Reviews from

in the past

A terribly average game with odd redesigns and horrendous AI so terrible that it sucks the fun out of any enjoyment you could have with this title. I sure do love getting dogpiled by five titans at once and barely being able to do anything about it. There is a glitch where you can get to max level fast that makes the game a bit more bearable, but by the time I found out about it, it was already too late and I should not have to abuse a glitch to make the game halfway tolerable to play. The Uka-Uka boss fight is also one of the worst bosses I have ever had the disgrace of going up against. Even if the enemy AI wasn't so terrible it still isn't worth playing simply because of boring the gameplay is in general and just the fact there are much better options to choose from. If you want to play a Crash game, play the original Naughty Dog titles, Twinsanity, or even Crash 4 instead. If you like action or beat 'em up games then play Bayonetta, Metal Gear Rising, Devil May Cry, or Yakuza instead. Literally, play anything else but this abomination.

Another game i have huge bias about and it's the game that got me into the crash series, so of course i'm grateful to it. While the redesigns and the beat-em-up platformer mix threw people off, i personally liked them and it presented a nice change of pace for me (it helps that the platforming that was there was good too). What elevates it for me however is the varied titans and the ability to steal them to use them for your own is something that never gets tiring to me and the game balances it out so you don't use the same overpowered titan through the entire game. Music is banging as well. My only complaint is due to that nature, it can get samey from time to time, but the game's ideas are executed well enough that those times were very rare to me.

One of my least favorite phrases that you see a lot on the internet is “it's a good game, just not a good “x” game”. Like, are your preconceived notions of what your favorite game series should be so narrow and unimaginative that anything out of the ordinary is immediately put into the “other” category? Or is it more of an effort to weakly defend your tastes by “othering” it, automatically conceding that it's not a real “x” game? Either way I hate when people do that and I hate this game. It's an abysmal game AND an abysmal Crash game

Okay-ish Beat Em'up with Crash characters. I actually though I would hate it since I grew up with the original trilogy and seeing those weird designs and gameplay with almost 0 reminisence of what it used to be, I just didn't cared.

But once a friend told me to play it co-op I found that is actually a pretty enjoyable experience. Titans were fun to control and ride too, some more than others.

I just never knew why this game had to start Crash of all things, it still doesn't make any sense to this day. Unless it was a business decision before Sierra got absorbed by Activision.

As a kid this was MY Crash game

A completely and unnecessary new take on Crash, I don't know how the thought this was a good idea. It's not badly executed though, it's fun to collect titans and use their different powers, it's got style to it, and it's short and sweet.

Meh, não consegui gostar desse jogo

Sei la, eu achei maneirinho o design dele o gráfico e talz que é bem bonito, mas por algum motivo esse crash aqui não me pegou muito, não sei se é por ser um port meio cocozinho no PSP meio lentao, mas não gostei dessa versão do jogo não. Vou dar uma chance pra ele depois num console de mesa pra ver se ele é bom.

Nessa versão achei ele muito lento, uns slow motion meio desnecessário e a falta de sombra complica um pouco pra saber onde o crash vai pousar quando ta no ar, meio paia de verdade.

Solid game with fun combat the titans were pretty fun to control and it had some cool locations for levels having said that the levels could have been slightly more diverse especially when you are going through N Gin's factory and the titans had some pretty big design flaws like not being able to jump or being able to keep your favourite titans for later (I heard the sequel fixes this though which is nice)
Overall it was a fun game glad i played it

Todos te odeiam, mas eu te amo...

Definitely not as bad as I thought it was gonna be. The redesigns are questionable for sure, but I like the levels and the melee combat with the titans is pretty fun. It has good humor and writing, the characters are all likable. The only downside for me is that it gets pretty tedious after a while.

É mid pra caralho, mas é legal

um dos jogos q mais zerei no PS2, mundo aberto muito bom e a gameplay quando vc manipulava os titans era muito clean, meu Crash favorito.

