Reviews from

in the past

I love the atmosphere and gameplay loop in Dragon's Dogma so much, and the way it handles its mechanics, such as character size and weight affecting how much you can carry, make the game feel like it gives you a ton of room to experiment.
Its difficulty is so gear based that getting a new weapon can be the difference between struggling and having an easy time. At first I found myself hating this, since with the dark fantasy setting I thought its gameplay would be just as brutal, but this isn't true. Dragon's Dogma is a power fantasy, through and through. Giving you and your pawn the perfect setup of skills, setting augments, and bringing the right items for any status afflictions can trivialize things. That's not to say there aren't moments where the game can be hard, there certainly are, but nearly every hurdle has some way to handle it in an almost trivial matter, experimenting and finding those ways to "break" the game are just another form of mastery and add to the fun for me.

It’s rough around the edges and feels unfinished but it just feels so good to traverse the world and engage in combat

Eu enrolei, enrolei e enrolei por mais de 10 anos e quando a nova sequência lançou eu finalmente criei coragem de encostar no jogo, e se arrependimento matasse, que situação.

Eu sei que a edição Dark Arisen melhora muito o quesito mobilidade que era sofrível no jogo base, e com certeza isso me ajudou a me prender mais na experiência.

A primeira run é um vislumbre, é tudo novo e você está conhecendo as mecânicas do jogo, passando um aperto pra enfrentar alguns inimigos, descobrindo áreas, andando MUITO já que no começo você não tem acesso a muitos mecanismos de Fast Travel e essa primeira run, é única e só acontece uma vez, depois que você pega o tranco, suas próximas runs são decorebas que você faz até de olhos fechados.

Lembra muito os Resident Evil, onde sua primeira jogada é pra conhecer tudo e as subsequentes são como andar dentro da sua casa no escuro, você sabe onde tudo está e aonde ir.

A história eu confesso que só engrenou e me cativou mesmo ali pelo ato final e no epílogo, onde tudo começa a ser revelado pra você e se você está indo atrás da platina e faz os outros finais alternativos eles te dão muito contexto sobre o universo do jogo que me deixaram muito cativado, de resto, tem uma secundária ou outra que são muito divertidas enquanto do outro lado temos algumas que preferia fazer o pior resultado possível só pra poder terminá-la mais rápido.

Gráficos é o que se espera da época mas confesso que senti um charme muito agradável na modelização dos personagens, principalmente na customização, é cada bicho bonito que eu encontro pra recrutar que algum dia a comunidade criou que é impressionante.

Trilha sonora eu tenho poucos comentários, são ótimas, memoráveis e as pequenas orquestrinhas que temos são bem prazerosas de ouvir.

Posso reclamar de como a IA de alguns Pawns é tenebrosa ou como você realmente tem que sair da curva natural (jogar tranquilamente) pra atingir o nível máximo do jogo; minha primeira run no normal + DLC até o Daimon eu estava nível 101, depois minha segunda run no Hardmode (fazendo tudo novamente, todas as missões fixas e uma gigante parte dos contratos + DLC matando as duas formas do Daimon eu finalizei tudo no nível ~150.

Não tinha mais "conteúdo" pra mim então eu tive que sair um pouco da curva e farmar XP de outras maneiras, isso quebra um pouco o ritmo pra mim, mas talvez não incomode tanto outros. E farmar equipamento nessa DLC (que inclusive são os melhores do jogo) é uma completa DESGRAÇA, mas tô nem aí, já desfrutei de chutando alto uns 95% do que o jogo tem a me oferecer e pra mim já está de muito bom grado.

Recomendo pra quem quiser entender como é esse universo antes de se jogar no novo título já que o preço está lá nas alturas e a otimização ainda não é das melhores, pra mim foi um achado incrível que até agora é o que eu mais joguei no ano.

Ps: Gostaria de deixar aqui em evidência a minha BURRICE que me fez rejogar o Modo Speedrun (quem sabe, sabe) QUATRO VEZES pois o poço de inteligência aqui, morreu duas vezes seguidas caindo da torre final contra o Grigori e depois mais uma vez enquanto voava nas costas dele, pensa um cara que deu chilique por ser BURRO.

Acho que o que pode se considerar é que no fim das contas Dragon's Dogma 1 é uma Obra de Arte com defeitos notáveis mas que são sempre ofuscados pela diversão contida em suas qualidades.

Devastated into submission by Dark Bishop in Bitterblack Isle, and had to end my game early... But for about 30 wonderful hours I loved this game!

