Reviews from

in the past

sem dúvidas um dos melhores jogos da franquia, tem alguns pontos ruins mas o jogo é bom

Потрясающая игра, в своё время перевернувшая индустрия и поднявшую серию CoD на новый уровень, который сейчас тщетно пытаются вернуть Activision. Тут и прекрасная для своих лет графика, и разнообразные миссии, и отличная боёвка, и яркие персонажи, и чётко обозначенный конфликт

This is probably the second game in the series that I've played. I don't even know how to comment on this part. I liked everything. It was done efficiently. The visual design, physics, and the plot itself are good. Well, at least for the sake of decency, I note that there were a couple of bugs, such as a bot that flew into space from a shot or a grenade that got under the texture

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Hay misiones clave que se nota que han tocado detalles guays, pero tampoco es un grandísimo cambio general en el juego