Reviews from

in the past

help me
the steam version will be my downfall

Has the potential to be the greatest procedurally generated fantasy sandbox game ever created but is also marred by having the worst user experience I've ever seen in a video game. I spent more time and effort learning how to play this goddamn game than I did for my major. And as infinitely complex as the mechanics are, I still don't think it actually has to be this way. Maybe in a decade or two when the game gets anywhere near the realm of being "finished," the developer will finally have time to add quality of life improvements. Not counting on it, personally.

If you don't mind having to learn the game, it's pretty good though.

it sounds so ridiculous but this is actually the pinnacle of gaming

The biggest barrier between you and the amazing worlds that Dwarf Fortress creates is, and always will be, usability and tedium. The ASCII art is really not that bad, but menu navigation is clunky and has inconsistent controls, and the world around you happens very slowly. You can amend the slow world pace by playing very greedily (attracting the fun faster than you need to), but the tedious control schemes require mods. And DF requires a massive amount of meta knowledge to really start of right with. It's easy to learn if you've got the wiki, but you still need the wiki.

So, Dwarf Fortress is a really well made game, but most players will need community resources to even try it out at the most basic level. These resources (quality of life mods, tutorials, etc) should really already be in the game itself.

But other than that, everything you've heard about the game is true.

you do not beat dwarf fortress.

from the first time i actually understood how to play it has been haunting me. the voices in the back of my head whisper to me, saying to play it forever and ever. the only way to win, to be satisfied, is by playing and losing again and again. to all who suffer the same affliction: my condolences

Control a colony of dwarves on the edge of maddness as they try to survive winter, starvation, goblin invasions, and your ineptitude.

The level of simulation going on in this game is intense and overwhelming, which is kind of the point. As you play the game, you build up knowledge of what it takes to help the dwarves survive and thrive, learning from your mistakes and exploring the systems and features of the game.

The UX is terrible and the base graphics are intensely hard to parse, but this is still probably the best colony sim game on the market. Download a graphics pack or wait for buy the updated version on Steam -- you owe it to yourself to play this game, quit in frustration 4 times, and then finally get it and build a massive, multi-level fortress full of drunken, dwarf assholes and the cats who own them.

Dwarf Fortress is awesome.

O maior auto gatekeeper do mundo dos jogos

How the fuck am I supposed to rate dwarf fortress?

it's not pretty, it's nigh impenetrable, it's only fun if you make your own fun, it's never gonna be finished, overall it's a mess, but it's so resolutely its own thing and unlike anything else -- and in particular completely unlike the games that keep coming out that try to sell themselves as dwarf fortress knockoffs -- that i can't not love it.

this may sound weird but i genuinely believe if more people had the time and resources to pursue their personal creative projects, this is what a lot of them would look like -- just setting off on a journey in a completely unexplored direction and making something that no one has ever made before. just as an example of that, it's invaluable to me. world heritage stuff

Maybe actually the best game ever made

Absolute beast of a game. Makes you realize this is what the game industry should look nowadays, complex games that favor player creativity and simulation of real life.
You can't really write a review on everything on it, but believe me when I tell you that once you get pass the UI (which is frankly terrible, but a price you pay to get to the diamond inside this game) you will discover a world so vast, so rich, so alive and full of posibilities. Words fail to describe the absolute liberty you have in this game, and the complete randomness in which your story will shape.
And example from a fortress I ran a couple of months ago: Everything started nice, made my dwellings by excavating on the floor because I couldn't find a mountain that was sturdy enough. Anyway, after a couple of seasons ingame (2-3 years) I indirectly angered the local rhesus macaque monkey population, which resulted in an invassion by close to 50 monkeys to my hold. What followed was a massacre to the monkey population, with dwarves using them as flails when alive, and then as axes when they splintered their bodies, and finally throwable objects once their limbs got removed. After that, two or three seasons later I got invaded AGAIN but this time by gray langurs. Another massacre ensued, with my dwarfs getting enough bone and leather to craft wealth for the traders to buy.
And then I got invaded by a collection of weremonkey men and werecamel men with dresses full of coins as weapons that completely fucked up my hold and bit the few survivors, guaranteeing a breakout of werecamels and weremonkeys in the zone for generations. And at that point I had to restart.

