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in the past

I really had a good time playing through the game. I think what holds me back from giving it a higher rating in the end is the game goes on far too long for one path. I'm sure New Game+ helps speed that up on other paths. Doing everything I could in one path took me 30 hours. It's a content filled 30 hours, don't get me wrong, but it's the story that holds this game back.

I found myself not caring so much towards the end. Which is honestly really sad because I was into it in the beginning. Right now, I don't know if I will go back anytime soon to play another path, and that kinda sucks. The ending left me going "Oh that's it then." I'm sure other paths flesh it out, but I just don't care currently to bother.

It's a well playing game, and if you like Warriors games, I highly recommend it for the action gameplay. Just wish the story held my interest all the way.

I've played 2 out of the 3 routes as of writing this review but I have burnout from how grindy and repetitive it is. The earlier stages are fine, but once you get closer to the endgame you'll be speeding through everything just to progress the story, which is reflected by the way all your recruits say they can't wait for the fighting to end. Me fucking too. Three Hopes does very little to fix the half-assed story of its parent game, but there are a few key differences. Dimitri is still stupid and easily manipulated, but this time he can't excuse it with mental illness. Claude actually gets to be the master strategist Three Houses says he is, but gets nerfed by his complete inability to be a leader (I liked this development).
(Will be updated when I finish Scarlet Blaze)

I don't wanna give this an average rating just to complain about it, so I'll say that I agree with the consensus about Shez being better than Byleth, the inclusion of the Ashen Wolves without a DLC package, and Yuri x Sylvain's B support providing the best yaoi fuel any Three Houses interaction ever has.

Din't expect it to be this good since the FE Warriors trash. Very good musou and an okay Fire Emblem

Did have a good time but its not one I can recommend playing all the routes for. just pick one and stick to it. Shez is a really good main character and I prefer them over Byleth. The skills and abilites but a nice twist on the usual musou formula and sets it apart from the previous fe warriors game.

A neat twist on 3 Houses. The Warriors style gameplay works surprisingly well with Fire Emblem strategy elements. Shez > Byleth.

It’s dynasty warriors but fire emblem.
Now if it was just that then I would have not even thought about playing this, but this was attached to Fire Emblem Three Houses, which I had enjoyed, so I decided to give this a try and, just like that, played Claude’s route first.

Gameplay is pretty fun for a musou game. I usually never stuck around for them but the movesets were really fun with each character's unique skills. The fire emblem mechanics were also very fun and blended well with the musou gameplay.

I hated the story a lot. I couldn't stomach playing the other routes.

Hey wow a Three Houses spinoff with all the same issues as the base game, just with a MUCH better protagonist. Crazy!

also contains edelgard so 4 stars for her . not a huge fan of gameplay and ending feels slightly unfinished

Ayo Mr. Emblem. It's alright Three Houses, you can call me Fire

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes is a sequel to the original Fire Emblem Warriors and a weird spin-off alternate universe version of Three Houses. Instead of critically thinking out each action in tactical strategy RPG gameplay, you mow down hundreds of soldiers with a few different characters and mashing one or two buttons. It's a musou game, I don't know what I expected.

I like musou games in bite size sessions. They're mindless and give me a good chance to whale away at a large horde of enemies. They need that special sauce that makes me want to continue playing. Fire Emblem Warriors didn't really have that, but it was also the first game I got on my switch so I played a lot more of it than I would like to admit before I could buy something else. Persona 5 Strikers integrates it's RPG elements into the musou gameplay well, and had an engaging story as well as the Phantom Thieves I grew to love.

This game has a fine story (of what I've played) and not too much else. Nothing you'll get compared to playing Three Houses but it's serviceable. The game has social conversations, and you can hangout with the characters in the house of your choice/recruited one on one. However, this game just goes on and on, and absolutely overstays it's welcome.

Musou games don't have too much staying power on their own which means you have spice it up pretty often otherwise it'll just get boring. I'm sorry, but the social events included just aren't enough to justify continuing. Shez is cute as hell though. Waste of a good character design.

graphics update fucks hard, i only played azure gleams twice and the demos for the other routes but i can't stand shez enough or stomach the writing to really commit to it. thankyou for married dimilix though


it's SOOOO close to achieving greatness, but the fact that every route doesn't have an actual ending is. a choice, i suppose. honestly, i was expecting dlc releases to come and give you the "true ending" for each route, but considering we're now well over a year after release, and not even a hint of dlc in sight, i don't think that'll happen.

real disappointing, because otherwise i enjoyed it significantly more than i did the first fire emblem warriors.

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Cavalry is way too overpowered (Sylvain, Lorenz especially)

Also playable Gatekeeper

Typical beat em up, nothing like the other series. Avoid.

Three Hopes shows that Omega Force can learn from mistakes, just not the ones that matter.
On gameplay side, the number of playable characters and classes was increased significantly, but the underlying problem is still there. All mage classes play the same, all cavalry classes play the same. Weaponskills and magic are a nice addition, but they don't change the fact you are going to see your unit do the same combo over and over even after promoting (unless you class change into something completely different).
On the story side, Three Hopes feel like wasted potential. The intro chapters for each class are really good. You are shown how heavily the events of this world might change if only one thing goes differently. You then dive into the story, only to find out that nothing in fact matters. Story goes into the safest, most boring direction, and nothing is resolved in the end. Or "ends", I guess, though I really can't tell the difference between the routes by the time you're done with them.
There was a good game hidden somewhere in Three Hopes, probably.

Auto targeting a random mook instead of the 20 ft lizard in front of you is a feeling as bitter as blackest coffee.

jlai acheté mais j'ai jamais lancé

its actually crazy how 180 all the routes felt to me compared to three houses.

edelgard being the best and dimitri being the worst?? in my three houses spinoff?? crazy

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Really fun game that expands the three houses universe I played the Golden Wildfire route i love how the game fleshes out Claude a lot more than in houses it shows him pulling off insane schemes and touches more on his history with almyra it also takes us to locations that weren't in the original three houses which was cool to see
We also got to meet characters that were mentioned in the original but not shown in person like Hilda's older brother Holst who is probably one of my favourite characters from the game
The soundtrack was nice albeit weaker overall compared to houses
The gameplay itself was pretty satisfying pulling of fun combos Brawling,Bows and Swords where usually the weapons I had the most fun playing as but most of the other classes were pretty fun as well
The one major problem is the game felt a bit padded out with excess battles near the end
Still great game that I'd recommend if you liked houses

more fun than the previous fe warriors game. also claude is in this one. good game that i still need to finish

I think I like the idea of this game more than the execution.

As always, the musou spin-offs are always great. The only thing this lacks is an endgame.

Scarlet Blaze was really good, and we can't wait to start new game ++ and get Gatekeeper. We really love Fire Emblem stories, and this game is no exception.

I didn't expect to enjoy this game so much. I loved Three Houses so much that I felt like I had to at least try this game and it became one of my favorite games of 2022. I got to hang out with my favorite characters again and the gameplay was surprisingly polished and unique. I ended up doing all three routes, and they all felt unique enough for me to have a good time each time. I think this is the best Dynasty Warriors style game out there, but playing Fire Emblem Three Houses is likely required to have a good time.,

Hated the gameplay, dropped the ball hard on the story.

its good but you arent prepared for how repetitive we can really get

I play like one warriors game a year just bc they're mindless fun and this definitely met that agenda. A plot that I gave up on caring about midway through, it is INCREDIBLY long and overstays it's welcome, and some missions are bullshit. But I got it for like 15 bucks and it kept me relatively entertained on the can for a few weeks. It's fine.