Reviews from

in the past

Lo más cerca que he jugado similar a Videoball en un tiempo. Más mono que refinado, pero chulo de todas maneras // The closest thing to Videoball in a while. More quirky than polished, but still cool.

The main appeal is of course the cute animals and it does deliver. But sokpop remain seemly incapable of making games that don't look or feel good, and I can sense some genuine depth in the local multiplayer that I would love to try out sometime.

Played on Linux through Proton. Please add an option to log games this way. This was a gift from my rodent kin SuperGKoopa on here. Thanks, Luke~

Between the smooth "slaps" of the stick and the satisfying "pops" of the puck, it's as enjoyable as you can get for the hoky premise. Most importantly, the capybaras are as cute as ever.

Shoutout to my fellow rodent kin Citrusmillie who sent me this game as a gift.