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in the past

This game is excellent. My very first video game was Pokemon Yellow Version, and I taught myself how to read so that I could play it as a little kid. I stuck with pokemon all the way through the 5th gen, but I got tired of the formula after that. This game did a great job of capitalizing on the elements of Pokemon that are good while breathing some much needed life into the monster collection genre. Firstly, while individual monsters have a sublevel that determines what moves the monsters learn, the overall level of the character determines the strength of every monster. In practice, you can switch between any monster and its stats will be on generally par with any other monster you might use, accounting for different stat scaling across monsters. Additionally, the moves you learn on one monster can be taken off and applied to other compatible monsters. The way the game handles levels made it feel worthwhile to actually get and transform ("evolve") every monster in the game. Additionally, the monsters have a chemistry mechanic where it is possible to make monsters change their types with some frequency. The dynamism made for really interesting battles. The shinies of the game also interplayed with the type switching, where shinies were not just a recolor, but were monsters with different types than their default types.
The last interesting battle mechanic is the ability to fuse. All battles are double battles, and you can fuse with your partner, which combines the stats of both monsters at the cost of only selecting one action per turn instead of two.

Next, you are free to explore the world at your own pace and in any order. It was nice to be let loose and go where was interesting. Additionally, the world was small enough that it never felt like an overwhelming task. There was always something to discover in every section of the world. It was a delight, especially when you add in the games excellent soundtrack. Shout outs to the forest track. It was my favorite. To compliment the exploration, I enjoyed the world's characters. They were not exceptionally deep, but they were appropriately developed given the scope of the game.

The game has a robust post-game, though by that point you will likely have explored the whole world. It becomes oriented around fetch-quest/battle a quota of monsters style tasks, though with some story development thrown in. Even if the post-game did not hold my attention as much as the main game, there was some thought and intrigue there that I can appreciate. Besides, after you beat the main game, you unlock Nuzlocke options and randomizer options that allow for another worthwhile playthrough.

On the whole, I strongly recommend this game to any monster collection fan. It was a delight start to finish with some interesting monster designs that sparked so much joy. It is still receives updates, and I expect to pick the game up again when the devs release another DLC.

Tiene un comienzo lento y un poco tedioso pero una vez que comienzas a conseguir cassettes y entiendes mejor los combos y la enorme lista ventajas y desventajas de cada tipo, el juego se hace mucho mas adictivo.
Calculo que es uno de esos juegos que si no te enganchan en las primeras 2-3 horas quizas ya no sea tu juego.
La musica esta genial, el arte es bastante hermoso también! Hay tantas funciones que es increíble y la verdad solamente por el pixel art es worth al menos intentar.
No es tan complejo como otros juegos pero una vez que le agarras la mano a lo combos te haces una bestia imparable. Fácilmente puedes ganar peleas contra enemigos 10 o 20 lvs por encima tuyo con el combo perfecto.

En resumen, muy recomendable!

Real fun monster collector RPG that while clearly emulating Pokemon in style feels more like Mega Ten mechanically in some ways. The game starts off rather slow in how your MC doesn't have great movement but once you get the ability from the fire bullet beast you start moving around at a good clip. The game is also pretty open too allowing you to battle gym leaders and boss monsters in almost any order you can choose around the world map. Most beasts seem pretty viable too and I had fun collecting most of them. Overall just had a great time with it.

That was fucking awesome. Excellent monster catcher. Of course it takes some aspects from Pokemon, namely the creature collection and evolution aspect, but the battle system and its volatility and difficulty feel MUCH more inspired by Megaten, which is even more evident when you realize the story takes many of its beats from games like Persona 3 (there’s literally a character who’s just like Koromaru here). It’s also very pleasing to look at, with a style of chibi sprites roaming around a 3d-rendered overworld, and obviously that’s pretty clearly reminiscient of the graphical style of Pokemon Gens 4 and 5. The open nature of the game scales very well too, and in many ways the map and its grid, and to a degree, the premise, remind me of old handheld Zelda games, particularly the ones on the GameBoy Color and Advance. If any two games inspired narrative aspects here, I feel like it’s a marriage of Link’s Awakening and Persona 3. Does that mean it’s anywhere near as melancholic or existential at times? No, but it has the capability to talk on that. Referring to this as a “Pokemon Clone” is a disservice. It’s a love letter to that series, but it’s also its own thing. As for negatives, the postgame quests are very grindy and repetitive, but the core game is so utterly addictive that it can offset this. Also the game can run a bit oddly. It’ll stutter in some cases to load in the environments. Nothing unplayable, but your immersion can and will be gutted at moments like that. Overall an amazing time.

