Reviews from

in the past

Revisted this game with the RELOAD mod, playing Alisa's story branch. The mod brings slightly increased difficulty to each battle, with each Wanzer equipped with stronger weapons and more skilled pilots. Really fun, but quite repititive towards the end of the game where it's just back-to-back battles. Nonetheless, still had a great time with this one. Might revisit again to play Emma's storyline.

100% platinum Alisa's storyline! Wooo!

I like giant robots and I like tactical games. This does both of those things. Also it has some great music. Also it has the internet!

Mostly amazing, except that it consistently runs at 15 fps. Hopefully the remake keeps the charm of this game and fixes it's only issue.

Meu único problema com a gameplay desse jogo foi ele limitar o jogo a usar apenas 4 unidades por estágio, porque mecanicamente esse é um dos melhores front mission, a construção de mundo dele também é genial, não se limitando a apenas conversas com npc's para saber o que está acontecendo em muitos poucos casos ele foi expositivo no que estava acontecendo no mundo, e tudo isso graças a "Internet" não a nossa e sim a do jogo onde ela nos permite acessar sites e fóruns para descobrir mais da história e construçãode mundo do jogo.
Em questão de história e personagens....
A história é simples e funciona, o meu problema é com o Kazuki ser um gado level máximo e os outros personagens apenas existirem durante o jogo

Hooked me on a serious. Been trying to find a way to play the PS2 version.

Front Mission 3 is distinctive in being a 5th-generation fully 3D game that managed to visually surpass their 2D debut, its elaborate in-battle animations and camerawork lent a dramatic, cinematic flair to encounters that enhanced the industrial atmosphere. But despite this, it's easily their weakest gameplay effort, paring down battle parties to 4 possible members that limited tactical freedom, even though the Surrender mechanic is a very novel idea. What towers above everything else (even the emphatic action) is the Network system, a robust plot-oriented space that attempts worldbuilding without relying on conventional village NPC dialogue, instead utilizing internet communication (news sites, message boards, blogs, etc.) and unlockables that contribute to the sense of mystery.

Oh I'm sure all my reviews of PS1 games are littered with nostalgia but just describing the premise of this game the other day gave me goosebumps.

Final Fantasy Tactics, Armored Core, and X Com walk into a bar... also the bar tender is a failed Gundam script writer.

Jogava e adorava na adolescência, re-jogando em 2022 percebo que há muitas falhas, mas que o jogo ainda mantém muito de seu charme.

O combate é muito legal, apesar de que algumas habilidades são claramente melhores do que outras. Mas usá-las não deixa o jogo menos divertido. Eu ainda acho os gráficos muito atrantes, mesmo sendo blocos de PS1. Talvez seja um pouco de nostalgia falando.

O fator que me decepcionou agora que tenho mais discernimento foi a história. Apesar de que os conflitos políticos e como a narrativa se desenvolve é divertida no geral, com sua equipe passando por diversos conflitos de facções diferentes, a escrita em si é sofrível. Personagens confiam uns nos outros sem motivos (ou com evidências contrárias), planos são definidos sem discussão realista, e os personagens são todos irritantes e não parecem pessoas reais. O protagonista age como uma criança, seu companheiro principal é um mulherengo que toma decisões absurdas porque uma mulher bonita apareceu, etc.

Conseguindo superar a escrita, o jogo em si é divertido. Devo re-jogar todos os outros Front Mission no futuro. Torço para que a escrita seja melhor neles.

Going from Majin Tensei to this was like being a Victorian era child used to drinking water with Typhoids in it and being given a glass of Mcdonald's Sprite.

Genuinely an amazing Tactics game, with a really fun story of political intrigue and synths, I'd recommend this one to anyone who likes Mechs or Tactical RPGS!

Gem of a tactics game on PSX that I can wholeheartedly recommend as an entry to the series, or as a standalone tactics experience. This was the game that got me interested in Front Mission and its storylines full of conspiracy, political intrigue, and war crimes. Combat, skills, story progression, and writing are all good, though combat encourages cheesing the eject/capture mechanic which is not prevalent in other Front Mission games. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but FM3 is definitely the black sheep of the series. I will definitely be playing the Switch remake, as well as the FM3 Reload romhack when it's fully released.

One of the reasons why I bought a Playstation back in the old days. This was just pure gem.

I was playing this in bursts and just felt like I was getting nowhere. Also did not have the motivation to actually sit down and complete it. Might pick it up at a later point, but it is hella old and some of the design and gameplay is not fun today.

The only time I've ever been hooked on an S-RPG or other strategy game. I remember this game being absurdly long for the time, about 75 hours in a world where every other game was more like 5, but I beat all of it even though I don't normally like strategy games. I honestly don't even remember what got me so hooked so this review is pretty useless.

The only thing I really remember about this game is that it was the game that made me realize that a lot of games were, and I believe still are, translated in parts by different translators and there's no guarantee that they will get the coherent parts. They might get pages 4, 17 and 84 of a script one day and as such have no idea what the overall mood of the scene is, which leads to hilarity in this game as characters become bi-polar maniacs that switch moods every other second. It's like written whiplash when the characters bounce between emotions for no apparent reason, and it's always funny.

Oh, and the 2D art was very nice too.