Reviews from

in the past

Esse talvez seja o melhor RPG em primeira pessoa da história.

best thing i played from 2023

One of the best DLC ever release. It is incredible to see the journey that this game has gone trought.

An expansion that ditches the rock n roll and dying in a blaze of glory for the cold and twisted concept of politics, power hungry war criminals and espionage. A story that will leave you looking over your shoulder forever in Night City.

Cyberpunk é muito imersivo e essa expansão não é diferente, muito foda
Pena q tem bugs q atrapalham a progressão

Melhor expansão que eu ja joguei.

bom jogo, só precisei dar 3 chances esperar uma atualização e uma dlc pra poder me divertir com ele

First thing I've gotta say is that CD Projekt Red really knows how to make a DLC. Wow. I didn't connect with the base game of Cyberpunk as much but I was immediately drawn into this. It helps that it's more condensed and focused in one area of the map. I think this focus is what the game really needed. With the small amount of characters I could connect with all of them and react to what they were doing. I was paying attention to all of the dialogue and following the story. I loved whenever Johnny would show up and we'd just assess the situation. In a story where you really don't know who to trust it's always good to have someone on your side no matter what. Being drawn into the story and characters makes the choices you have to make at the end that much more impactful.. Unlike other games there's not a clear bad or good choice you don't exactly want to choose any of them and I think that really puts you into the shoes of V. It's a fucked up situation and there's no easy way out. At the end I ended up killing Reed and sending So Mi to the moon, and even though I didn't want to kill him I knew that I couldn't go with him. I know enough about this world to know that I would never get the cure, I had to make a choice then and there. A theme talked about a bit in the first but more in this one is how much should you kill others to keep yourself alive. How many lives is too many. If I was a lost cause, I had to make sure one person got out. And that talk with Johnny before liftoff is so beautiful, watching the someone finally escape Night City. And the credits song is so good.

tenho q voltar mt maneiro n sei pq parei

This review contains spoilers

A lot of mixed thoughts about this expansion. It had been ages since I last played Phantom Liberty, so it was difficult to get back into the swing of things, especially with the massive amount of gameplay changes that had happened due to the patch. This led to plenty of early frustrations...because I didn't hate Cyberpunk 2077 on release. It didn't run too well at times on my old Xbox One, but I enjoyed just playing the game. Getting dropped into this expansion and having to first run over all my skills again to find which ones were relevant to me, and then having to go over all my equips to see which one I liked (no more silenced revolvers...) made the initial part of this expansion a bit of a chore. I had been out of it, I had to remake my build and so I never figured out if I no longer knew how to do things or if the way I used to do things was just no longer available.

The evolution of that build went well, however. Where before I played my V as a stealthy ninja, I still played her stealthy here, however...she had become a complete and total tank. There's a lot of fun in getting into a firefight and realizing that 95 % of enemies can't damage you (fast) enough to counteract your health regen. Coupled with the fact that I was powerful enough to take out enemies in a few shots (thus diminishing the damage done to me) and I felt awesome again; I had reached endgame with this V, so I enjoyed that my power was reflected. Scaling enemies is all well and good, but if I've reached the end of the game or the level cap, I want to feel as powerful as I should.

My problems on a gameplay level tie in to my main problem with Phantom Liberty however; it comes too late. I had arrived, lived, and left Night City already. To come back to it so much later, but still with my V, still tied to the story that had already been told, continuously gave me a feeling of disconnect. I was interested and engaged with the storyline of So Mi, Reed, Alex, and Kurt Hansen (even though the latter is surprisingly unused, given his status in the DLC), but I was never truly immersed into it. I slid back into my V easily enough, but it never really felt good to me. Certainly a personal issue, but one that bothered me a lot, was that I was really struggling to find anybody to root for (of the main sides; Alex is the easy lovable NPC). I could not align myself (or my V) to either Reed or So Mi's side, and so pretty much every ending option left me frustrated and wondering what it had all been for. There's a tragedy element that works for a lot of writing, but combining it with a playthrough of Assassin's Creed Odyssey certainly meant I've had my fill of (Greek) tragedies.