Sin duda el mejor pokemon-like que he jugado. Si, tiene fallos probablemente derivados de lo pequeño que es el estudio, pero la aventura es muy divertida, retante cuándo debe serlo y otorga mucha variedad de estrategias. La música es muy buena, aunque no haya muchas canciones, y las misiones secundarias tienen su puntillo de interesante, al igual que la principal.

A pesar de recordar a un pokemon, no te dedicas a ir de ciudad en ciudad retando a lideres, es mucho más abierto, con muchísimos secretos por ahí, personajes con los que hablar y sobre todo muchos bichos que pillar. Aquí viene la primera cosita negativa y es que los bichos evolucionan y los diseños son tan interesantes y variados que yo quería probar otro equipo ya entrada en el último tercio, pero las primeras evoluciones son terriblemente malas, y como el juego está bien balanceado casi que te obliga a quedarte con las evoluciones que ya tienes a no ser que captures a algún ser evolucionado y tires de ahí, pero es raro. Irónicamente la dificultad ajustada juega en contra de la personalización, relativamente pronto deberás decidir que vas a hacer con tu equipo. Eso o farmear, claro.

En el juego hay una mecánica de fusión que permite unir a absolutamente todos los bichos del juego con otro, dando un diseño que casi casi parece hecho a mano. Eso son miles y miles de fusiones diferentes, que no es moco de pavo. Si te quieres perder viéndolas y sintiéndote el amo en ese combate, puedes, la barra de fusión sube con rapidez (y hay objetos para subirla). Quizás otra cosa negativa es que hay mucho mucho combate. En el mundo hay minipuzzlecitos para descubrir cosa, pero el resto es combatir todo el rato.

Otra cosa buena es que aun con el equipo montado yo seguía capturando a todo bicho nuevo que veía solo porque quería tenerlos a todos (cosa que no hice, pero no iba a desaprovechar a uno nuevo). Incluso los "shinys" que aquí son bichos de un color y tipo diferente, además de aprender ataques mejores con mayor probabilidad. Entre eso y poder reciclar a los bichos para conseguir algunos de los ataques, si le quieres dar al online tienes toda la profundidad que quieras aquí.

Con respecto a los tipos, no haces más daño si electrocutas a uno de aire, pero si que el pones un estado alterado de que conduce la electricidad, y ahora cada vez que alguien use un ataque eléctrico, se lleva daño. Claro, si dos tienen esta conductividad, y la mayoría de combates son dobles, tu haces un ataque eléctrico a uno, se activa la conductividad de ambos, que a su vez es un ataque eléctrico, de forma que se hacen daño entre sí. Y eso solo una interacción, imaginad el resto.

Pero tranquilos, al principio te dan, literalmente, la tabla de tipos para que no te pierdas y yo la he consultado bastante, sobre todo al inicio cuándo no entendía como interacciona rayo y plástico, por decir algo.

Como últimas dos cosas, la más negativa y la más positiva, si bien a medio camino se cruzan entre sí. La positiva es que está genial que a la hora de capturar un bicho veas el porcentaje. Si le atacas con el otro, pues uno está ocupado grabando a este ser en su cassette, pues aumentas muchos las probabilidades a más daño hagas, mientras que si te hacen daño, bajan. Eso está muy bien, pero a la larga se acaba haciendo lento de más, sobre todo si esta quemado envenenado, por decir algo, pues con cada daño, se recalcula otra vez en una animación.