I don't have much experience with the Crash Bandicoot games, so I'm rating this one on its own rather than comparing it to other ones in the series.

It starts off decent, but it becomes apparent from pretty early on this both feels rushed and focuses on two distinct styles which don't mesh well.

The combat is not horrible, but it's very monotonous and not helped by the fact that the enemy variety is pretty shallow (most "new" enemies you encounter are reskins) and you're often stuck in situations where you'll fight multiple large enemies and have to button mash your way out of it. It's even more baffling that the combat takes up a really large part of the game. And the enemy's AI leaves much to be desired overall, so it can becomes a pretty miserable experience with all those factors.

And the game has limited lives per level. At least it only send you back to the beginning of a level if you lose all of them, but they felt unnecessary.

The platforming is there. It felt fun at times, but nothing in particular stood out from it. Had it taken up a far larger part of the game, I would've enjoyed this far more.

Apesar de não ser perfeito é um ótimo jogo e bem nostálgico também, principalmente por ser um dos melhores Crash coop que tem.

O 100% não é tão difícil de fazer, 1 horinha de grinding e você consegue Mastered facilmente.

Esse jogo foi minha infancia, o mais nostálgico de todos.

The only Crash game I played. I refuse to let my view of the franchise be changed by actual quality

Quem não gosta é gente velha

played this as a kid andi liked it but kids are dumb as fuck and they like bad things

My first review had to do with criticizing the presentation of the 360 version, as I thought they slapped on far too many "next-gen" graphical effects to what was clearly designed and built first as a PS2 game. This review is going to be spent detailing my experience with the game on the PS2 version and on the game as a whole.

As I usually like to do, I'll start by listing all my positives. I actually really like most of the redesigns in this game (Tiny aside, because he went from a Tasmanian Tiger with Arnold Schwarzenegger's voice to a Siberian Tiger with Mike Tyson's. I don't think it's even fair to compare him to his original incarnation because he's practically a new character). They're not better than the original Looney Tunes-inspired ones, and they were VERY off-putting and difficult to get used to; but I think with the drastic change in gameplay, a rebooted storyline and redesigned characters was for the best. I especially love how Uka Uka and Cortex look! I think Nina is the only design I dislike. She looks too... realistic? For lack of a better term? I hate the proportions of her face, but I guess her being "ugly" was the goal. She just doesn't really seem to fit in with the rest of the very cartoony cast. The general aesthetic of the game leans really hard into the tribal jungle feeling, while trying to still be "edgy and punk", according to the devs. It feels like a Nickelodeon cartoon I might've caught during the weirder NickToons era, and I sorta like that. The tribal tattoos, voodoo dolls and idols, and whatnot add to this really unique feeling that "this ain't your grand-daddy's Crash!!" for better and worse.

The animations are probably the best they've ever been in any Crash game until 4 came out. The cutscenes have great bouncy, comedic animations that help in selling the vocal performances, and the in-game animations are all very snappy and use lots of squash and stretch.

I'll say as a minor aside that while I don't necessarily find the writing of this game very funny, the animations do make some of those jokes at least bearable, and they help the joke be delivered better than if everyone was standing around flapping their mouths in idle poses. The jokes are just a time capsule of the "meta-humor, toilet humor, loud is funny, we're trying so hard to be zany and random"-kind of writing that was endemic to a lot of kids cartoons I watched growing up. Even as a kid, I found a lot of this stuff kind of annoying, but I'm not the demographic for this game NOW as a 22 year old woman. I'm sure hearing these little rat goons say "ooh, that's so silly!!" (seriously, this game loves to overuse the word "silly" as a punchline and I don't get what's funny about it), or making jokes about "hax0rz n n00bz!!!", "Leroy Jenkins", posting on MySpace, and "ha ha italian plumber in overalls, this is a video game!!" for 4 hours as a kid would be entertaining. Not all the jokes are bad. Like, I laughed at the 1968 Planet of the Apes ending joke that came out of absolutely nowhere at the start of the N. Gin stages, but what average, normal kid would get THAT joke?! I guess parents of the 2000s would've been alive in the 60/70s to MAYBE get it, assuming they're playing with their kids...

