Reviews from

in the past

What does the liquid in his cup taste like?

Hardest platforming game I've ever played. Looking forward to beating it.

bão, não é tão dificil principalmente o jogo mas se pena em alguns chefes no meu caso foi o dragão até eu pegar o charge e estourar ele, Dlc foi mais desafiadora

Playing Cuphead always makes me want to cry as it fusion 2 of the best things in my life: gaming and cartoons <3.

great game but frustratingly hard (i beat p5 in hollow knight, im no stranger to difficulty), and hard in a way that kind of discourages trying to get better, and is more of a demoralizer... if that makes any sense. I will likely come back to it to beat the game in the future, but i need to move on for now. i still recognize that it is a great game, though. 3.5/5 stars

Playing this game feels like having Stockholm syndrome with a love-hate relationship

Melhor indie dos games apenas.

Jogo base perfeito e DLC deixou com gostinho de quero mais

Quero MUITO uma continuação

This game isn't hard because of the challenging bosses and somewhat unfair stages. This game is hard because it's difficult not to stare in awe at how perfectly crafted the animation is.

Cute artstyle and inventive ideas... to a point. The old cartoon homage while derivative at moments (like the Tom & Jerry or the Brutus from Popeye inspired bosses) does bring some interesting ideas for the enemy design and sometimes some simple backstory and characterization in the attacks, and that's where the identity of the title really shines...

But as a piece in the videogame medium taking influence from a cinematographic art form, the countless references to classic run and gun and shoot em ups from which I can observe an inmense obsession to remember Treasure, Capcom and Konami games (and others) make me realize that as an experience it feels less willing to impress in a cinematographic and "narrative" way than those 80s and 90s titles.

Yeah, Grim Matchstick is better animated and has more complex attacks than the dragon from Megaman 2, but it's a sole boss fight dedicated to him, and as such losses the impact of the sudden memorable appearance it had at the end of a long level.

Yeah, the King Dice boss presents a nerve wrecking experience to beat at only three health points while presenting some memorable boss design. But Cuphead's hard as nails attitude while satistying to conquer sacrifices more variety to not be too much of a marathon in its three health points. Variety compared to what? To the Dice Maze level from Gunstar Heroes of course, from which one of the bosses found here also makes a reference to the "Melon Bread" enemy found in that level.

In the D(elicious)L(ast)C(ourse) there's a boss fight reminiscent of one of the alternative second stage minibosses of Contra the Hard Corps. There's no urgency in beating the boss other than getting rid of the dogs on airplanes as quick as possible to finish it and not slip up, while Contra had you battle it in a rush to reach an abandoned facility that continued the remaining of the level, an exhilarating experience one after the other.

My main problem with the title and the reason I consider it an involution to older games is its status as a glorified boss rush. Oh wait, Alien Soldier already was a boss rush, but there was connective tissue between them in the form of short level sections that set them up.

Yes, you can buy weapons outside of levels in the map (in a Wonder Boy-esque pig shop, wait, a Westone reference as well?) but the true content of the game being these boss fights while relegating actual platforming levels as a side glance just doesn't impress me, and the less it does as it continues to reference Gunstar Heroes green chaser shots, Truxton (oh Toaplan too?) bombs, Contra barricades, a cat-like machine in the background that attacks with its paws from either side of the screen (Clockwork Tortoise's Batman & Robin? Wow that's obscure), Dragon Quest slimes (ok, this is getting out of hand) and a Devil that feels like Lucifer from Ghouls and Ghosts in its first fase just to nod at gamers who played those things instead of coming up with something that overcomes them into an exciting presentation. The closest the game comes to this is in the eerie small introduction of the last boss in the DLC, setting up the reveal of the villain. Oh... It's superfluous you say? Well, just do as they did here and as long as you beat the section stablish a checkpoint for the boss if it's too tiresome to play a whole level and one of these challenging bosses.

So yeah, it's a decent cartoon, but as a game I'm not impressed by the spectacle and it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be (my brother had abandoned it and an irl friend said he tried playing it with a friend of his and also had to give up).