Lo malos que acaba como bueno sería el movimiento. Al principio es malo. peor malo malo. Corres 1 segundo y te cansas, lo cual no ayuda a que te entren ganas de explorar. Lo bueno es que según vas capturando X monstruos vas desbloqueando otras habilidades de movilidad y entonces si empieza a ser divertido ir corriendo rápido de un lado a otro.

He hablado demasiado, pero la verdad es que me sorprende lo que tan poca gente ha podido hacer. Con más presupuesto para arreglar las cosillas que están mal o se notan algo cutres, estaríamos hablando de un juegarral importante, pero ""solo"" se queda en notable para mí.

Very good. Pros - great creature collector game, actual world and story, good look. Cons - I personally DESPISE the music for some reason. Only when the vocals start. Also, the combined models are generally lazy and unpleasant. I think the DLC should have been free.

This was my GOTY for 2023. Forget everything you thought was hype about Palworld, this is THE monster catcher that Pokémon should take after. Play it yourself, more than any other game on my profile. Seriously.

Overworld movement is a bit awkward but overall this was a really fun game with an amazing soundtrack. Would recommend to people looking for more monster-tamer RPGs

Wow. I was not expecting to absolutely fall in love with a pokemon clone, though calling it a 'clone' feels disingenuous to the game's actual level of polish and mechanical complexity.

The type matchup system is the absolute star of this game, it is both complicated and simple. Types interact with each other in the classic pokemon style, but all effective or ineffective types have unique effects based on which ones they are. Use water on a fire type? You extinguish them and lower their attack. Use fire on a plastic type? You melt them, turning them into a poison type. This system is the beating heart of the game, and every single battle becomes a gentle push and pull of what you're going to do with your type matchups. It's truly fantastic.

The difficulty is also excellent, I'll confess I pushed up the difficulty somewhat to make it a bit more challenging as an experienced pokemon player, and it really met me with that challenge. The AI makes smart decisions consistently, powerlevelling did not make me overpowered and I had plenty of incentive to make sure I was tailoring my party to each battle.

The AI 'captains' use loopholes and intended exploits in the game to really make you think about the type system. From ones that take advantage of specific type weaknesses resulting on 0HKOs, to a fight where the AI actually uses accuracy debuffs and buffs to gimmick you into dying slowly. All of these are also incredibly on theme, being from a 'Hacker' who cheats to win and a 'Blade Mistress' who kills her enemies with a thousand cuts.

Mixed media representation is something I always crave more of, and without spoilers, this game delivers in droves. I was absolutely delighted whenever I came across any of these examples, and the fact that they were mixed media both makes sense and is plot relevant.

Speaking of representation, the game has fantastic LGBTQ+ and PoC representation. Not only can you choose your pronouns and have a plethora of customization options, there are also plenty of these folx represented within the game!

Overall, I can't sing enough praise about this game. My only complaint would be the price of the DLC vs the length of it. The DLC has great content, but at the current price is a huge ask.

I absolutely adored this game, I cannot wait to see what comes next for this studio. It may not seem like it but I've withheld so much I want to talk about to try and keep this review somewhat readable. Absolute must play if you love RPGs.

This game is often compared to Pokemon and while the core is similar as a Monster Taming RPG. Everything else around it is so much more than Pokemon has been in a single game. The fusion mechanic let's you fuse your two monsters to create a powerful monster to get a leg up during a fight. Another mechanic worth noting is the Sticker system which is how each monster knows their movelist, this are easily swappable without having to worry about making the wrong decision on replacing a move.
The characters are endearing and the setting is interesting. You are there on a world between worlds just like everyone else so when you talk to people they have a different version of their home than yours. Sometimes it's something as simple as a band being named something different or something like how there was an Elf uprising.

I think that Cassette Beasts sets out to put you in a world that you are invested in the characters and how they plan to deal with their problems and it does that perfectly. There's a lot to be done in the Post-Game as well so there's more for me to do still but I absolutely loved this game. I have some bias because I streamed it and it helped me get through my first stream nerves so it'll hold a special place in my heart.

