Reviews from

in the past

Jogo tão bom quanto o antecessor e melhor em muitos aspectos como na trilha sonora e game design, uma joia do mundo dos games que sempre será jogada ja que não envelheceu nadinha.

Pretty solid sequel. To be honest, I definitely like the first game just by a little small margin, but this game does have a lot of great qualities too. While there are a lot of improvements here, I still think I like the first game a bit better because I much prefer stuff like the level design or the OST in that one. The big thing I'd like to mention are the Animal Buddies. I personally don't like the levels that replace Diddy and Dixie with one of or multiple Buddies, mainly because most of those levels end up being really tedious or kind of wonky to play, mainly levels with the Squawks and Quawks the Parrots because they felt really clunky and the hitboxes just felt wrong when controlling them. That aside, the game is still pretty fun, and basically everything I need to say in this review has already been said in the review of the original DKC, so I'll wrap it up now. Overall, this game is a pretty good sequel with qualities as good as the original, though I do like the original by a point more.

World 1 - Gangplank Galleon: 6/10
The intro level is nowhere near as strong as DkC 1s intro level but it gets the job done alright, 2nd level is an increase in engagement with the vertical platofrming sections. it's a bit short, though. Then they repeat the first level theme which is structurally a little dumb for my liking. It is a better level but there's still not much to it. Nice background effect, water levels good but it's actually more overly simple than it seems. Not much to say about these levels.

World 2 - Crocodile Cauldron: 6/10
First lava level is nothing special tbh, neat spider gimmick aside the level itself is just a section with rather passive enemies and little of substantial value, I'm not even that in to the first mining level anymore, it just feels too short, 2nd lava level is a step up but still just kinda decent. as for the 3rd ...Red Hot Ride is easily my least favorite level in the entire game, sure there are some cool hazards but the speed of the balloon is so slow it doesn't even matter. And finally the first level in the game I can just barely call great, the second mining level seems better but I think I like it less. The only notable thing is the two enemies on the ascending platforms swinging their little hooks. For how hyped this game this is, that's 2 worlds I already find disappointing unfortunately and with how short this game is, it's going to be a bigger issue.

World 3- Krem Quay: 8/10!
First level is an enemy spamfest, which is cool, but it's over before it starts, for the water level you get a searchlight now, which easily makes this the best water level so far since you need to think about your every move...sorry to be a real whiner but it's still far too brief and short lived...none of these levels so far are great, come on, give me something better DKC 2...and right as I said finally happened..I'm just as surprised as any reading this are...Krockhead clamber I'd say is pretty great actually, it sets out in everything it needs to. And fleshes out the former levels enemy spam concept in to something more satisfying. Also like seeing the twist in ropes of course. The green level that uses the snake is easily the best level yet and it's very involved with great precision platforming, legitimately well executed twist on the 'pirate ship' theme, I'd even say I love Slime Climb as it has a very identifiable gimmick with the really fast fish. This game desperately needed more Bramble levels. Timing the barrels to the music is extremely fun.

World 4 - Krazy Kremland: 7/10
First honey level, while It can easily be seen as a pace breaker by those who want to keep the flow of the game up, is very fulfilling and enjoyable to me. It goes all out with the bee enemies. And the sticking to honey idea is interesting! Now we get the first roller coaster ride level, it's exactly what it should be, but there's a problem with it I'll explain in a bit. Also has nothing to do with the 'honey' theme the games begging to have for it's 'kremland; world not helped by the fact the next variant comes 2 levels later. The theming in DKC 2 is can be extremely disjointed. It makes some sense, but the structure is so inconsistent and can't seem to make up it's mind. Bramble Scramble is not quite as good as good as Blast imo since it's not as well rounded but it is still VERY engaging, As for the race variant of the's hard to...criticize, and that's the exact problem with it. It might as well be the same level to it's later race variant. I feel like the worst of them as a result since it doesn't go to either extreme. Mudhole Marsh expands on the green pallet rope levels and does it even better thankfully. Actually does what it should for a curve to a level set. What makes the latter honey level great and actually stand out from it's former is the twist with the structure and the more sizable bee building up tension before King Zing Zee. Honestly this is a good world but does not live up to even a slither of it's potential. Why isn't this a honey world? most of it has nothing to do with that, and this is the only time you'll see it, which is annoying because the 2 honey levels are easily the most interesting. It's not that special.

