Reviews from

in the past

PEAK AND that other game i guess...?

Games are ass but Kyoko is hot as fuck ‼️

Solid Collection of both games, worth a purchase

Played through the first game, liked it well enough. The bonus afterward drove me mad. Tried to play the second game... lost interest VERY quickly.

I knew when I got into Danganronpa there was no going back and boy howdy was I right. These games are fun as hell.

The end part of danganronpa 1 carried this rating (still playing danganronpa 2 ) (Also discovered that I'm not the visual novel guy)

Rangu mi Dios mi religión. Con este juego aprendí inglés.

Reviewed them both separately also, but these two games together are perfect. Especially with Danganronpa 3 (the anime). What a story.

Silly concept and over the top characters, very fun visual novel. 2 is way better than 1 and 1 was pretty good.

i wish i could experience them for the first time again!

gostei dos personagens tem algumas gostosa

not gonna mark as completed because i didn't finish dr2. i don't really have motivation to finish this game either because i just don't have as much interest in the danganronpa series as i did when i got the game. it's definitely interesting and easy to get invested in, it's probably one of the best visual novels ever. but still... there's a lot you can't really look past with these games. it is an overall silly concept, perfect to not really take too seriously but it just sexualizes a lot of the characters and it's uncomfortable every time. if you can look past that and enjoy the game, good, but for most people it's just going to be weird.

both 1 and 2 are good but I like 2 more than 1

I want to love this series so bad. But it feels like for every great moment, there are 3 painfully awkward/uncomfortable moments to get through.

Shoutout to the atmosphere of the first game's first two chapters. And another shoutout to the second game's 4th and 5th chapters.

1st game was great, 2nd one brought it down by...a lot but this shit got 7 because of Mahiru’s free time events

The first game is better but the second game has Nagito Komaeda and that's the biggest win!

The story is so good until you realize how overrated it is. Still enjoyable :)

just platinum trophied this hot piece of garbage fuck this game (great deal and very entertaining despite its issues)

These games were big factors in my renewed interest in video games. Coming from mostly playing Pokemon and COD to something like this was a fun experience. The wacky characters and fun mysteries are not always perfect but they are so worth checking out. 2>1 though.

(I also have separate reviews of 1 and 2).

Out of the trilogy I feel the first has the strongest story start to finish. The setting is pitch perfect and you really can empathize with the characters. Monokuma is legitimately hateable in this game, a far cry from the lovable mascot he kinda becomes in the next two. The ending and middle chunk aren’t great though, hence why it’s not a 10.

While having a weaker plot, DR2 probably has the stronger cast and trials. Chapter 5 especially is a great example of both, presenting a seemingly impossible conundrum only for it to later be solved in the most heartbreaking way possible.

Character design and aesthetic are neat, but ehh never got around to finishing and I probably won’t for a while tbh.

Game is an absolute 10/10, any flaws it has don’t even matter in the grand scheme of things because the experience as a whole is perfect.

The ending itself is gonna stick with me for a while I can tell, the message is very special and more than most games I’ve played it’s taught me something important about life.

Anyways yeah final thoughts, unforgettable experience and one of my top 3 games of all time. 10/10.

Danganronpa é uma série de visual novels de tema Murder Mystery. 15 alunos considerados os melhores no que fazem são convidados para estudar na Hope's Peak Academy. Quando chegam lá, percebem que estão presos na escola. Todas as portas e janelas foram bloqueadas. Eis que surge Monokuma, um urso mecanizado que diz ser o suposto professor. Segundo ele, há apenas um jeito de sair dali: Você deve matar um dos participantes e não ser descoberto durante a discussão. Com o início deste killing game cabe a você, o Ultimate Lucky Student reunir as evidências de cada crime até desvendar o mistério por trás da Hope's Peak Academy para poder sair dessa vivo, assim provando que a esperança sempre vence o desespero.
Sendo uma Visual Novel, o foco está na leitura, porém também inclui exploração e a etapa de discussão, o que faz com que o gameplay não seja só texto.

This series means the world to me

I know Danganronpa has its issues, especially in the first game, but I still manage to love it every single time I think back on/replay it.
I'm a big fan of murder mystery and I think this series makes it very enjoyable. Some cases may have been pretty easy but finding out exactly how murders took place was so interesting to me.
What I love the most about Danganronpa is the cast. The characters are just SO FUN, especially in SDR2. So many of these characters mean so much to me for various different reasons, I love them to death.
Now I loved Trigger Happy Havoc BUT Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair is one of my favorite experiences in all media. The cast is extremely fun and the mysteries and twists are all jaw dropping. It's wayyy better than the first game in every single way.
Because of these games I met so many people online which lead me to discovering myself more and having fun during a very depressing time in my life. I'll never forgot the memories I've made because of Danganronpa.

Danganronpa and its fanbase gets made fun of by literally every single person on the internet but it's still my favorite game franchise of all time.

Chapter rankings!
Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Chapter 6 Chapter 4
Chapter 5 Chapter 2
Chapter 1 Chapter 6
Chapter 3 Chapter 1
Chapter 2 Chapter 3

(Oh also I've replayed THH 7 times and SDR2 5 :P)

I'll forever remain in a love hate relationship with this series.

Some of its peaks are genuinely really good, and some of its valleys are insufferable to get through.

Would I reccomend anyone ever play this series? No. But I'll always keep it close to my heart even if I resent it.

Really cool series, amazing cast, and really gets you thinking. Hard to put down and a fun series to play through and discuss after