Looking forward, it will be a lot of fun to start a new file and experience this story and the Dogtown gigs interweaved through the main campaign, and fully immerse myself in the perspectives and characters of the DLC. As a stand-alone attachment however, it was impossible for me to gel with what was going on.

Cyberpunk mais uma vez me dando mais motivos pra eu amar essa porra de jogo. que do caralho!

Voltei ao Cyberpunk logo após pegar meu PC, transferi meu save do PS4 e joguei a DLC dele. Com a versão 2.0, há uma diferença de jogabilidade marcante e satisfatória, e com isso já afirmo, minha experiência com o jogo melhorou muito.

Phantom Liberty: PUTA QUE PARIU!! a história me prendeu do começo ao fim, o desenrolar do enredo, o mistério e a tensão que o jogo te deixa é de arrepiar o pelo do cu. As decisões cruciais que voce tem tomar no ramo da história, meu amigo, fiquei com a tela pausada por 2h pensando no que fazer.

Por fim, a soundtrack como sempre impecável, Dawid Podsiadło GÊNIO! Nada mais a acrescentar a nao ser o que eu já tenha falado antes, recomendo mais ainda pra quem nunca jogou e tem interesse. (aaaa as sidequests da DLC, novamente tendo seu destaque, recomendo fazer tbm do caralho todas)

Quase me esqueço de mencionar os personagens, simplesmente FODA, todos. Não tem o que elaborar.

A história de cyberpunk, como produto, com certeza é uma daquelas que serão comentadas por anos e anos pela mídia de jogos, assim como No Man's Sky. Eu, felizmente, me mantive presente desde o lançamento desastroso do PS4 até o lançamento da expansão e o patch 2.2 e posso afirmar, isso aqui é outro jogo.

Sobre as mudanças na jogabilidade: Antigamente era claro a limitação nas builds do cyberpunk, nem sempre pela variedade, mas sim pela viabilidade. Todo mundo que jogou de netrunner antes do rework sabe a merda que era. A sensação é que as habilidades disponíveis não conversavam umas com as outras em quase nenhuma árvore. O maior exemplo disso era aquela árvore de engenharia tenebrosa. Já agora, toda árvore tem sua certa relevância para diferentes estilos de jogo, o que me fez voltar para a build de netrunner já que agora é MUITO mais divertido.

Fora isso, outra adição muito bem-vinda foi o combate de carros, que, na minha opinião, foi muito bem implementado. Basta comparar com outros jogos, como GTA ou Far Cry, e você vê como a implementação é muito mais natural, tanto em primeira quanto em terceira pessoa.

Falando da DLC em si, queria abrir o comentário falando sobre a nova área do mapa. Eu sinceramente achei uma porcaria kkkkkk. Me desculpa, mas isso aqui é só uma Pacifica 2.0, que já era minha área menos favorita do jogo. Eu acho que uma forma muito mais interessante de expandir aquela ideia de uma área criada para gentrificação que foi abandonada e depois tomada pelo crime seria investir muito na verticalidade da jogabilidade. A primeira coisa que pensamos quando falamos sobre cyberpunk e riqueza são prédios. Então, por que não pensar em uma cidade criada pela interligação desses prédios pelo céu mesmo, misturando as antigas construções luxuosas com estruturas improvisadas? Assim, também haveria muitas outras oportunidades de expandir a jogabilidade ainda mais, mas enfim.

Sobre as quests e storytelling, não tenho nada além de elogios. O personagem de Idris Elba rouba totalmente a cena. Cada animação, expressão facial e fala daquele personagem compõem muito a imersão e convencimento da narrativa. O tom mais cinza adicionado tanto na história principal quanto nos contratos também expande muito aquela visão do cyberpunk sobre como o sistema e a cidade levam as pessoas a situações extremas onde não existe uma resposta certa. Eu gostaria de ver uma participação maior do Johnny nessa parte do jogo, uma vez que nenhum personagem ao menos reconhece sua existência, mas esse espaço é muito bem preenchido também.