It feels a bit archaic and generic at times, but its a good game with some iconic features like the pawn system or the monster climbing, cool stuff

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen is a weird, flawed masterpiece. The combat is awesome, climbing giant monsters is super fun, and the world is packed with secrets. But, the story is forgettable, the menus are a mess, and your AI buddies (called Pawns) can be really dumb sometimes. Despite all that, it's got this undeniable charm, and if you love action-RPGs with a unique flavor, it's absolutely worth trying – especially if you find a good deal on it.

this game made me change my whole perception on my life for a good month. capcom cooked so hard w/ this game it is RIDICULOUS

it aint perfect but it is fuckin weird as. i appreciated it more the second time around.

Really kinda hoped I'd connect with what other people see in this on a replay (I was on the fence before) but unfortunately this snuffed out any gleam of potential I saw in it before. There's absolutely nothing to appreciate on the narrative side - the main story is bad, there's no real narrative to the side quests, the characters are underwritten and boring. The art direction is fantastically boring and lends itself perfectly to the bog-standard, uninspired generic European-style fantasy of the setting and enemy designs.

The world is laid out in basically the worst way possible - you go on long treks down linear corridors with no real points of interest. There's no meat to the world - no environmental storytelling, no history of the people, nothing to be learned about the structures and why they exist.

The combat is excrutiating - janky slogs where you spam one or two moves that actually do something while you run and jump awkwardly to avoid damage from huge enemies. Your pawns rarely use the right abilities when you'd like them to and you have no way of communicating anything to them. The climbing is neat - albeit very janky - but there's basically 2 enemies where there's a real reason to do so. Issues with the way damage is calculated in this game mean you will have combats with enemies where you do basically no damage if you are underleveled or not using the right damage type. This could be fine if there was any sort of signposting about it but very early on the game flings you all over the map.

I had remembered Bitterblack Isle as a high point of my previous playthrough - much more enemy variety than the pitiable assortment in the base game, less attempt at a story and more focus on the dungeon-crawling feel that marked the best moments of the main story. I was wrong. The encounters have no thought to them, the setting is boring and repetetive. The 3 boss fights before you meet Daimon (who?) are slogs with insta-kill mechanics that absolutely dragggg. The overall leveling in this game is completely busted. This playthrough I completed maybe 80% of base game sidequests, fought nearly all enemies I came across, and I finished around level 50 after beating the main quest. I farmed for another 10 levels before continuing on to Bitterblack Isle, and yet - despite spending hours after beating the entire base game grinding I felt completely and utterly underleveled for nearly all the content in the DLC. I've seen some people suggest that jumping in after NG+ is the way to solve this, but there's absolutely no way I'm playing through this ever again.

Comprei em 2023 por 12 reais sem saber muito sobre o jogo e foi o dinheiro mais bem gasto do ano. Esse jogo despertou em mim um gosto por platinar jogos, de uma forma tranquila claro.

Quem se decepcionou com o segundo jogo, recomendo fortemente darem uma chance pra esse enquanto o segundo não melhore. Não vão se arrepender.

There are a lot of neat ideas and moments of cool emergent gameplay, but it never coalesces for me. The individual bits are too separated by poor writing, segmented story fragments, uninspired quest design, and frustrating information held back from the player. While the last bit was an intentional choice I can respect, it did not make the experience more satisfying overall. In large part, this feels like a game designed to be played once by yourself and the second with a guide, and the world simply isn't interesting enough to grab you for a repeat to collect the quests you missed.

Combat was a blast. It never gets old climbing a big monster. And I really like what was attempted with the story thematically if it could have just been woven in a little more than the first 10 minutes and the last 10 minutes. If anything it gives me a lot of hope that 2 can connect a lot of these dots better with some refinement and a second attempt at this formula.

Tout m’avait repoussé à sa sortie. L’archaïsme même dans chaque facette du jeu. Graphisme, combat, QoL, narration. J’ai vite abandonné

Me falta un trofeo pero es sin duda mejor que Skyrim

There is so much to appreciate about playing this in 2024. its a game I think was a bit ahead of its time with some ideas. I love the customization and combat.

I just cannot get into this. I have bounced off of Dragon's Dogma like 4 separate times. I give up!

This is one of those games that has that special something that's hard to describe to someone - that feeling, that vibe. Yeah it's rough and yeah it's cumbersome in some areas and yeah we know all that but if you get it you just get it.

