Reviews from

in the past

eu sou técnico em produção áudio e vídeo

Joguei pouco, mas é bem divertido, uma boa surpresa


Not as fun as Lethal Company, couldn't find the fun in it myself.

like lethal company but youtube

I don't know, it really is just a lesser lethal company despite it's great premise. The reason Lethal is so scary is because it is in such small confined and dark spaces that you feel like you can't get out of if a fast monster attacks you. In Content Warning, the rooms and spaces are very spacious and well lit enough to make it less scary, and make it super easy to avoid monsters. The main reason this game can be super fun is because of the videos you make which can be a really good laugh and very exciting to try and capture a good video while a monster is chasing you, but sadly in the most recent update, there was a bug where my friends and I's videos failed to process and we never got to watch them back afterwards, really just making this a worse lethal company that im not really interested in going back to, especially since it falls into the same progression pitfalls that Lethal Company does. Still fun with friends for a session or two though, and not bad for the price if you have a good group to play with, but I'd say just get Lethal Company until this game gets some more support.

be the youtuber you were too shy to be

Solid fun! Very funny! I understand this was made as an April 1st release because the fun admittedly runs out about as quick as the holiday, but the fun you DO get out of a few hours really is worth it for being free! I would love if they flesh this out because the streaming mechanics have a lot of potential, but if it stays as-is I probably wouldn't do more than a session every few months!

Great coop game with a unique concept kind of like Lethal Company but its own spin on it very fun with friends and worth the money give it a try if you haven't.


Le jeu est très cool entre potes (minimum 4 sinon c'est chiant), les monstres sont tous très sympas dans le charadesign et dans leurs mécaniques originales ; mais je trouve le jeu bien plus lassant que Lethal Company. En gros, vous y jouez une soirée, vous attendez quelques mois une grosse maj puis vous relancez une soirée, voilà.

A goofy romp that needs more content ironically. It's so fun with friends, but can wear thin after constant long hours. The fact that I keep coming back means it's still worth my time.

I actually think this is great! Trying to keep close enough to the monsters to get good footage while staying far away enough to avoid them makes for a very tense gameplay loop. The unpredictable AI, physics, and talking with your friends turns that tension right back into fun.

It doesn't have a lot of depth to it and the way the game determines video quality feels a little arbitrary, but I think it's a pretty refreshing experience for a few hours

c de la triche encore c'est nous qui sommes bien pas le jeu

Not a deep, polished, or even scary experience by any means but it has served as a great vehicle for goofing around with my friends so I have to give it some credit. From what I've gathered, the amount of fun you have with Content Warning is almost entirely dependent on the energy of those you play with; when everyone is willing to just let loose and lean into the hilarity of filming everything as a mockumentary of sorts then it's honestly a blast. I'll likely lose interest the moment that anyone starts taking this seriously and tries to metagame it but at the moment our discord feed is filled with 90-second creations that would be funny to absolutely no one outside of our friend group and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Idk it's just kinda worse Lethal Company.
The artstyle and physics are neat, but that's about it. Even the "watch your own clips" gimmick gets old.
It's not bad tho, I'd just rather play Lethal you know?

Divertidinho, mas não é meu estilo de jogo

it's silly with friends for a bit, but when you're basically told to be funny it becomes 100 times harder to be funny. something like lethal company manages to be a blast with friends since the absurd and difficult scenarios the game puts you in inevitably creates funny moments naturally, but this game really wants YOU to make those funny moments happen, so it falls short. maybe it works for others, but my group didn't last long with it :(

A wild ride through eldritch caverns made all the more enjoyable by the wild hijinks my friends and I inflicted on our poor viewers. Great party game!

voice audio could be a lot better given the point of the game but its rlly fun!!

The vibes seem great whenever the game worked, unfortunately the game crashed or disconnected several times and I lost a lot of footage and playtime

Way better than lethal company
just doesn't have a bunch of stuff and generally this genre is very whatever

i struggle with controlling what's going on and overall understanding how to play but i love how that doesn't get on the way of having a Great Time