Reviews from

in the past

A Realm Reborn.

Trabalhei 3 semanas igual tapado porque não conseguia parar de pensar nesse jogo. Eu não quero mais saber de mulheres, bebidas, drogas ilícitas ou qualquer outro prazer carnal. Eu só penso em andar de moto em Eorzea.

Perfeito, me lembrou a minha época feliz que jogava Cabal e não tinha que percorrer uma jornada de trabalho de 9 horas diárias, o que suga totalmente a minha vontade de viver, mas esse jogo conseguiu transparecer um pouco de felicidade para a minha alma corrompida pelo capitalismo. Excelente jogo, amei. Estou jogando igual viciado, vou dormir pensando nessa merda, acordo pensando nisso e gastei 150 reais numa porcaria de moto virtual do Cloud.

Enfim, recomendar isso a um amigo é o mesmo que oferecer uma dose de heroína direto na veia, ou para passar uma noite na crackolandia. Eu simplesmente não acredito que não experimentei essa droga antes (e olha que já experimentei várias).

O único defeito é que o jogo é gigantesco no começo e não existe um tutorial para as questões mais essenciais, como desbloqueios de conteúdos realmente relevantes até o sistema de crafting e profissões, mas se você não for um animal, você consegue de boa entender legal.

I think I zoned out for most of the beginning. Oops. It took me 2 and a half months to start Heavensward after finishing ARR because the slump was so bad. Oh well!

It's been a good while since I played it, but I'm mostly recalling my thoughts- I didn't enjoy it much at all, honestly. It was serviceable! But the story itself felt so bloated and had so many fetch quests for no real reason (like Titan). Post ARR patches had a similar issue, at least you had flight. Before the Fall was when it actually got really good, I got hooked from there. I'll review it again if I ever do my replay of all the expansions of the Saga. I don't wanna individually review the patches since I don't recall them, so maybe during the eventual replay.

ARR is just 180~ hours of politics and worldbuilding.
Is it bad? No. Did I wish it was something more interesting? Absolutely, specially as someone who doesn't know much about FFXIV.

I really enjoyed the last bit; "Before the Fall" because while it was still politics, shit actually got very interesting.
I don't want to individually review every part because I don't.. really remember them now but I will keep them into consideration for the following parts.

my friends weren't lying when they told me this was gonna be the make or break on if i would continue the game. the encouraged me to push through, promised me it the story gets better, and so i did. and my god was it torture.

laughably bad. the story is incredibly repetitive and interrupts itself to go on a myriad of tangents that have little to no impact on the plot at large. completely disrespects the players time. rare slices of the side content found in arr is good, but that little good is completely outweighed by how awful and unengaging the main story and rest of the game are

Bit late to the party with this one but my friends have gotten me into Final Fantasy XIV; i'm having a good time being in this world and interacting with people but man is this initial campaign a slog. There's apparently never been a better time to get into FFXIV due to sheer amount of content available now and if you pay, you can skip past this initial story altogether, but for free trial players and those that want to experience the full story, a realm reborn is your only in.

For those that don't know, this massive and now hugely popular MMORPG started as a disastrous 2010 release that cost square enix a fortune and nearly sunk them - a realm reborn is the 2013 release that completely replaced and remodelled the original, establishing a foundation that would go on to be one of the biggest comeback stories in the gaming industry's history and a quintessential MMO adored by millions. Unfortunately, however, a realm reborn presumably still carries a lot of the original release's problems and it is very clear that this is a game salvaged from another. Even after years of small improvements and quality of life features that I have been able to take advantage of today, getting through this is still a lot of work and a lot of commitment.

In terms of its strengths, it is absolutely worth commending that this is a game that does actually work on a lot of fundamental levels, the world is very cool and full of great design and visuals for its time. The level of customisation around your character, your controls, your preferred playstyle and UI is near endless, you really can make the game work for you - though granted I believe much of this was added later and it used to be more basic. The popularity of the game now also means that you can streamline the experience to a great extent and blast through it with the help of exp bonuses and the support extended by more experienced players. I myself am a pirate roegadyn and im having a good time roleplaying this hardened former pirate captain on a quest of redemption - it fits the maelstrom and their goals nicely and allowed me to get more invested, even if the story itself is asinine.

