Reviews from

in the past

not really my cup of tea, but cs 1.6 changed the history of games forever


Cara, quem era da época passou a entender o conceito de corujão com mais profundidade, das batalhas LAN de 5x5, de morrer e fechar o mic (morto não fala), de camperar até alguém plantar a bomba.

E os mapas icônicos como por exemplo o famoso Pool Day, ali a gente virava macaco testando todas as armas do chão, era muito bom kkkkkk

E quanto aos mods? Mapa do Rio de Janeiro com direito a dublagem estourada "- Os contra terroristas venceeeram", nossa era maravilhoso, realmente foi um jogo que marcou a geração.

casually put thousands of hours into this game

other gamemodes I periodically abused were deathrun , jailbreak & HnS

jogava na lan house com meu irmao bons tempos

It all started back in 1999, in winter, in January. Programmer Min Le, as part of the development team, was involved in the creation of the game Quake 2. However, Min Le did not see any prospects for this game and left this project. He had his own vision of a game of this kind, he wanted to create a game in which the team spirit of the players would be clearly expressed. The choice of game engine was initially settled on a creation from iD Software, but negotiations on its use failed. As a result, it was possible to reach an agreement with the owners of Half Life; Minh Le took the platform of this game as a basis. After some time, a now well-known game was announced - Counter-Strike. Its name has remained unchanged to this day.

SIGMA! dispensa apresentações, só quem jogou esse em lan house sabe o quanto esse game era bom.

Infancia en su maxima expresion. Amo este juego con toda mi alma por todo lo que significo en mi vida, pero siento que su tiempo, al menos conmigo, ya paso. Te adoro CS, pero es hora de pasar pagina.

Admito, na época das lan houses ignorava um pouco. Acabava indo mais pro GTA Vice City/San Andres e, até mesmo, Grand Chase. Mas, o pouco que joguei, me cativou bastante, eu só era ruim mesmo. Hoje, vez ou outra, volto ao jogo pelas versões em navegador, que seguem bem movimentadas!

Does it hold up? Not really. Is it still fun to shoot through paper thin walls? Yeah.

si o si lo tenes que jugar en una netbook del gobierno, en hora libre con la gurisada

When you come home from school and go playing cs against bots

muiot. foda... matei a vanessa .

Vaya tardes de jugar con los bots me tiraba

Tio Cesar, muito obrigado por me introduzir a jogos de PC e informática

O jogo que todos jogavam na aula de computação quando o professor virava as costas. Ou não, professor nunca ia até o fundo, daí o pessoal de lá tava sempre no CS.

Eu joguei algumas vezes com eles, mas na maioria ficava só assistindo, sou ruim de jogo de tiro :p

Enfim, bomb has been planted, fiz essa review pra ganhar a badge de 5 jogos num dia kk

Peguei vírus no PC instalando isso quando era criança

clássico que ainda tem players. divertido dms

Absolute classic
Nothing is better than getting yelled at by insane people after losing a 1v1 at 1am. That shitty mic quality makes it funny everytime

The fact that this game is still alive after all these years is proof of it's excellence. Right now, as I'm writing this I've checked and there's 4 full servers in my country. The player base is dedicated and unhinged.

It's sequels are very popular, with high player counts and use this a base. CS1.6 is like the raw, less refined version of those games but the foundation is so good that I always have a good time going back. Sure it's not "good" but it's fun.

The funniest part is that I absolutely suck at this game lmao

Quem nunca se pegou no soco por causa de CS?

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