Reviews from

in the past

It is a sad state of affairs that this is the best game you can actually play in the Cookie Run series just because it enshittified the least.

Really boring run of the mill candy crush clone, wouldn't be suprised if the servers shut down.

I thought playing this meant I would unlock Artichoke Cookie in OvenBreak. Uninstalled when I realized that wasn't what was gonna happen.

...i mean i did play this. im a herolemon fan if youre wondering why this has half a star

tl;dr: the game gets worse the more you play. the later levels are frustratingly difficult and don't give you enough moves to incentivise you to pay money. it costs too much to get new characters so you'll likely end up stuck with the same 3-4 from the beginning. its had like 50 different title changes so i dont know what its even called anymore