So on that note, this is where the game massively falls back - the story and characters are incredibly shallow and weak, the stakes and motivations feel contrived and lacking in impact, the pacing between quests is atrocious, the sheer amount of busywork and chores involved take tedium to new heights (and it was worse before ARR!) and unfortunately, the performances, writing and combat do leave a lot to be desired. If you're looking for a competent jrpg story to invest yourself in, look elsewhere or just get through this as fast as humanly possible, because with only the rarest of exceptions, it is not worth it at all. The tropes of classic final fantasy games are there in full effect but feel watered down or shoehorned in, many of its most important characters have 0 development or actual purpose to serve to the world and at many points the plot simply doesn't make sense - such as when it throws in a completely unnecessary twist villain late into the story or when your friends just kind of...materialise and help you take down lahabrea in the lifestream? You really have to forgo logic or any sense of tangible plot to try and follow along. All of this combined with some very basic character animations and drawn out sections of dialogue and cutscenes that very much insist upon themselves despite having little to say make this experience feel akin to playing a d&d campaign run by an ai.

At its best, ARR can have its share of fun boss fights (many of which, particularly in the late game, did receive major changes in fairness) some passable moments of drama, tension or stakes such as when the waking sands is attacked as well as some great music and emergent gameplay (by nature of it being an MMO). Importantly, it also serves as the introduction to the games' major expansions, now the highlights of the experience which I very much look forward to delving into! Being done with ARR does feel like being released from shackles but I have a feeling it will be very worth it by the end!

despite what most people have told me about it, I liked a lot of it, but there was a lot of pacing in between the great moments, the story was very vanilla but I personally liked it and I really loved the main cast
the transition from ARR to HW was really really great

a lot of the side content really saved it for me
-Coil of Bahamut
-Crystal tower
-all MSQ trials on extreme
the first two especially were really great, and completely outclassed 90% of the story for me, true spectacles and really interesting lore drops
honestly, most of ARR was just unmemorable fetch questing with unimportant small plots and imo extremely bad quest design, the only thing keeping me interested was the excitement for the next trial and my love for seeing how the characters/story develop

ARR is a chore ;-; love the game otherwise

people are so dramatic about the length and the downtime. cant we all enjoy a fun little adventure with our beloved friends?

never again. i enjoyed the world building though. and getting to learn how an MMO works for the first time was neat :)

Sencillamente un inicio marcado por un mal ritmo tanto en las misiones como en el desarrollo de la historia, no soy de quejarme por tópicos cliché pero ciertamente tengo que hacerlo, una historia predecible y guiada por el poder de la amistad, personajes vacíos de contenido y personalidad, una línea de MSQ que deja mucho que desear, muchas de estas parecen relleno para estirar el chicle, y es que, ¿en serio dices que un personaje no puede comunicarle a otro que tiene al lado un mensaje y tengo que ir yo? Una broma de mal gusto completamente.

Entrando a lo narrado, si bien es cierto puede ser considerada como una "base interesante para posteriores construcciones", creo que el contenido a la hora de jugarla por primera vez es insufrible, llena de clichés y momentos predecibles (Malo maloso imperial rapta a minita importante para posteriormente rescatarla, enfrentarse a este malo maloso y caer derrotado porque el elegido de las gemas es el guerrero que salvará el mundo, posteriormente una entidad aún mayor tenía todo planeado y se enfrenta al prometido, cae derrotado y todo es salvado por él). Siento incluso que la conclusión de este arco está apresurada, pese a que la mayoría de la obra tiene un ritmo lento y denso, incluyendo diálogos que buscan agregar contexto a una situación que ya lo tiene de sobra, entre un manejo de los tiempos pobre y de las posibilidades de mmo y rpg poco exploradas (En ámbito narrativo).

Entiendo que el juego es un remake al desastroso FFXIV online del 2010, pero esta historia no solo no es novedad, si no que además es insulsa y carece de algo que poder valorar positivamente, el cast de voces parece sacado de un cementerio (Soy consciente que este cast cambia por completo en Heavensward) y una jugabilidad que depende exclusivamente de los bosses, los cuáles por supuesto, no acompañan bien.

Aquí solamente quería comentar mi opinión acerca del arco en sí, como juego me parece que tiene un montón de contenidos y posibilidades, pero esto solo lo podré valorar tras acabar Endwalker/Dawntrail.

Conclusión respecto al arco: 2/10.

It has some charm but it is undeniably rough and repetitive, definitely something you appreciate a lot more on a replay after you´re done with everything. The most important part was the world building but most of the journey is definitely meh until the last portion.