This game has a fascinating open world, with a lot of posibilities, classes, monsters and races. The combat is also interesting.
I would say that it fails in exploration, despite having a huge and interesting world, it is very slow to get to places and there is no fast travel.

O final desse jogo é CINEMA!

Campanha sensacional, se eu não tivesse enrolado tanto assim, eu teria aproveitado bem mais, mas explorei bastante, nem de longe fiz todas as missões, mas ele deixou com um gostinho de "quero mais". nota 8/10

Dragon's Dogma is one of the RPGs that surprised me the most. The game's affinity system needs improvement because it becomes confusing without researching how it works. The game doesn't explain this at any point, but I believe it was the creators' intention. The combat is very, VERY GOOD. A mix of Monster Hunter with Shadow of the Colossus and the story, ESPECIALLY THE PLOT TWIST NEAR THE END, is very, very surprising. I really liked it. I wish there were more choices that would change the ending, but I still liked it a lot. Highly recommend. Play it!

"Though I called you here to me, it was ever your own feet, your own will that brought you."

Dragon's Dogma is a game that encapsulates the very essence of a game being about the destination rather than the journey. I feel this isn't immediately able to be grasped until the game plays its whole hand. Both the setting and the plot are mundane at best, pitting the player against goblin and cyclops across rolling green hills with incredibly standard sword and board gameplay. The centerpiece of your quest to slay the dragon and restore peace is a single castle-town that plays host to a lineup of characters who are consistently as they appear and no more; stripped back to as-needed personality quirks designed to keep things moving forward, not tropes per se but instead actors playing as set pieces for the progression of plot and world-building sub-stories. I'd argue there is very little frivolous dialogue, everything is seemingly purposed to the ends of your journey as the hero; if not about Grigori directly then about the political state of the kingdom and the duke or about the cult who act in idealization of Grigori.

In this sense there is very little to ultimately consider outstanding, but just the same there is very little that impedes the player from simply experiencing the game and the world laid before them. Dragon's Dogma encourages sandbox exploration and engaging in all that you come across. The rewards are often carefully measured and exciting, very rarely did I feel like I wasted my time on a side venture through a dungeon or a side quest. I'd say this is in part due to an extremely satisfying progression system and the freedom of experimenting with different classes and skills, though I did find myself wanting for more cross-class options.

Dragon's Dogma fully understands what it is, a facet of its being that ultimately decides whether any individual will love or hate the experience; it offers itself humbly as an experience to be immersed in, not as a story that intends to tell itself. It becomes so natural to get lost in the world handed to you on a silver platter; which is further serviced by the game's ending in a more meta sense.

There's a lot at play I could speak on. The pawn system's ingenuity, how each class feels like an entirely different game to play, how the DLC functionally drags the entire game up a full letter grade. Honestly these things cannot be explained, but are instead tactile in nature; words cannot mirror experiencing. I figure it's best to leave it at that.

[Disclaimer: I played the game with a mod that removes stamina usage when sprinting. The game is borderline unbearable early game without it, and my score takes that into consideration. Mileage may vary without such a mod among other possible QOL mods that exist, though this was the only one I used.]

It's a great game, but the concept of pawns is deeply disturbing. That's why I recommend you throw yours off a cliff before departing for Grand Soren.

Review EN/PTBR

Oh my God
I don't even know where to start
The journey from beginning to end was surprising, I didn't expect to spend so much time just adventuring around the world and doing side quests and trying to improve my character all the time
I got so addicted to this game that I went to work just thinking about going home and playing more of this wonder

I really recommend this game to everyone!

If I had to point out some negative fact about the game, it would be more the factor of not knowing when the game is really about to end and then realizing in general the main quest being very short as a whole.


Meu deus do céu
Eu não sei nem por onde começar
A jornada de começo a fim foi surpreendente, não esperava gastar tanto tempo apenas me aventurando o mundo a fora e fazendo side quest e procurando melhorar meu personagem o tempo todo
Eu me vicei tanto esse jogo que ia para o meu trabalho só pensando em voltar pra casa e jogar mais dessa maravilha

Realmente recomendo a todos esse jogo!

Se eu tiver que apontar para algum fato negativo do jogo seria mais o fator de não saber quando o jogo realmente está por acabar e depois percebendo no geral a main quest sendo bem curta num todo só.

- Boss fights are fun
- Combat does not feel awful

- Too Little Enemy Variety
- No reliable fast travel so hours wasted running to the same places
- Boring most of the time

I actually enjoy this? And on the switch too. Actually fun.