Reviews from

in the past

I would say this is my favorite (Singleplayer) DBZ game.

the 2nd best dragonball game ever made

Just better than the first in every way. The big problem remains that it wants you to play online with other people, but the online infrastructure is the worst I've ever seen.

It's a REALLY COOL game, but it seems boring, it's a game of ups and downs, one moment you go 'HOW COOL, insane transformation' and the next 'talk to a character, do a generic fight, go outside buy skills' and things like that, besides all that, there could be more free updates, buying all the DLCs costs 10x more than the game, the system is cool, but it's a fighting game, and the fight isn't that interesting

It isn't over yet

Also i played on Xbox and PS on the past too, I only have 60 hours on steam.

A mixed game. Very fun at times, very bad at times. Love Dragon Ball tho, and it is very fun to play with friends and watch as Merged Zamasu throws a ball that is almost impossible to avoid in small battle areas

I kinda hate this game, but I won't deny that it has a LOT of content, and can be fun if you treat it as a sort of action RPG.

more of the same as the first one, just with way more stuff. quite enjoyable but nothing spectacular

Depois de 8 anos, eu finalmente consegui degustar quase tudo que esse jogo proporciona. O desejo de um jovem fã de Dragon Ball que queria jogar a sequência do que era um dos seus jogos favoritos foi concluído, puro sentimento de realização.

"buyed this game for playing with gohan beast" goofy ahh mfs 🔥🐒🔥🔥💀🐺🐺🐺


Le combat versus 3D est très réussi (à la DBZ Tenkaichi Budokai). Un grand pool de peronnages est disponibles. Cependant le mode histoire n'est pas très palpitant.


pretty fun and I play it when ever I'm bored and I think its fun

Gosto muito, é basicamente o primeiro melhorado(mais história, mais raças,mais itens e etc...) muito legal!

I haven't played this shit since like 2019 why in God's name is it still getting updates and DLC

Attention aww pwoud wawwiows!

Have you evew considewed joining Time Patwow?

As a Time Patwowwew, you’ww pwevent histowy fwom being changed!

Ouw duty is to pwotect evewyone’s memowies, and hewp wetuwn histowy to the way it shouwd be!

But we need youw hewp.

The onwy wequiwements awe confidence in youw abiwities, and of couwse...

A stwong desiwe to pwotect histowy.

We’ve got a schoow fow honing youw skiwws, and a fuwwy equipped item shop!

How about it?

Why not use youw stwength to hewp out a gweat cause?


We'we awways on the wook-out fow powewfuw wawwiows!

Okay, then. Wisten cawefuwwy. To maintain safety hewe in Conton City, home to the Time Patwow, thewe awe a few wuwes you must keep.

Fiwst, fiwing a Kamehameha within the city wimits is pwohibited.

Time Patwowwews wishing to fwy when not on duty awe wequiwed to obtain a fwying wicense.

Pwease hewp keep Conton City safe by obey its twaffic waws.

Wastwy, any awtewation of histowy is a gwave offense.

Ouw missions come with the wisk of changing histowy.

So you must exewcise the utmost caution.

Avoid making changes to histowy wike Twunks did.

Keeping these things in mind, pwease cawwy out youw missions safewy.

Fow the sake of the wowwd and its histowy...

We wook fowwawd to wewcoming each of you to the time patwow!

Un mmorpg Dragon Ball que demander de plus, pas de crossplay du coup on est que 2 sur pc ca c'est con

Dragon ball Xenoverse 2 é um experiência boa e com bastante conteúdo em seu jogo, porém o maior problema se dá para a história que é mal feita e os personagens novos que em sua maioria são por dlc, que eu acho horrível

Muito bom é só um direct upgrade do 1, com uma história muito bem contada igual o 1, tem a história do 1 por dlc, então nem tem mais motivo pra jogar o 1 hoje em dia só que o 1 é mais desafiador que ele e esse jogo até hj não para de receber atualizações de conteúdo então é um ótimo jogo e uma ótima aquisição para a sua biblioteca de jogos em que você vai jogar por várias horas e não vai ter feito tudo que tem pra fazer, um bom exemplo é eu que tenho 200 horas (quase 300) e nem tenho todos os drops ou sequer fiz tudo, muito bom

It's very difficult to evaluate this title. It certainly has been trucking along for nearly 10 years since it came out. It's rare to see games get support for such a long period of time.,

The positives. To start, the Switch version comes with the full story campaign of Xenoverse 1. So it's technically 1 and a half games bundle into one, which is nice.

The game overall is fun to play. Controls are smooth and feel good to use. Flying around with a bunch of people fighting a giant enemy is really cool! The customization is really nice, for all the outfits and special moves and transformations. Even the base game with zero dlc is a pretty decent length in terms of content. With all the DLC, the game becomes 5-6 times as big. Sidequests, new characters, new story missions, etc etc.

So what is it about this game that just feels... like it's missing something? Because it's pretty solid.

The experience playing the game feels very "passive." Meaning that you feel less like you're flying around in a DBZ game and more like you're going through the motions and enjoying yourself 90% of the time. Many enemies are damage sponges and they do absurd damage in late game content. Customization, while good, can be limiting. Basically every race besides Saiyans for a long time had lackluster transformations until the inclusions of new forms added to the game.

In general the game can be a big slog to get through. There is so much grinding, everything costs so much TP. The battles are so long and drawn out because of damage sponges and waves of enemies. It has a really random and pointless inclusion of the Heroes card game. Just shoe horned in for no real value.

I think the big issue is that the game feels stretched out rather than the content feeling more organic. And you feel more of an obligation to boot it up when there is new content, rather than coming back normally to play it. The game is fun, but not enough to hold your attention for the time it wants out of you.

Still presentation wise, content wise, it is a solid game. It's just missing something for me to make it great.

For the first couple of years I can't really say XV2 was too much better than XV1 but since it had a much longer life span and Bandai milked the living shit out of it (they still are) naturally it ended up being a slightly better game lol

This game is one of the most fun Dragon Ball games ever made.

The customization single-handily makes this game enjoyable as it is. The amount of freedom you have when creating your character is almost endless as you can experiment with different builds for different situations.

The rest of the game is pretty good.

This game so far has outlived:
- The King of Fighters 14
- 2 Netherrealm games
- Tekken 7
- Marvel VS Capcom Infinite
- Dragon Ball Fighterz
- Smash Ultimate
- Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
- Soul Calibur 6
- Samurai Shodown 7
- Dead or Alive 6
- Jump Force
- Dissidia NT
- Granblue Fantasy Versus
- Melty Blood Type Lumina
And many more that I don't remember