A good beginning to the world of FFXIV

It's really good don't get me wrong it definitely has its flaws, with the biggest one being in the climax of the story. In order for you to enter the last dungeon you have to be level 50 and the Main Scenario Quests tend to give you enough XP to keep up with the story HOWEVER you gotta grind (I know it's stupid to complain about grinding in an RPG specially as an RPG fan but ARR made the one time where you HAVE to grind extremely tedious) about 2/3 levels to keep playing the story and your best chance is either daily roulettes or farming the same level 41 dungeon a bunch of times.

That one issue aside that made me drop the game to a 4.5 it's still fun. Although make sure to play with friends so you can get the best experience possible, even better if they're sprouts (Essentially new players with a little plant next to their name) because getting to experience even the "worst" part of this game with friends is a fuck ton of fun.

Why can't the game be good now??

ARR so good when you ain't got a bitch in your ear telling you to skip all the cutscenes to get to Heavensward

a realm reborn taste so good when u ain't got a bitch in ya ear telling you it's nasty

O jogo em si é extremamente lento e chato ate o nivel 40 mais ou menos (até esse level fui pulando todas as cutscenes msm e fds), com exceção de dungeons e trials q sempre achei foda.
Na reta final o jogo fica mais interessante, mas volta a ficar lento no conteúdo dos patches, isso até Before The Fall, aí meu amigo, dessa parte até o final, simplesmente uma obra-prima, se todo o jogo fosse q nem Before The Fall seria 5/5 facilmente.

Depois de ANOS sendo bombardeada com propaganda desse jogo por amigos meus (e uma tentativa no free trial antigo), resolvi dar outra chance ao tão aclamado MMO.
O começo foi dolorosamente lento, mas tudo valeu a pena. Os personagens que te acompanham são muito cativantes, a trilha sonora linda, e o gameplay por si só é bastante divertido (adoro ser black mage).
Tudo isso vai amenizando a frustração causada pelas inúmeras "quests iFood" (apelido carinhoso que dei para toda tarefa que exigia entregar itens para personagens) e o vai e vem entre bonecos.
A história melhora bastante quando se aproxima da metade final, e os patches caminham em uma direção ótima, também. O final me fez ter certeza de que queria continuar em Eorzea.
Além disso, passei a ter ainda mais carinho pelo jogo depois que li sobre seu desenvolvimento, que é uma história realmente impressionante!
E claro, minha experiência se tornou consideravelmente melhor com a companhia de amigos, que me guiaram e ajudaram a aproveitar o máximo do começo de FFXIV (shoutout especial pro @ryuk0tsuki!!!).
Hoje, posso dizer que esse jogo teve um impacto extremamente positivo na minha vida, e definitivamente quero tentar ficar em dia para curtir Dawntrail no lançamento! :)

P.S.: precisei dar uma pausa bem longa no jogo por motivos externos, meu tempo real de gameplay foi bem mais curto que o registrado :'D

This is the epitome of, "It gets good in 60 hours." It does actually get better, but it's still really hard to recommend to someone. All you have to do is suffer through a full game's worth of mediocre story and terrible fetch quests. Then you'll finally be in Heavensward! It's a hard sell.

If you're willing to put up with incredibly tedious experiences though, you'll eventually be rewarded with a great story.

honestly i'm just glad i finally finished ARR so i can experience the good shit

ARR's introduction to Eorzea is the slowest a whistlestop tour can get. The experience could be improved by having some enjoyable characters for the ride, but between all the racism and misogyny we only have time for maybe 3 guys I could talk about for more than 15 seconds

Fuck the banquest but I still think it was a fun ride overall, even if a lil rough here and there.

I mean, I now have chocobo named Chomper, what more can I ask for?

This took me 9 years to beat. Only 140ish hours, so clearly I took a LONG break in there somewhere, but that was kind of the issue. Years of not playing meant the pals I was in a FC with had moved on, and each attempt to return I was met with the difficulty of playing with strangers, who in turn were having to deal with me trying to remember how to play. It was stressful and humiliating whenever the boot came in. But I slowly relearned my monk, and was elated when NPC teams became an option, allowing me to feel less pressure and just enjoy a fairly good mmo.
I feel like now I’m moving Heavensward this’ll only get better and better, as promised by others, but I had an okay time playing this that made my time playing feel worthwhile, and I definitely skipped most cutscenes because the plot was pretty crap.

Worth it all to have a Fat Chocobo.

A little rough around the edges but not as bad as others say and it lays all the groundwork and worldbuilding of the absolute masterpieces to come

Despite everyone talking about how this is the worst part of the game apparently, this is still one of the better beginnings to an MMO I've played. While it had some rough spots and points that frustrated me. I highly enjoyed my time.