you learn that it's a symbol of goodness. In fact, it looks like the half of the yin-yang symbol. The approach in the understanding of these games changes thanks to details like these. I give thanks to the fact I've been playing them at the same time.

Game Review - originally written by Spinner 8

If it weren’t for the language barrier thing, this would be a whooooole different game. As it is, it’s an RPG where you walk around and swing your sword at the landscape, and nothing ever happens. Fun!

By the way, developed by Game Freak?! Don’t they do Pokémon now?
(editor's note: this game has since been translated)

unos de los sistema de combates mas interesantes que jugue de la snes ,lastima el farmeo obligatorio para terminar el juego