World 5 - Gloomy Gulch: High 8/10
Don't get me wrong, Web Woods is a great level that still has a lot of hazard substance, but I think it would have been better if the game put more enemy hazards at the top, that way it's not so easy to abuse. Still, good use of the spider, I hate spiders. But playing as one aint so bad. Wait so there is another honey level...and it's easily the best one.....why isn't this in the honey world!? man these games can be stupid about theming, especially this one. Thankfully the rest of the levels in this world actually commit to the ghost theme, which is on top of the levels...actually being awesome with interesting twists. Even the roller coaster one is unique this time around with different non copy paste design, THANK YOU!

World 6 - K. Rool's Keep: 8/10
Ice level isn't as interesting as it seems unfortunately, The logical extreme of the wind mine levels is nice to see, while Castle Crush is an autoscroller it puts you in many tight situations to the point I can't see why you would be bored playing it, especially with it ascending and the timing having you be on the move an overwhelming majority of the time, You know I actually quite like the latter ice level, it's a bit brief but it's got a really interesting premise with having to carefully time your crouches with the enemies in order to progress on the ice. I just think the level is refreshingly honest with what it does. Short level done right!

Chain Link Chamber I actually take a bit of an issue with: they place enemies on the chains where they couldn't possibly reach you so there's no point in engaging with them, other than that gripe it's still a great level with plenty of engaging hazards to keep you involved. Toxic Tower used to be my favorite level in the game for how unique it was. And I do still love it to death, I just can't help but feel maybe the punishment is a little too steep, falling off platforms early in the level in a little too easy to keep the flow up. Especially because I enjoy the level so much. Still an extremely unique level that really finalized the 'water rising' gimmick to it's logical extreme and perfected it.

World 7 - The Flying Krock: 9/10
Only 1 level exists in this world, and I think it's my favorite in the game now, racing the bird is tense but when I got that learning curve down I was beyond satisfied. It may be punishing at first but give it time and a good few tries. You might be surprised. I'm just going to ignore DKC 2s boss design when deciding the rating for this world, I don't care about bosses in platformers unless they are a direct focus. At least they were good in 3.

World 8 - Lost World: 7/10
Kind of a mess, to be honest. I do like the jungle levels and the lava one for what they are. Ice level is a bit dumb, Animal Antics is easily the best of them, i never even minded the wind gimmick here, because of the parrots controls, it's not as much of an issue, your able to be in a lot more control anyway. some missed potential but good world, just not nearly good enough for bonus content justification. Make it a bit more special, Nice jungle/whatever aesthetic aside.

Gotta say, the game really does get a lot better, but now that I've thought about it and ranked all the levels between the 2, I prefer the first game, obviously the highs of this game are a lot higher. But it has lost a lot of it's novelty on me. And while I can see me not being as in to breezy design as a taste thing, the fact that the levels do get more involved, is a sign that it isn't. Before I go i just want to say Kremland is my biggest dissappointment from a theming standpoint, Could we really not have focused more on the honey concept and had more level types? well, it's unfortunate that I have to say this but I have to be honest, I don't love DKC 1 or 2. They are still worth playing, and I'd say compared to a lot of games, they definitely well pass the mark of just being 'ok' But I am rather unfulfilled with them.

Probably is one of the greatest video game sequels ever made. Taking everything that made Donkey Kong Country good and improving immensely in every department, alongside patching up many of its faults. From the secrets feeling more naturally integrated into the level design and the game overall, to the levels themselves having greater variety in both themes and gimmicks, it truly is just a wonderful game. Although that one bee boss was kind of bad. Was more obnoxious than it was a genuine challenge like all the other ones were.

donkey kong country 2, man. i hadn't played any of the donkey kong country games up until recently, in february of 2023, i decided to give them all a crack, and while every game was a blast, this game in particular stood out to me the most. so much so, that is the only game on my entire backloggd profile i feel confident giving a 5/5 rating to, it quite literally is basically flawless in my eyes, and i'll elaborate on that in this review.

