Reviews from

in the past

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Um dos primeiros jogos que eu platinei na vida, simplesmente a melhor dlc de jogos de corrida que eu ja vi e provavelmente o melhor forza de todos mesmo sendo um jogo a parte dos outros.
Uma pena que nao de para jogar hoje em dia

Pequeña expansión que sirve para entrar en la saga de Forza Horizon. Como juego es bastante corto pero suficiente para que le pegues unas horitas intensitas y lo pases bien.

This was just an ad for the movie set in Horizon 2's map. As that, it was well done, but it's really not worth investing time into now.

unironically the best fast n furious game cause the competition is that bad

Esperava mais, mas foi divertido reconhecer os carros do filmes.

A versão que joguei era do Xbox 360, porca com gráficos horríveis e que a gameplay e a vibe dessa DLC são as únicas coisas que salvam, já que também é extremamente curta. Não tem mais na loja nem do Xbox One então recomendo MUITO se aparecer uma oportunidade.

I think this limited game was the best forza game I've ever played, had some really nice cars and challenges

For something that was given away for free to promote Fast & Furious 7 this is really decent.
You get a decent chunk of Forza Horizon 2's map, 15 or so races, and a few other events including 2 showcase races. Your goal is to collect 10 cars from the Fast & the Furious series and it has VO from Ludacris and some music from the films.
Makes me wish more films did stand alone video game DLC to tie in with their releases.

Free advertisement for Fast and Furious in the form of a short Forza Horizon 2 demo / experience with the Fast and Furious cars. Good way to check out Forza Horizon 2 for a moment, nothing more.

This is an early example of DLC turned standalone game. This limited time offer tie-in with the Fast & Furious films provides a short Forza experience featuring cars from the films. It was an easy 100% completion but the short run-time and limited availability makes this a much harder entry to recommend.

corrida contra um avião, brabo

an actually decent game that I remember playing when younger

forza só q com carro do velozes e furiosos

I don't have games. I have FAMILY.

One of the last games to have Ludacris in it

It’s just a short and free version of Horizon 2 which means it’s fun.

A really fun bite-sized variation of Forza Horizon 2 that is undoubtedly the most polished Fast & Furious game.

Free smaller version of Forza Horizon 2, but it was pretty good and worth the play. One of the few Xbox games I bothered getting all achievements for.

I think this was free at the time, so thumbs up