Minha avaliação não é só pelo conteúdo da DLC, mas para a atualização como um todo. Ela sozinha seria por volta de quatro estrelas, mas o conjunto da obra consolida cyberpunk como um dos melhores jogos lançados nos últimos anos.

Solomon Reed eres un meapilas y un lamebotas

This review contains spoilers

Just Wow.... Probably one of the best DLC ever created.
The new characters are really well written: Idris Elba as Reed is such a good choice. The same goes for SongBird, who is really well written.
The story is really exciting and interesting. The tone of the dlc is different from that of the base game, but it's just too good, because it's so well done, the dlc really does feel like a spy movie.

The choice between betraying Reed and betraying SongBird is so difficult, but that's what makes the dlc so good: you can't choose without regret.
I personally chose to betray SongBird (I remain loyal to my brother Reed), and so the final mission was really just SPLENDID : This final mission was both so stressful but also touching, with SongBird getting corrupted by the black wall. In fact, the moment when we have our last conversation with SongBird and have to choose between killing her or sparing her really broke my heart.

I don't know how the story ends if we decide to betray Reed, so I don't know if the last mission is as good, but this DLC is truly exceptional.
Congratulations to CD Projekt RED, who not only managed to "save" Cyberpunk, but also created the masterpiece that is Phantom Liberty.

Beautiful. Wasn't expecting it to be THIS good. Also VERY emotional.

Story and narrative choices made me want to kill myself, 10/10

Grande espansione, non si distacca molto da Blood & Wine dello Witcher 3.

Actually forced me to make a difficult moral decision and I still don't know if I made the right choice. Super cinematic

Absolutely incredible, Dogtown as a setting was so fucking good, and I loved the characters, and the new guns were so fun and my god was everything amazing

Recien pasado el juego base me he metido en el este dlc y la verdad es que esta mas que a la altura.

Si bien baja bastante el contenido secundario, la historia principal es un subidon de calidad bastante notorio, con mejor ritmo y algunos tramos geniales.

Los personajes nuevos estan geniales, sus historias molan y las decisiones que tendremos que tomar tambien.

Muchos estudios deberian de tomar nota de como hacer este tipo de contenido.

Meta de 2024 é ter as dlc... mas falta dinheiro

Si je m'attendais à ce que le DLC soit aussi bon putain, là on reconnait bien CD Projekt Red.

Le DLC VAUT SON PRIX, comme pour TW3, c'est presque comme un 2nd jeu: une nouvelle map qui parvient à te dépayser de NC, un nouveau cast plein de personnalités uniques et crédibles, une excellente histoire qui, tient en haleine du début à la fin, est bien rythmée et diversifiée dans son déroulement (je ferai une update sur la nouvelle fin). Elle T'IMPLIQUE dans la trame.
On ajoute à ça son lot de nouvelles quêtes secondaires très sympas mais SURTOUT, des contrats avec une vraie putain d'histoire, y en avait marre des gros pavés qu'on lit jamais, quitte à faire moins de contrats, autant les rendre intéressantes dans le jeu de base avec un peu de narration. Pour finir, je vais rappuyer sur le fait que Dogtown est vraiment réussi, on sent que c'est une ville qui vit en marge de NC, qu'elle est dans la ptn de merde au point que, quand tu retournes à NC, c'est comme retourner chez toi. Bref, ce DLC vaut ses 30 putains de balles.
(on va quand même ajouter le fait que vu qu'on est toujours sous Red Engine, les bugs ça y va toujours lol et que Songbird est le perso qui me fait le plus de peine dans ce jeu😔😔😔)

Et aussi SPOILERS, la nouvelle fin est peak,

un V qui prend sa "retraite", l'autre run où tu trahis Songbird est aussi peak parce que t'en apprends plus sur son passé ce qui n'était pas possible avec l'autre donc pour moi, ON DOIT faire les 2 runs quand on fait le DLC.

I'm not kidding when I say this is game has shot up to arguably my favorite video game of all time. It's absolutely incredible where this game is now.

If you're still on the fence about this game, pick it up and give it a shot.