this game is such a massive improvement from the first donkey kong country, it is insane; just about every single issue i had with the first donkey kong country game was ironed out in this game, making for a blast from start to finish. like i said, i concluded that this was the best game in the franchise and called it there. i wouldn't touch the franchise again until just about a week ago, when i decided to replay DKC2 from start to finish, whilst going for 102% completion. i won't lie, i was slightly nervous because what if the game wasn't as good as i remembered? well, literally within the first world my fears were quelled, as the game introduces fun, unique, and difficult (but fair) platforming off the rip.

both diddy and dixie control amazingly, i do prefer controlling diddy since he has more spring to his jumps and such but dixie is amazing at making those precise jumps. the 2 work in tandem better than diddy and donkey, or dixie and kiddy ever could. as i said, right from the rip the game introduces fun and engaging platforming, not only is the platforming excelled by the tight controlling jumping/moving, but diddy's roll makes for a fun way to replay levels and discover routes you may have not discovered in previous playthroughs (dixie's roll to a lesser extent).

throughout the past year or so, since i played DKC2 in february, i would listen to the game's soundtrack on loop, literally every song in this OST is a hood classic, i'm not sure if there is a single fucking miss. and upon this replay going for 102%, i have found even more newfound appreciation for some of the tracks i would play less than others. picking favorites among this soundtrack is a difficult ask but if i had to choose between 3, it's probably: forest interlude, mining melancholy, and snakey chantey. all 3 exude fairly different vibes but they all fit so well in the levels they're placed in and just make me float man. easily the best video game soundtrack of all time, in my opinion. and i know that's not exaclty a hot take but it's impossible to talk about this game without bringing up the OST accompanying the gameplay itself.

the sprite work in this game too is something else man, how they got this shit onto a SNES is beyond me, that combined with the music makes for a more visually-pleasing experience than most modern AAA titles provide me, honestly. it's honestly kinda jarring going from any 1 of the 3 DKC games to another SNES title as these games are just beyond the system's limits. this game in particular has incredibly striking background and foreground work though - there's a reason the background of bramble blast is as iconic as it is.

back on to the topic of difficulty, it is extremely fair and i remember the difficulty curve being way steeper than it actually was. now, that may be just because i was more familiar with the game this time around, but i struggled far less generally than i did my first time through. the difficulty definitely goes up around gloomy gulch or so but it never gets outright unfair or ridiculous. there is ONE instance in animal antics (a lost world level, so you have to go out of your way to play this one), where a checkpoint seems to be placed kiiiindaa soon and not in the ideal spot, which i believe was rectified in the GBA port, but it never actually frustrated me, since the stuff that came after the checkpoint was, again, incredibly fair. animal antics made for a very great send-off to DKC2. every challenging level felt great to beat and... yeah, i want even more of this game. DKC3 provides that but, if i recall, it just isn't as consistent.

going for 102% gave me even more appreciation for this game i already love so dear, truly, this is the one game i can give a perfect score to, if i had to really, really nitpick, some of the DK coins and kremkoins can be hidden in some pretty far out places, but cranky does provide some genuinely useful tips and it's never a bunch of bullocks, so finding them without the help of the internet is definitely doable.

if i haven't made it clear, i love this game dearly, and if you haven't played it and are for some reason reading this very long review, please do yourself a favor and play it. it really is unlike any other 2D platformer i've played. and if you don't play it, that's fine too, i just hope everyone can have a game like DKC2 to them, cuz it's really something connecting with a game like this. definitely a game i’ll be replaying every so often.

This review contains spoilers

Well, a dont have one snes so i played on an emulator with my xbox series control, but my experience even so was really great.

As i have played before when i was child, i remembered a most of the game, but how i never there was finish, i decided play again and go until the end.

The game is really very great, my favorite things they are the David Wise songs that are extremely striking and the nostalgic graphics that went broght from the 3d to the 2d.

This game, for me, just not a five stars becouse two reasons.

1- the middle to the final he becomes really really punitive, becouse just one wrong move to lose one life and this become kinda boring with time because you realize the malice of the developers, who did this just to generate more game time.
2- This game literally still your itens, when you stop to play and after from something time return, your lifes ever go to five and your banana coins are reset, this is really tiring.

Well, but this two things, they don't even come close to ruining your experience, this game always will be wonderful.

i actually liked this one more than the original, dixie is so sweetsy

Mejora completamente la primera entrega, un juego excelente.

