Reviews from

in the past

I appreciate having a version of the game with higher quality textures and FMVs, as well as natively higher resolution. The benefit of being a 360 title also means there are plenty of achievements for me to (eventually, maybe someday) accomplish to increase my gamerscore. But the Xbox 360 version is full of really ugly additional effects, like motion blur, refracting effects on the ice that traps Crunch in the first level (but like, it's not even really refracting... it just looks like glass that isn't rendering properly), and "more advanced, softer shadows" that leads to things like Coco's teeth being completely black in the intro scene. I presume it's because of these "more advanced effects" that the game occasionally drops huge frames if too much stuff is on screen.

I'll write a second review going more in-depth on my opinions of the game design and... interesting artistic liberties with this reboot; but after 3 levels on Xbox, I've decided I'm going to start over on PS2 for a more stable, better-looking experience.

simulador de ficar apertando o mesmo exato botão por 4 horas seguidas 👍🏼

É mid pra caralho, mas é legal

Cara, a história de como eu adquiri esse jogo é muito cômica. Eu tava no 4 ou 3 ano e falei pra um mlk que eu tinha um filme chamado "força G" e que era muito bala. Ai eu propus uma troca, um filme, por um jogo, dai no dia seguinte eu sai com um dos jogos mais divertidos do ps2, e ele saiu com um filme tenebroso.

um dos jogos q mais zerei no PS2, mundo aberto muito bom e a gameplay quando vc manipulava os titans era muito clean, meu Crash favorito.

Juego de mi infancia. Este es uno de mis juegos favoritos que pude jugar con mi hermano cuando pequeño. Es un videojuego de plataforma con combate muy simple, donde el principal atractivo son los Titanes jugables y que se puede jugar cooperativamente. Encuentro que este juego esta injustamente odiado, entiendo las criticas de que se puede volver repetitivo y aburrido con el pasar de los niveles, pero la mayoría de la comunidad odia al juego solo porque es muy diferente a los Crash originales. Se que tengo nostalgia y también fue mi primer Crash, pero talves si no hubieran utilizado la franquicia Crash, este juego no hubiera sido tan odiado, e inclusive mas querido por mas personas.

damn they really put crash into a coffin with this one

I beat this game more times than I care to admit

Ambientação 5/5
Apesar de cartunesco o jogo cumpre bem o visual de cada mapa. São biomas diferentes, bem legal.

Joguei a muito tempo então não lembro totalmente. Eu era criança, então adorava. Não darei nota.
Jogabilidade 4/5
Talvez não agrade aos fãs do classicão, mas é bom ver uma forma diferente na mesma franquia. Acredito que tenha sido por causa da febre hack'slash da época.

Audio|Gráficos 5/5
Sem reclamações. É infantil e tem aspectos infantis.

cara joguei demais esse durante minha infância, ainda lembro de certas coisas e lembro de me divertir muito jogando com meu irmão, não reclamaria se tivesse um remaster desse como teve da trilogia.

5 estrelas por pura nostalgia. Zerei mais de 10 vezes quando era criança

Nostalgia pesa forte nesse, mas me diverti bastante jogando com meu amigo Cauê que inclusive era um mlk bem perturbado

Não entendo as criticas da altura, o jogo era melhor do que diziam, btw o crash tem tatuagens.

Que jogo maravilhoso, usar os titãs para se locomover pelo mapa e ajudar nas batalhas era uma mecânica sensacional, por isso ele ainda segue sendo um dos melhores da franquia toda.

ihan hauska seikkailu peli vaiks onki vähä yks dimenssionaaline

I remember this one being genuinely funny and a lot of fun. That is filtered through nostolgia so may feel different now.

Um dos melhores junto com o twinsanity !!

amo esse jogo. achei incrível quando joguei a primeira vez e testei as mecânicas novas dos titans, o mapa aberto, o novo design do crash e principalmente o crash albino quando jogava como player2. não sei dizer quantas vezes zerei esse game


THE GAME'S SO REPETITIVE DUDE. Run through the most barren wastelands in gaming history, if you're lucky you'll stumble upon a rock in the middle of your path that serves no gameplay purpose. EVERYTHING is brown or grey, I saw a slope with grass on at one point and ejaculated. AND PAINTINGS. ONE OF THE LEVELS HAS PAINTINGS ON THE WALL. They're low poly and the lighting's dark so they're not very pronounced but PAINTINGS FUCK YES

The gameplay is so DULL. Run into an empty room, spam square. Then run into an empty room, spam square... alright then run into an empty room, spam squ

THE TITANS, YOU CAN CONTROL GIANT SUPER POWERED MONSTERS HOLY SHIT HERE WE GO... to run into an empty room, spam squa- FUCK. AND IT'S SOMEHOW EVEN MORE BORING THAN CRASH'S GAMEPLAY. The Titans' are so sluggish, I don't think you can actually call it "spamming" square THE ANIMATIONS TAKE SO LONG TO FINISH.

PLATFORMING. I JUST STUMBLED UPON A PLATFORMING SEGMENT, FINALLY YES. Okay so first you jump on the biggest, widest platform in the history of architecture. Don't worry if you defy all odds and find a way to miss it, here's a glide button too. Alright so from that platform you wanna jump to this other gigantic, 500 mile wide platform... YOU DID IT, THAT'S THE ENTIRE PLATFORMING SEGMENT LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOO

The coin sound effect is re-used from The Simpsons: Hit & Run, constantly reminding me I could be playing a much better game right now

Un juego muy curioso, cambia totalmente la esencia de Crash, pero innova muchísimo con las mecánicas de los titanes. Visualmente me gusta bastante, se nota la influencia de los 2000 pero sin llegar a ser hortera y manteniendo esa estética estilizada de Crash

this game does not deserve the hate. crashes design goes hard if you want to stop crying about any slight change that happens in your life. the game is actually fun and the bosses are fun. the music and the combat go so hard, i just like lighthearted fun games that i can play with my brother on the couch. its not that crazy of an experience but its a pretty cool time.

One of my least favorite phrases that you see a lot on the internet is “it's a good game, just not a good “x” game”. Like, are your preconceived notions of what your favorite game series should be so narrow and unimaginative that anything out of the ordinary is immediately put into the “other” category? Or is it more of an effort to weakly defend your tastes by “othering” it, automatically conceding that it's not a real “x” game? Either way I hate when people do that and I hate this game. It's an abysmal game AND an abysmal Crash game

I lowkey hated this game as a kid.