I don't joke when I say thins: You are missing out your favorite game by not playing this.

this is one of those games that is incredible and which I will probably never have time to properly enjoy. maybe the steam release will smooth it out and make it less of a full day commitment to get something out of it. I'm going to buy it anyway, I owe it that much, partly for the time I've put into the free one and partly because a project of this magnitude deserves my money. America can't give Toady healthcare but maybe I can.

either you like it or you don't, but this game is something everyone should at least investigate

I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing, and it seems a majority of other players seem to be on that same page.

basically unlimited content. kinda like minecraft in that sense but a lot less reliant on mods and has actual emergent gameplay

Greatest game ever made, graphical/remastered version coming soon to steam!

This game can use up a whole lot of your time if you actually decide to get into it, be careful :^)

i think this game has taken years off of my life

had a fort running with some masterwork mods that allowed for a workshop known as a "prayer station". dwarves can "work" at the prayer station, praying constantly for a 10% chance at receiving food or drink. i replaced every single thing in my fortress with a huge grid floor of these and forced everyone to pray constantly for food. it was able to sustain itself, and any dwarves that went insane were quickly struck down by the animated swords that floated around the fortress

DF is one of tremendously few games that can consistently invent novel situations. One can see the threading if they squint, but when the game is explaining that your recently-vampirized dwarf has been executed because he was too excited about it to keep the secret to himself, or that your poor woodcutter was crushed by a tree because he was spooked by something nearby and ran under it as it fell, the limitations stop mattering so much.

The gameplay quirks of Dwarf Fortress are, pun intended, dwarfed by the sheer scope of the project.

Awful game, incredible non-game. The !!!FUN!!! memes encapsulate the experience of Dwarf Fortress better than anything else.

Lo de este juego es digno de estudio, en el mejor de los sentidos. Con un equipo compuesto por dos entusiastas de los videojuegos y un desarrollo que se ha extendido a lo largo de casi veinte años, Dwarf Fortress no está ni remotamente cerca de alcanzar su versión final. Lo que aparentemente es un complejo juego de estrategia y gestión con gráficos ASCII va mucho más allá: se trata de un simulador de fantasía con el objetivo de emular cualquier cosa. Sí, sí, CUALQUIER COSA. Climatología, ecosistema, personalidades, eventos históricos, religiones, magia, economía... Una proeza titánica solo posible para un par de hermanos lo suficientemente locos como para seguir adelante durante décadas manteniendo la espectación.

Para que os hagáis una idea, se empieza generando un mundo bajo ciertos parámetros determinados previamente por ti. Tras esto, eliges si quieres jugar como una colonia de enanos en un punto concreto de ese gigantesco plano, o como un aventurero independiente de la misma u otra raza. Cuesta cogerle el tranquillo y el inglés puede suponer una barrera añadida, pero dedicándole el tiempo suficiente se convierte en una experiencia totalmente única.

Actualmente el juego se encuentra aproximadamente a la mitad del desarrollo, y aun así ya tiene una cantidad de contenido y posibilidades ridícula. Merece mucho la pena probarlo, si el aspecto ASCII no te convence hay muchos mods que vuelven el apartado visual mucho más comprensible.


Extraordinaria complejidad, hasta tal punto de que no sé jugar de verdad.

Yes, this game has a learning curve reminiscent of the Theodosian Walls of Constantinople, but stick with it and you'll have one of the deepest games ever made, NO HYPERBOLE. Ok, maybe a little, but what other game generates entire world histories as well as civilizations, gods, monsters as well as characters with backstories? What other game lets you watch your dwarven comrades slaughter each other over a stinky bedroom? This game has generated so many stories over my years of playing, it's nuts.

Tarn and Zach have been hard at work on this game since the mid-2000s and it makes me so happy to see more and more people at least try it out as its popularity has grown. With the upcoming steam release I'm especially excited to try that new tileset, it just oozes 16-bit charm.

If you're thinking of getting into this game, I would highly recommend the quickstart guide on the dwarf fortress wiki, as well as watching Kruggsmash's excellent tutorial video on youtube, and also checking out one of Vinesauce Joel's streams of it. Just keep one thing in mind while playing: you DON'T have to know every mechanic to play, you only need the fundamentals - how to make food, alcohol, assign jobs, make stockpiles and defend yourself. Once you have that under your belt you can start experimenting with other stuff. Just beware of the clowns. Strike the earth!

This is the ultimate game. The best game of all time. Maybe hyperbolic.

Well definitely my personal favorite game of all time. I've been playing it since before there was a z layer (pre 2007) and I have gotten back to it and drowned in its complexity over and over again through the course of these years.
I love it.