The Donkey Kong Country games are truly devoid of merit. If you shill this terrible generation of Donkey Kong madness, you are stupid! Yes, I know. That's insulting, but it's also the truth

A perfect game. The best platformer ever made. Iconic music and levels. I love this game.

Foi um bom jogo, mas achei inferior ao primeiro. Esse aqui tem ideias boas, mas é extremamente cansativo e eu dificilmente consegui me divertir depois da primeira metade do jogo.

Esse jogo tinha TUDO pra ser melhor que o primeiro, mas caga da metade pro final e vira um jogo cansativo, exaustivo e repetitivo. Além disso, repete cenários desnecessariamente, mesmo possuindo mundos com lugares previamente determinados. Fora que a curva de dificuldade não acompanha o progresso do jogador.

This might be the best 2D platformer of all time as well as one of the most timeless video games ever crafted. The attention to detail in every aspect of this game from the level design, progression, abilities, music it all just clicks. To this day the game still looks phenomenal and the soundtrack is some of the best you'll ever hear. Every level is full of little secrets and every part of the game feels like it has purpose. It's a simple game with an amazing vibe, incredible level design, solid theming, gorgeous visuals, and an experience that I think consistently tops most any other 2D platformer I've ever played.

Prefiro o primeiro mas esse é jogasso

Played on Switch

Played "coop" with a friend. I denote coop with speechmarks because I would no longer consider this coop. This form of playing is the equivalent of only having one controller and taking turns when your friend dies, except for some reason you need 2 controlllers.

A great followup to DKC with a bunch of unique levels that seem to focus on unique mechanics / mechanics used uniquely per level.

I feel I struggle to say much different about this compared to the original as it feels basically like DLC rather than something totally new. But then again, they didn't get DKC wrong so why would they change too much?

The music, art, sfx are all Rare at their peak. The gameplay is Rare at their most evil as this is one of, if not the hardest Nintendo platformers I've ever played while still being a ton of fun.

Look, I've been wrangling with this review for a while, knowing that I tend to put way more of a wordcount on games I'm mixed/negative on, compared to games that I love with all my heart. It seemed like a weird balance in my head, knowing I don't have as much to say about what I think is the pinnacle of 2D platforming. Maybe it goes to show I like talking about negative things more? Does that mean there's something wrong with me? Well, maybe I'm not obligated to dedicate 30 paragraphs on why I love Donkey Kong Country 2. I just simply do. It just feels good. It's hard to describe all the little things this game improves over its predecessor that make for a strikingly different, and more fluid experience. Nonetheless, I will try.

They got rid of Donkey Kong, and somehow it made for a way better sequel. Not that DKC1 was bad by any means, but I did always feel like there were awkward things about it. The combination of one big playable kong, and one small playable kong was part of that. My preference would've always been to play as Diddy, he's smaller, nimbler, just overall more fun to play as than Donkey Kong, who took up more screen estate than I was comfortable with. How does DKC2 address this? Fuck it, just introduce a 2nd Diddy Kong, call her Dixie, and give her the ability to hover.

Dixie isn't just your partner character, or your 2nd hitpoint, she is your powerup. In the same way you obtain a raccoon tail or a super cape in Mario, obtaining Dixie is that additional bit of help to breeze through tough platforming challenges, as long as you're able to keep her around. Dixie is the superior character compared to Diddy, but unlike DKC1, where losing the agile character strands you with the somewhat clunkier one, DKC2's only punishment for losing Dixie is the loss of the hover. You still have Diddy, and Diddy's agility and size is overall equal to Dixie's, ensuring that each character feels just as good to play as.

Another significant improvement has been the retuning of the level design, and more specifically, how it handles secrets and bonus stages. Some of Rare's collect-a-thon trademarks started to come through here, allowing you to access additional optional stages by completing enough Bonus Rooms (thus, obtaining enough Bonus Coins) to unlock each one. Collecting every coin gives you access to the true final boss, and a secret ending to match.