It's not only a great-looking game or a challenging game. It is really fun to play and all the bosses are very well-designed.


Cuphead é mt bom mané, caralho, claro, vc vai passar uma raivinha, mas maluco, isso aqui é relativamente fácil, da pra pegar o jeito rapidinho

Um jogo divertido e platina relativamente fácil, a maneira com que progredimos no jogo forca o jogador a pegar as conquistas, conseguir derrotar os bosses na maior dificuldade vira um passatempo

Bastante sólido tanto a nivel de diseño de nivel como en sus enfrentamientos contra los jefes, y con un apartado artístico más que soberbio, aunque llega a depender mucho del ensaño y error, además de que no todas las habilidades especiales son igual de útiles.

this game kicked my ass to hell and back,now after beating the dlc 2 years ago,i can truly say,this game truly was the bee’s knees!
its peak

jogo fantástico, a dlc é perfeita, apenas jogue

Cuphead için zor demek ne kadar doğru olur bilemiyorum. Cuphead oyunu öğrenmeni istiyor daha doğrusu kendisini oynamanı istiyor. Bölümler, bosslar cidden çok güzel tasarlanmış. Biraz çaba, biraz dikkat ve orta düzey reflekslerle problemsiz bitebiliyor. Daha zorunu oynadım ve ne yazık ki o oyunların hiç biri cuphead gibi kusursuz ve düzgün çalışan mekaniklere sahip değildi. Belki de cuphead'i zor denilen diğer oyunlardan ayıran en büyük fark da budur: pürüzsüz mekanikler. Oyun oynuyorum diyen ve türe ilgi duyan herkesin en azından bir kere denemesi gereken bir deneyim cuphead. Bana bu eşsiz deneyimi yaşattığın için teşekkürler. Bu aradaaa Allah Grim Matchstick'in belasını versin.

Jogo magnífico e desafiador, com uma arte e trilha sonora impecáveis. Recomendo muito!
Obs: zerei o jogo e a DLC com 26h

platinar esse jogo me deu um tesão incontrolável.

Тяжело сказать что-либо про Капхэда, чего уже не было сказано за все эти годы. Пожалуй, всё очевидное и так лежит на поверхности. Но, быть может, в этом и кроется проблема? Задумывались ли Вы о том, что каким бы внешним великолепием не пестрило произведение, по-настоящему красит его лишь контекст? Контекст - вот чего мне действительно не хватает. Нигде и никогда форма не превалирует для меня над содержанием. Вы можете сотворить наикрасивейший мультфильм за всю историю мультипликации, но для меня ему и грошь цены нет, если за всем этим фасадом не стоит хотя бы толика красноречия и острого ума.
Я ни в коем случае не принижаю тот громадный труд, что ушёл на проработку великолепной визуальной составляющей. Моя претензия заключается в том, что за воистину изобретательной демонстрацией великого множества ярких и экспрессивных образов не стоит ничего, но могло бы. Словно прекрасный на вид букет, прислонившись к которому, ты осознаёшь, что это просто декоративные цветы, способные порадовать только глаз и не более.

whoever designed doggone dogfight and the robot guy is pure evil


great game but really hard also played this on ps5 but no option to select that

Cuphead is a great game to play with a friend and rage at. Beating bosses are also satisfying that it makes the gruelling pain of dying over and over and over again worth it. The animation is also very detailed and it also distracts me from the game and makes me die a lot. Every boss in the game is fun to fight (except high noon hoopla) and when looking back on the game footage, you realise how fair this game actually is. The DLC was excellently made. Everything in the dlc was good (except high noon hoopla). Some gripes with the game are that the airplane levels seem more like torture devices because they sometimes feel like overwhelming bullet hell. The run and gun levels also seem kinda forced in, and I feel that 6 more bosses would be better that the run and guns. Other than that, Im glad that this game got a show, and they did an amazing job for an indie game. Im exited to see what this studio pumps out next.