And finally, I like the CONCEPT behind the main gimmick of this game. The Titans are almost entirely really well-designed. The Titans I found were most fun to play as were Spike, Sludge, Battler, Ratcicle, Magmadon, and Rhinoroller... which is about half of them. The main criticism I have is that a lot of them look way too similar to each other or very obviously reuse animations with each other, like Stench/Snipe/Ee-Lectric, and Titans like Goar/Shellephant/Rhinoroller look too similar to each other in silhouette and color scheme, which can make it hard to distinguish them in a big fight. But otherwise, Titan Jacking is really fun and theoretically serves a very fun way to diversify combat. These bigger enemies are designed in such a way that any move they can use against you, you can also use yourself once you Jack them. In concept, this is fair. But they all have very limited movesets, and a lot of their attacks are very slow and can be interrupted. And this leads into my most major criticism...

I know this is mostly on me for choosing to start on Hard Mode, but I consider myself pretty good at video games like these to feel confident starting like this. I played a little bit on Normal as well, to be clear, and the game is just too braindead easy and not very fun on that difficulty. It's such a slog. So I figured Hard would be more up my alley, and it was for a while.

On Hard, as soon as you reach Level 3, this game becomes extremely bullshit. You die in like 3 hits, even accounting for the points at which you'll naturally get health upgrades by collecting Mojo. There are so many mob fights that are just 5, 6, or 7 Titans all swarming you at the same time. Punching Titans builds up a Stun meter that leads to you being able to Jack them. If you don't attack them for long enough, the Stun meter VERY quickly runs out, so they expect you to be constantly assaulting these guys as much as possible, AND making sure you break through THEIR guards if they start blocking. There are also power-ups called Free Jacks in SOME mob fights that let you kick an enemy and immediately stun them to Jack them. Even when you utilize Free Jacks, the issue of slow and interruptible Titan attack animations just fuck me over so hard. There's a severe lack of good, reliable CC/AOE attacks to keep myself alive.

If I try to guard, I just end up getting hit consecutively by the other 6 Titans I'm swarmed by with no way to escape. If I try to swing, I might hit one or two guys, but then get decked in the face by a stray one I missed or I'll just get blocked and then swung at. If I try winding up a Special Move or a Heavy Attack, I get interrupted. Before I know it, I'm kicked off my Titan and desperately trying not to get two-shot by the entire swarm of Titans because there's no way to reasonably separate them. Blocking as Crash ONLY protects against Medium Attacks, so while 4 of the Titans are mashing their Medium Attacks against me, one might end up hitting me with a Heavy and I get chunked, or I'll get pushed into lava or toxic waste. Cue John DiMaggio laughing obnoxiously as the screen fades to black and I have to start the section over again. Dying too many times sends you all the way back to the start of the level. Hope you didn't spend the last 50 minutes breaking Spybots and working on your Combo King mission, because you gotta do it all over again for the Gold trophy!

I feel like Mojo collection is way too slow and you have such a barebones moveset at the start of the game to justify me starting over AGAIN. I was exactly halfway through the game, I got to level 10, before I figured this was too much for me. If I wanted to restart on Normal, I would have to grind ALL my Mojo back again because progression doesn't carry between levels. Otherwise, this is a game where you mash Square and maybe hold Triangle to break a guard once in a while, because there are not early-game combos that utilize the Triangle button mid-combo. It takes SO long before combat becomes interesting in this game that turned me off from wanting to restart.

