Reviews from

in the past

I got this at a flea market and was excited to play it because it has the exact same cute pixel art dogs as Petz Dogz 2 on the DS, which I loved as a kid. This game made me irrationally mad. It starts by asking you questions about what kind of dog you want, and then it doesn't even matter because you just get given random dogs to pick from. Really all you can do is train the dog, which is not fun. Time passes in the game and you get interrupted to do things like go to school and eat dinner with your parents. You have to watch cutscenes for this stuff.

Imagine being a kid who wants a dog, and you get given this game. Your real parents interrupt you while you play the game, and then you get back to the game and get interrupted by your virtual parents. Doesn't that sound fun? Doesn't that sound like so much fun?

Had a Corgi named Snoop.

He was a good boy.

- Great if you like dawgs
- Even better if you can't own a dog
- Heart warming

- None

i got so efficient at speedrunning this game that i never asked for a pet again

Literally this game's only flaw is that it makes you play Reversi, no one should have to suffer through that

How the fuck do you play this game?

me gustaba más que nintendogs, no me escondo

At a time when I really wanted a DS and nintendogs there was. This.
Maybe it was an issue with my cartridge but the progress seemed to reset every now and again. I don't think I missed out on much of an end game from what I did play.

Less of a video game more of a "my parents won't let me have a dog." Nintendogs is still the better option.

Lacks the soul of a pet game. I feel like I’m managing meters and numbers, not an animal.

the dogs on the cover boxart are very likely deceased

my mom had a friend with grandkids my age who were all as addicted to our DS's as I was so they would babysit me sometimes and we would swap DS games. Long story short I'd been trying to find this again or even hear anyone talk about it and I CAN'T. Petz just simply wasn't the same.

This game was basically a life sim where you HAPPENED to have a dog

playing it again made it so much more apparent that a jpn dev had a had in this! the pixel art is just fantastic. although by the end of the game i'd maxed out stats so I was passing through rooms to pass 5 minutes at a time lmfaooo

Played this for a few minutes on a complete whim because I was in the mood for a humble vidcon about a simulated aminal. Nothing mindblowing, but surprisingly cute! Pet games are essentially desktop toys where you throw objects into the digital pet's playpen as you watch them react with canned animations and stat ups. Dogz gba seems to revolve more around the player character living their life while a new pet has been introduced to their family, so you're doing daily child chores while balancing dog duties. This level of context to the game does wonders, and as a dogless child, I'd probably be all over it for the placebo effect tbh. Also, the sprites are adorable. I aww'd at every little thing my character did as I excitedly explored the house looking for interactibles.
Hand on heart believe that this game's exact formula but gr8ly expanded could be the next halo killer.