Reviews from

in the past

sem dúvidas um dos melhores jogos da franquia, tem alguns pontos ruins mas o jogo é bom

Потрясающая игра, в своё время перевернувшая индустрия и поднявшую серию CoD на новый уровень, который сейчас тщетно пытаются вернуть Activision. Тут и прекрасная для своих лет графика, и разнообразные миссии, и отличная боёвка, и яркие персонажи, и чётко обозначенный конфликт

A by-the-numbers FPS. Revolutionary or not, it's still very bland.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has the same problems plaguing this type of game; the combat feels passive, the level design is soul-crushingly linear/restricted, and there's little to no variety in the enemies or mission objectives.

era só a versao de pc ser melhor que tava tega

Compra obligatoria para todos aquellos amantes de la saga COD, un buen cod en condiciones, mis dieces.

A fantastic remaster. Sweated the campaign and the FNG course back in the day. Loved it and too this day I still believe it's one of the most underrated COD's.

Remake assez cool mais est touché par les problèmes récurrent de la licence CoD depuis quelques années

(rating based on the campaign. i played exactly none of the multiplayer.)

not to be a hater but i can't see a world in which this should ever be rated higher than three & a half stars.

the story isn't that interesting, apart from the fantastic finale.

the gameplay is about what you'd expect and that's okay – you're not going into this expecting game of the year. you're going into it for a fun, mostly mindless shooter (except for some levels that are actually unbearable). and it does its job well!

Pretty fun campaign and multiplayer at the time

This is probably the second game in the series that I've played. I don't even know how to comment on this part. I liked everything. It was done efficiently. The visual design, physics, and the plot itself are good. Well, at least for the sake of decency, I note that there were a couple of bugs, such as a bot that flew into space from a shot or a grenade that got under the texture

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Hay misiones clave que se nota que han tocado detalles guays, pero tampoco es un grandísimo cambio general en el juego

Edit : J'avais pas mis le bon cod, a priori c'est un problème sur le remastered.
C'est vraiment pas très bon, l'histoire est assez osef, le gameplay rébarbatif au possible, et les graphismes bien que ok vieillissent quand même.
Bref encore de la poudre aux yeux, c'est à peine un film interactif.
Un film ou je pourrais m'endormir cela dit.

I'm not saying every FPS campaign map ever made since should be modeled after Crew Expendable and Heat, but

Meh I kinda lost interest after a couple of missions. Multiplayer was cool though

Good turn your brain off campaign overrated multiplayer

Pensa num FODA dlç vei, é esse game aqui.

Confesso que queria mais jogar o modo online mas lembrei q tava pobre com falta de assinatura pra isso, então fui no modo história msm. Realmente, me intrigou em me fazer ficar interessado em uma história tão boa do que os games recentes! [Sim, joguei tbm pelo modo história pq quem pega pelo online é um sujeito sem cultura]

História boa com ação frenética e personagens razoáveis pra nos importamos um pouco, tem suas missões e momentos icônicos que dá razão do porquê teve games que queriam copiar a "fórmula COD" nos anos 2000, o final achei simples até d+, mas deu uma abertura pro que seria a seguir… (ai ai, quando COD era bom e ñ quando só tinha DLC a 300 conto e bugs de humilhação contra consumidores, bate aquela saudade viu T_T)

O game tem seu charme visual q ainda dá uma puta nostalgia, seu multiplayer aparenta ser divertido pelo q testei com bots e, no geral, é simples mas foi o título que alavancou a franquia e marcou diversas pessoas (incluindo eu) com sua originalidade e mapas com level design característico e bem feitos!
-- Nota: 8/10

other then the crates, awesome remaster, love prop hunt

Nunca fui muito fã de FPS em controle, e esse jogo me lembrou o motivo. Apesar de ser bem legal, em momento nenhum me prendeu e eu só pensava que eu queria que terminasse logo

Felt insulted after the tutorial said I should play on normal

I liked the campaign, it is enjoyable for what it is. The platinum is not too bad, at least I really enjoyed getting the "Best of the best" trophy, although I did the entire veteran playthrough on a glitch. I really just don't care about COD that much to do it legit. Glad I played it but probably wouldn't have if it wasn't free