As an avid defender of Sonic Unleashed, they at least had the good will to give you a decent amount of starting options. Even by Mazuri, you'll have access to fun, diverse combos and a lot of combat options in general (grabbing and executes with QTEs, sprinting, light attacks, heavy attacks, all with variable range, good AOE/CC moves, a decent blocking/dodging system, a super meter for more damage and faster attacks). No offense intended to the game's fans, but for me, this game just kinda sucks no matter if you try to challenge yourself or not.

Most of the conversations I had seen of this game before really trying it said things like "Crash shouldn't look like this!!! Tribal tattoos?! That's ridiculous!!" or "Crash shouldn't be a beat-em-up!!", when the real problem is that the game isn't fun to engage with at a higher level. I am VERY receptive to change, as I've hopefully made clear by embracing the new artstyle, the rebooted continuity, and the Titans. I see what others like about it, and I understand how people who did grow up with this game without caring about pre-Radical Crash love it.

EDIT: After a two day break, I came back to the game and 100%ed it, still on the same playthrough for Hard. I still stand by all my points above, but Hard mode actually becomes pretty manageable by the halfway point, or if you overlevel just a little bit by grinding Mojo (which is extremely time-consuming). Square>Square>Triangle and Square>Square>Triangle>Triangle trivializes the entire game, and then it's only a matter of getting in a safe spot to do the combo and staying on your Titan. But it takes 400,000 and 800,000 Mojo to unlock those combos, respectively. Either give me a skill tree or just give me all my moves at the start of the game and let Mojo collection be used exclusively for Spin duration and health upgrades or something.

Oh, and I'll mention this, since I heard about this part from folks who grew up with the game online: the Uka-Uka boss fight especially was a lot of fun and super challenging. I actually had fun trying to figure out what the fuck to do and how to survive. It only took me about 30 minutes of trying to figure out a fast strategy before I beat him.

I give this a 2/5, but honestly, 2-star games are still ones I derive some enjoyment from even if I fundamentally dislike the game design execution or if the game drives me mad with its unfunny writing. I can understand why the biggest of Crash fans of the 00s LOATHED this game. It seemed like an indefinite replacement for the games of the original series, and especially a replacement for the classic linear, box-breaking, almost-collectathon gameplay of the PS1 games. I think now that we have the benefit of games like N. Sane Trilogy, Nitro-Fueled, and 4 that (hopefully) revived the franchise's roots, some might be able to appreciate this game as an experimental spin-off. I certainly do, even if it clearly is not made for me.

This game is actually bullshit at times. You have basically no counterattack options and some of the enemies are actually fucking cheap. But yeah other than that the game is generally fine. The redesigns get way too much shit (though some get a lot better with Mind Over Mutant), the titans feel satisfying, and the movement options for platforming are fun.

Po mané né ruim não, obviamente não tem nada haver com os clássicos mas não significa que seja ruim

Tem muito defeitinho que ia ser consertado no futuro com a continuação mas te falar o jogo é bom po, jogam hate por terem memórias com os antigos e eu também tenho pra caralho

A direção de arte é absurdaaa, também seria mais bem aproveitada no futuro

O grande problema é o crash em si que virou um idiota, isso afasta qualquer um mesmo difícil não ignorar esse fato, mas o resto dos peronagens estão o de sempre.

As fases são uma montanha russa, umas são horríveis de ruins, outras bem legalzinhas

Também tem coletáveis que desbloqueiam extras roupinhas imagens etc mas o jogo não tem fator replay alto não joguei uma vez, nunca mais

Esse jogo é decente assuma covarde

Imagina como deve ser a vida de alguém que não gosta desse jogo

"a pq o crash não é real ao personagem e não sei mais o que"

mermão fds, vc bate nos bixo e pega eles e BOOM musica braba. Minhas memorias de infância com esse jogo são perfeitas

Pelo amor de deus esse jogo é insuportável, talvez eu volte algum dia mas das 2h que eu joguei eu não me diverti em um minuto sequer

5 estrelas por pura nostalgia. Zerei mais de 10 vezes quando era criança