Reviews from

in the past

it's silly with friends for a bit, but when you're basically told to be funny it becomes 100 times harder to be funny. something like lethal company manages to be a blast with friends since the absurd and difficult scenarios the game puts you in inevitably creates funny moments naturally, but this game really wants YOU to make those funny moments happen, so it falls short. maybe it works for others, but my group didn't last long with it :(

A wild ride through eldritch caverns made all the more enjoyable by the wild hijinks my friends and I inflicted on our poor viewers. Great party game!

voice audio could be a lot better given the point of the game but its rlly fun!!

The vibes seem great whenever the game worked, unfortunately the game crashed or disconnected several times and I lost a lot of footage and playtime

Way better than lethal company
just doesn't have a bunch of stuff and generally this genre is very whatever

i struggle with controlling what's going on and overall understanding how to play but i love how that doesn't get on the way of having a Great Time

Great game, the amount of fun I've had with friends watching the tapes back is great. Loads of fun, but only if you lean into it

content warning eh um jogo mto massa de se jogar com os amigos, as mecanicas de gravar e conseguir ver dps é foda pra caralho e me faz dar risada toda vez q vejo as minhas gravações c meus amigos
as mecanicas dos monstros são bem diversas e interessante, os mapas também são daora
o que eu acho ruim: os bugs.

Fun with friends, better than lethal company but still gets boring after a while. With the right person though, it can be very entertaining.

has some tech issues but generally very enjoyable !!

marrant avec des potes, ce concept de filmer des vidéos paranormaux pour internet est vraiment sympa, mais malgré ça, j'ai du mal a me dire, "Venez on joue a content warning". Je pense que si il n'avais pas était gratuit sur steam, je n'y aurais jamais jouer. (à moins qu'on reussi a me convaincre)

Pretty fun but this game is definitely gonna suffer from the Amogus, Lethal Company, Helldivers II effect.

The most fun five hours I've had in a very, very long time with my friends. The problem is, it only lasted five hours with the content available at the time.

Great coop game with a unique concept kind of like Lethal Company but its own spin on it very fun with friends and worth the money give it a try if you haven't.


Le jeu est très cool entre potes (minimum 4 sinon c'est chiant), les monstres sont tous très sympas dans le charadesign et dans leurs mécaniques originales ; mais je trouve le jeu bien plus lassant que Lethal Company. En gros, vous y jouez une soirée, vous attendez quelques mois une grosse maj puis vous relancez une soirée, voilà.

A goofy romp that needs more content ironically. It's so fun with friends, but can wear thin after constant long hours. The fact that I keep coming back means it's still worth my time.

Lethal company but too janky and less scary (except for the later maps). Still a fun af time with friends tho, and a good concept/interesting twist.

Better than lethal company imo.
A lot more fun, silly physics and I love just recording your friends be brutally murdered and getting views for it.
Really chaotic and a good time.


Tried the game with a friend for a few hours.
The tik-tok style of the game is fun, it balances the scary stuff, always having on the back of my mind "do it for the content", so we usually get spooked and then we think on how to record a good video without dying in the process. Haven't met all the enemies yet but the ones I have are fun.

This was an interesting twist on Lethal Company, and to the game's credit, the twist is very well done. Mimicking live streaming and found footage while providing some goofy props is by far the best part of the game. The most laughs always came from watching the footage.

Unfortunately, the rest of the game is really underwhelming. The first map is incredibly boring, if you don't find enemies then there's absolutely zero friction. You don't have any reason at all to stray from the group, so there's not any kind of scare factor.

It's also fairly opaque about scoring. In Lethal Company, you have a good idea of how well you're doing because you know what you've gathered and how much it's worth. In Content Warning, you have no clue whether that Snail Man you've filmed is worth 100 views or 1.5k views. Which made it feel more like luck if you made it far or not.

Kinda fun to mess around with for a few hours, but I definitely am glad I got it for free.

Interesting game with great mechanics and content. It get's repetitive however.

Kinda way better that I expected. The camera gimmick is a very strong one, however probably needs more stuff.

melhor q o outro la famosao mas no final é a msm merda

MUITO divertido de jogar com os amigos (quanto mais melhor).
Faltou um desenvolvimento maior dos monstros e da lore pra ser 5* mas fora isso muito pika

muito hype com os amigos