The thing is, I didn't consider hunting down the bonus rooms in DKC1 very fun, due to the lack of reward for actually doing all of them, not to mention that they often relied on repetitive minigame gimmicks that made them less interesting to discover anyway. What I love about each bonus room in DKC2 is how they all feel like their own contained mini-stages. They're quick and to the point platforming challenges that take advantage of each stage's unique mechanic as a little bit of "Let's see if you've learned how this works," or "Let's teach you something that you can then bring into the main level." They're hidden, but intuitive to find if you're paying attention, and clearing 15 Bonus Stages each unlocks one more extra level as your reward, giving you constant positive reinforcement that going out of your way to do this is worth it, if only to discover more of the game's content.

The soundtrack's another high point for me. Though I'd be amiss to gloss over DKC1's Aquatic Ambience, or its final boss theme, I do think that DKC2's change of priorities away from ambience resulted in David Wise's best work. Equal parts energetic, and dramatic in their efforts to capture the theme of a pirate adventure, not to mention the use of more melancholy melodies for Bramble Blast, or the Forest theme. Sometimes cheery, sometimes sad, either way, a soundtrack that encourages you to push onward and save the day at any cost! Like the cost of 1 Banana Coin required to save your game. Okay, so maybe this game has at least one flaw.

But I don't care!! Though it may not be everyone's cup of tea due to its challenging difficulty, DKC2 is so expertly refined and so much fun to play, that I'd gladly lose as many extra lifes as it takes to conquer each stage, and achieve that satisfying 100% completion. This is not something I can say for even something as good as Super Mario World 2, which speaks to how much of a difference it makes, when the requirements to 100% your game are fast-paced. No time is wasted, new mechanics are constantly introduced, and rewards for exploration are everywhere. Did I mention that when you find that one Bonus Room you've missed in a stage, you can quit out of the stage and it'll retain what you've found? Yeah, it's so nice! Play it!!!

Challenging but doable thanks to the NSO rewind feature.

One of the first SNES games I ever own and played...but surprisingly never managed to finish because one of the last world levels was ungodly hard.

Now that I did (surprisingly legit, no save states or cheat or rewind even when played on NSO): hell yeah. This game is so gorgeous especially for the SNES standards.

Playing Returns first may have made me be kinda more critical of it than if I didn't play that one first.
But this is still so fun to play, and its flow is great, level design is awesome, and so are the bosses.
Music is also a highlight here as well.

Actually insane how much of an improvement this game is from its predecessor. DKC2 honestly blew me away, for an SNES game it controls great and looks stunning (undoubtedly the best graphics I’ve ever seen for a game on this console). The difficulty was ramped up far more in this sequel which was needed for sure and made full completion all the more satisfying. The level variety, atmosphere, and overall vibe of this game was truly immaculate, the pirate aesthetic was nailed flawlessly and really made this game stand out as an epic adventure of revenge and family. We can’t forget that soundtrack though!! Truly a masterpiece of a score, honestly DKC2 triumphs in every regard when compared to the first game and serves as a perfect video game sequel in my opinion.

diddy kong, tu es ce singe que tu croies être, merci pour tout toi et ta gadji

sto gioco l'ha creato satana

Ignore the rating, I actually hate this game.

An absolute improvement from the first one. Insanely so, even if my boy Donkey Kong is absent.

If I didn’t have rewind it probably would’ve been worse, but that’s just a skill issue on my part. Incredibly good and creative 2D platformer with an insane soundtrack

Im too sick to give a full review of this. But this was always one of my favorite games of all time and now I finally did the full 100% completion. Usually games suffer when trying to go for 100% but I think this gets even better. I cant believe how great this is, its still so definitive to me!

so i finally beat a 2d platformer....

ill get this out of the way first. i have dexterity problems that significantly hinder my ability to play 2d games well. how it affects 2d games but not high intensity movement shooters is beyond me, but the fact is 2d platformers take a lot out of me, i dont have exact numbers but id wager beating this took me anywhere from 25-30 hours. there's also the consideration this genre has never really appealed to me, the whole "jump a lot on platforms" just never really scratched the same itches as other genres i love.

that being said, i have a lot to say about this game. there were times i was in a blind rage, calling the game dogshit and wanting to slam my controller against the wall. there were times i beat those levels and felt a triumphant victory, knowing how much i struggled with them. i think its best if i give an anecdote.

