Reviews from

in the past

Before I actually learned how to play team FPS games, I used to do LAN parties with co-workers back in the day and we'd play this. My ID was UnbiasedShooter because I'd end up capping my teammates about 50% of the time when turning corners.

I sucked, but that didn't make this game any less fun.

Only ever got to play this with bots but it was fucking great

Very cool game, old memories that i have with my father.

No tempo da faculdade jogava quase todo dia em lan house...

it's wild to me that a game released in 2000 is still being played 20+ years later. it's really fun and worth a try if you like global offensive, be prepared to get wallbanged and clapped by russian veterans though

I'm so happy because my parents let their autistic child play this game

POV: You are Eastern-European.

mas eu dou tiro na cabeça, na cintura, também dou tiro na bunda dos terceiro vacilão

yeah it's great

i'd say it's still great if you get a bunch of friends to play it with

Com certeza um dos melhores FPS que já joguei na vida e um dos jogos que mais gastei horas jogando,bons tempos.

Countless hours playing this as, at the time, my PC couldn't really do much, even today I'd recommend getting this just to take a break from CS:GO.

elinize veririm bam güm çat pat

it's fucking counter strike

Bonus points if you played any other than map than dust

I’ve certainly waxed poetic on this title countless times around the internet. I was lucky to come across this game as a local PC cafe opened up in my hometown. I had other friends who owned bicycles who were also interested in blasting awp shots at each other's virtual skulls. Not counting the typical birthday party or sleepover romp with Goldeneye, this game was my first dip into gaming as a social activity where the game itself was the focus. A good friend and I spent many a wonderful summer day holed up in our basements playing fy_iceworld for hours on end.

1.6: has vehicles
every other counterstrike: does not have vehicles

let my mans drive

This dude ruined my childhood

I'm too old for this game to have been my first Multiplayer obsession in my life. It was 2006 I was in 6th grade and I watched a video On IO On Demand about the best games of all time and they talked about how Counter Strike was this masterpiece of Mutiplayer Shooting and at the time I was educating myself about classic video games so I went to my local Micro Center and bought myself a boxed copy of Counter Strike 1.6 and got home and they key didn't work. So I complained to Valve in the early days of steam and they sent me a free code for 1.6, Half Life, Condition Zero basically all the early hits. So I was a complete loner when I was this young and had no previous experience playing games with others, and was I ever fucking blown away by this. I know this is entirely anecdotal but to me this was the best looking game of all time. Now at this point source was out but this game ran on my shitty desktop with integrated graphics, to me the GoldSrc engine just has so much fucking charm and life to it that I just get nostalgic even thinking about it from the visuals to the digital sound effects every gun felt amazing, every map felt massive and every round gave me this insane anxiety. The first server I ever joined was home of the Elite Immortals, there was a group of late 20s and 30s who were all talking like something out of a dive bar shooting the shit and trash talking. I had a shitty little headset that was made for telemarketers and I was so scared to talk. They instantly started taunting me because I had no idea what I was doing and I got kicked, I joined back and terrified to talk I said in my pipsqueak little voice "I'm new how do I play" They all erupted in laughter and jeering and a guy named "}{ells Reaper" said stick with me I'll help you. I played all night and it felt like hanging out with the cool adults, they taught me everything, I learned to joke with them talk with them, play competitive games of Counter Strike, what guns to buy when to save, how to traverse the maps. I went to sleep that night and all I could think of was Counter Strike I laid there thinking of routes to run, plays to make, the friends I made. I would sit in school and draw map ideas plan setups I would get home and talk to my 2nd Family, "Beantown, Johnny Ringo, Sweetleaf, Reaper, Sarah, Green Leaf" they were all this group of alcoholic degenerates who didn't play other video games in fact if you called CS a video game they would get mad because they weren't nerds, they were all rednecks who were just there to have a good time. I remember playing on Office one night and finally getting admitted into the clan, getting to put [EI] in front of my name felt so good, I felt accomplished. I got to play in some scrims and some matches when they needed an extra man, I cancelled a date with a girl because we had a big match. CS 1.6 wasn't a game it was a hang out, a place to go. The clan and server would eventually break up, I would drift in between Clerkz and other US East servers but that wasn't my family. This was the most formative years of my life and it meant the world to me. Cheers to all of the Elite Immortalz, you guys made me who I am today.

only god knows how much time i wasted on this game.

A key game for the industry and one of the most impactful shooters ever created. "Counter-Strike" was one of the first videogames that were considered a sport that later on passed to be named as "E-Sports", it was the cybercafé's most played game probably in the world. "Counter-Strike 1.6" was a complete hit in the 90's, then evolved to "Counter Strike Source" and then "Counter Strike: Global Offensive" and in 2020, CSGO is one of the most watched/played e-sport in the world. This game was the standard of what should be a competitive game and now it's a piece of history of videogames, it's defenetly retro but I think everyone that appreciates videogames should defenetly have this in their library.
Must have, must buy and must play!

Saudosa época das lan houses, justo quando eu estava ficando bom nesse jogo eu parei de jogar porque descobri algo que sugaria todo o meu tempo durante anos da minha vida: MMORPG.