Reviews from

in the past

Los gráficos me volvieron loco. Me empecé a dar cuenta de que me gustaban mucho los coches

Game equivalent of a relaxing trip to the spa, which is weird considering you're driving cars at over 100MPH+

Forza Motorsport was quickly gaining on Gran Turismo with this release. Cars were looking better, content was growing, fantasy tracks were fun to race on. There was a lot going right with this release.

Solid racing game that I took all the way to the R1 championship. Would have liked a bit more track variety; it got somewhat stale after season 3.

I prefere FM4 and FM2 to this one for some reason. That Audi and the feeling of driving cars in the game was great.

People will rate FM4 over this one but I think FM3 has some merit over its sequel. Namely, less stuff like bowling and autocross and more actual racing, including endurance races, as well as a couple racks I really like that don’t appear in the series again.

I will not list my cars at an appropriate value thank you very much. GIVE ME MONEY.

Relaxing game to play while listening to music. At least, that’s what I did. Graphics were impressive for the time. Other than that it’s just a realistic racing sim. As a PlayStation guy I have to say Forza > Gran Turismo.

The first time I can remember my jaw truly dropping over graphics.

The cars and environments look really nice, and the introduction of rewind was probably very important to both the franchise and the racing sim genre as a whole, but the game did very little for me. I didn't enjoy driving and bounced off almost immediately. Objectively, the game seems fairly good for the genre, but it just had nothing to hook me.

Après le 2 j’étais forcé de faire le 3 qui n’en perd rien et qui augmente graphiquement le 2. Toujours aussi bon !

One of my favourite racing games ever.

pretty similar to 2 with some added polish. good racing sim

I’ve tried to complete the main mode for years with breaks in between but I’m ready to move on. This game was gifted to me, it’s not the type I’d buy for myself. This is mainly the case because I’m not into simulation racing games but rather arcade or party racing games.

3 absolutely has some good qualities such as the graphics, the options you get to tweak your cars & difficulty and lots of content. The last one is also a problem for me. The main mode is a huge drag where the races were getting repetitive and long the more I played. They could have found a better way to make that mode more interesting instead of going through a checklist of the same races with little variation. It’s probably enough for the diehard racing fans who care about the cars and the feel of controls being realistic, but it doesn’t make for an engaging gameplay if you’re not big on that.

A massive improvement from Forza Motorsport 2 in terms of graphics and physics. I also think the career mode is a lot better than the previous game and the addition of the event sheet is great for grinding for credits! 😆 Forza Motorsport 3 is a great game and enjoyable to play, but I would probably recommend playing Forza Motorsport 4 over 3.

In Forza Motorsport 3, you can't call them Gran Turismo on xbox anymore. They want to try something new that makes Forza Motorsport is Forza Motorsport itself

Como esse jogo era bonito na época puta merda.

this is the type of game you show to your dad so he can be like "wow it looks real"

outside of maybe it's sequel, the collect-a-thon sim-cade was not ever done better than here

eclectic cars, intuitive controls, wonderful locales and split-screen - you could make the case that racing games with licensed cars peaked here

its a car game what can i say