there’s this absolute fucking ass of a level called slime climb, it was incredibly hard and probably took me 2 or 3 hours to get down, the fucking bullshit piranha as well as the time trial aspect of it with the water flooding the screen constantly. complete bull, fucking awful. i finally beat it, triumphant, i hummed the little diddy dance song as he brought out his boom box as i finally did it after so fucking long. the level select screen pops back up... the level afterwards was called bramble blast. i’ve heard this name before, of course it wasn’t stickerbrush symphony, because well, it’s not named that. but i’ve definitely heard this name before. maybe it was another super famous song i heard from smash or something. curious, i click in.

my mouth literally was hung agape, i wasn't expecting the song or level that's most associated with the game, it was such a pleasant surprise. the fact that after such an intensive level there was this, a level comprised of barely any movement or platforming, more like a puzzle. that combined with the song thats super relaxing and already associated with relief because of the internet checkpoint stuff that went on a few years ago. it just felt like such a huge reward for beating that insanely difficult level before it. a friend thinks the song is in the top 3 vgm ever, and i can certainly see why. but either way, the game is littered with moments like these, insane challenges that make you question the point of this suffering, only to give you such a triumphant feeling of victory. throughout my time playing it, learning patterns and stuff, i even feel like my dexterity improved a bit, judging from the ease and elegance i could beat these levels with. there were multiple times throughout this playthrough i considered a 10, i was just having so much fun.

but the game isnt only comprised of the feedback loop of tough level/triumph. this game is exhausting. this game is frustrating. on many occassions, the game is complete bullshit. for instance, the honeycomb levels. idk if it was my controller, or snes9x, or the game itself, but i felt as though my movement was slowed considerably. the jumps i was supposed to do on the honey didnt even register at points, even though i did the correct input of "jump away, quickly return". my momentum literally returned to zero and i just fell down. i dont know what it was about those levels, but i never had any other problem like that in the game. it was so infuriating doing these levels that i caved and save stated the one with the bee chase. at the end of the day, it doesnt really matter how triumphant it feels to finally beat some of these levels. it's so tiring to do the same jumps over and over again, practicing over and over again, reloading save states just so that i can do it in one go with enough practice.

i kept asking myself, is that really worth it? the levels just keep getting harder and harder, the length and time it takes keeps getting longer and longer. the more i played this game, the more the honeymoon phase of it wore off, the more frustrated i became. by the time i got to the levels with forest interlude, i just wanted to be done. sure, there was a satisfaction i got in doing the fortress levels, especially the last one, but just as equally so there was a frustration i got with the k rool fight, or god forbid the race level before it. i did the trick where the race doesnt even start for that level, because i was just so done at that point. all the joy was sapped from this playthrough, the more i played the more i just wanted to get the review out and see the looks on my friends faces when they realized i did another secret game. it became a chore. i bullshitted the k rool fight because for the life of me i just wanted to play turbo overkill, or metal gear 1 and 2, or finish metroid 2 months late... anything but this.

and so, im kinda at an impasse. i love this game, i love the soundtrack, i love how silly (and also ugly) everything looks, i love the triumph i feel after hours of doing a stage. but i hate this game, i hate those hours in between beating the levels, i hate how long it takes me, i hate the repetitions i need to do, i hate feeling like i could play anything else, i hate that i feel like im bound to this game, forever trying to achieve the next high i get off beating a level.

i dont know what i think about this game. i dont even know if i can rate it. i mean, i like it, and ill probably think back to the triumphs rather than the frustrations. but i dont know, man. im so mixed. i could give it a 1 , i could give it a 6, a 10. i had fun p-ranking ultrakill, i had fun getting the aces on neon white. i have fun with the immense challenge turbo overkill has. sure, i get frustrated, but it's different. i might have to redo some sections for hours, like in dkc2. but i was having a blast through the process. i didnt care that ornstein and smough took me 2 weeks, it was awesome learning that. but here, there's something disgusting i feel, loading the save state, trying again and again, it's different here, and i cant explain why.

will i ever beat another 2d platformer? probably, at the very least the other 4 in this series. but i dont know, i could also just never touch this genre again. i dont know, and that really fucking sucks.

can you believe it guys? p3r, less than a week away! im so happy with this information.

This game is like getting your nuts stuck in a meat grinder. Love it.