Um meio termo entre as formulas do Digimon e do Pokemon, só que mais hipster e retro.
A história é boa, pecando assim como todo jogo indie num excesso de comunismo cansativo e demagogo. Alguns personagens são bons, a maior parte é regular, humor inofensivo e bem simples. o combate e o sistema de progressão são bons e permitem muito customização, os monstros são muito inspirados e interessantes. Gráficos bem charmosos.
Por um preço barato ou no Game Pass, é uma excelente pedida.

- Like digimon -
No creó poder terminarlo pq me pareció un juego raro y su combate no me termina de gustar del todo.
Pense que por tenerle gustó grande a los juegos de atrapar creaturas este me podría gustar, pero no me logró atrapar.

Look this is a great upgrade on a 30 year rotting formula, but god quit making bosses whose gimmicks are just taking control away from the player. How are there more than 1 of them

man what a game the mechanics during battle gave me some persona or digimon type vibes which was neat music was pretty fire, i really enjoyed most of the monsters designs very nice overall i had a blast playing to the very end

definitely recommend.

Very fun lil monster catcher. Good Music, some great designs but also a lot that didn't resonate with me.

Good Mechanics, Good open world, Good DLC, I just really liked this game all around, no major weaknesses but also not spectacular

Jogo que eu não dava nada e me conquistou depois de um tempo.
Adorei os personagens e os monstro, e principalmente a arte do jogo
Outro jogo tipo pokemon, melhor que pokemon.

amazing game! love the characters, story, beasts, everything! can’t wait for the multiplayer update

The OST is great but there's like 2 battle songs.

The game is very good in early-mid but it falls off very fast in late imo. The writing especially is atrocious at the end.

Honestly the rules felt overly complicated for its own sake and they were really hard to keep track of sometimes. Like how open the game is and the monsters are great. Great pokemon like that stands out on its own merits, even though its type matchup system is a bit too complex for my liking.

One of the best games I've ever played in my life

A bundle of everything I seek in a video game, warmth, comfort, tear-jerker and eldritch horrors vainquished by the power of imagination

This is one of my best games of all times.

finally, a game that answers the question: why didnt we turn monster catching into monster tf? and they were RIGHT. we SHOULD.

Currently playing this game with my boyfriend; So far, I am loving the artwork/graphics! Really cool monster designs! Music is really great too! The story is pretty interesting so far as well, although I admit that I keep getting frustrated with the current map system and end up lost and wandering in circles a lot of the time (this may just be a skill issue). Really looking forward to proper multiplayer! Will likely update the rating once that get released.

This game was fantastic. Puts most of the recent pokemon games to shame.

The fusion mechanic is awesome and a ton of fun.

The monsters are really good. Sure there are some x-as a beast, but they are still done very well. Each beast also has extra info about them to talk about WHAT they are based on.

100% recommend playing. So fun, I nearly 100% it.

I don't think I can get all my thoughts together regarding this game, so I'll keep it brief:

This is the best creature-tamer I've played, and it surpasses even the best of mainline Pokémon games to me. During my wait for Pokémon Scarlet/Violet to get fixed, I decided to play other creature-tamers like Fossil Fighters and, of course, Cassette Beasts. I wound up playing this more as my faith in Scarlet/Violet waned further, and now it's highly unlikely that I'll ever look back.

And considering the complete package - DLC included - costs under half of what base Scarlet/Violet costs, this is for sure worth biting the bullet on.

Also, Meredith is best girl.

Game was pretty fun but kept crashing

3/5 I do not recommend.

My Cassette Beasts ►

Cassette Beats is generally a good game that takes the classic Monster Catching formula and adds a retro twist

definetly could be better, but has amazing ideas and could definetly be worse
also the concept of cassettes only affects menus and the names of mechanics literally nothing else
amazing music tho
also some of the battles were fucking miserable what were they thinking
also the monster designs were mostly pretty bad tbh, the art left a lot to be desired, the different artstyle gimmick for bosses was rly cool tho, shame they didnt do it for the last boss they could have made him look like hylics 2